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Posts posted by gnr69buffy

  1. i have a pic, but its on my camera phone and i dont know how to upload it, sorry, there were not that many people there so it was very easy to get right up front and center, was pleasantly surprised to see a lot more young people at the show too

  2. cool show, pretty tied up was good to hear, When asked about the tour this summer he basically said that he was looking forward to it but that being away from home can be hard at times...no real news

  3. Thanks for posting the interview. I wouldn't have had the guts to ask all those questions, and you did a better job than any interviewer who's stuff I've read about the band in a long time!

    Milwaukee's Best, on the other hand, is shitty beer, but it's what we give the people who show up to party with us at my college, cause it is so cheap, and itll get them drunk and thats all they care about. My friends and I were just having a discussion about it last week, and how the box is sort of an imitation of the Coors scheme. But I have friends complaining about paying 2 bucks for a quart of orange juice, so beer has to be cheap.

    Mad88...thanks 4 the interview...sorry this is off subject, but F... the beast and PBR...what about Golden Aniversary....even cheaper and just as crappy......anyways i am looking forward to the 3rd installment of the conversation w/Dizzy

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