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Posts posted by illoozion

  1. Guys, if NME had exclusive forst review of CD, the GnR headiline would be MUCH bigger and the stupid streets headline MUCH smaller.

    I ficking hate NME by the way, and hope all the bands I like boycott them.

    i just read NME today in a newsagents. it's just a review of IRS, TWAT, Better, CITR and the Blues.

    typically NME get alot of the facts wrong says TWAT is the only 'new' song as the rest have been played live before?!

    they also have a pic of Brian May claiming he played on a 'un-named track' on the album - nice research there NME!

    the reviews of the songs are pretty positive though. their favourite is TWAT and they say CITR has a beatles-esque sing-along chorus.

    the only reviewed the extended version of better, not the whole track and they said it cuts off as it get's interesting (or something like that)

    they also claim GNR has only one london show planned at the present (download) but that they may be planning a smaller london club show around the same time.

    I guess someone will type it all up here soon. I didn't buy a copy cos there's really nothing new in the article.

    to sum up: all old news, but a quite positive review of the leaks

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