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Posts posted by nocodeo3

  1. I think he would have said something about it when he confirmed he was on Catcher in the Rye.

    he barely remembered catcher in the rye!!!! when someone asked him he was like, 'oh i forgot about that' and 'oh yea i think thats the name of it'. he had no clue anymore.

    why would the queen website just make it up? cant you guys accept that he mightve played on TWAT and we didnt know? he couldve added some extra guitar or something. we barely know anything about these tracks to begin with, you cant pretend that you know he didnt play on it.

  2. ^^ oh. I picture dubai as all desert with a few camels and a couple pakis.

    Some would find the use of the word "paki" as very insulting. Me included.

    not cool at all.

    Paki isn't offenisive at all. It's just a abbreviation sort of word. Easier to say.

    Just like calling a telephone- a phone.

    yeah...kinda like calling someone spic - short for hispanic. or heeb, for hebrew. or jap, for japanese person. just easier to say, right?

    Those could be offensive.


    Palestinian/ Palastean/ Palistiaean or whatever is way to hard to spell.

    Paki is much easier.

    i think in the US sometimes people use the word paki just as an abbreviation for Pakistani, while in other places theres a much more racist connotation. i know for instance that in britain the term paki is considered very derogatory and is used to insult Asians.

  3. well the china part is a joke..

    bt the rest, this guy DOES have some sources in GNR camp... he told everyone of some GNR stuff before it happened..

    also, Brett Meisener said the holdup was the CD cover...

    so I wouldnt dismiss this as bullshit just yet...

    i highly doubt the hold up is something as simple as the cover. they've had years to get the cover right and they wait last minute? doesn't make any sense at all, especially with all of the work and planning axl has put into this thing.

    and what other stuff did this guy predict?

  4. eh, i dont doubt what this guy says, but this isnt really news. everyone knows Universal is pissed about this and stopped funding CD years ago. they've already released the Greatest Hits to try to force Axl's hand, i wouldnt be surprised if they tried to legally force Axl to release CD.

    it doesnt take a genius to see that Axl and Co. repeatedly hint that the album is coming and then it doesnt. Axl's been trying to buy himself time because the fans are getting pissed. he has to string them along and keep them happy and anxious with false promises.

  5. listen...these HMV dates dont mean anything. they're notorious for creating release dates out of thin air for upcoming releases. forget about it. they dont know. Universal said themselves theres no plans for a release date.

  6. the two scenarios that make the most sense for holding CD up are:

    1. Merck leaving Sanctuary through everything off.

    2. The label is holding CD off. This makes sense because the label needs CD to be hailed as a modern classic for it to sell well. CD is such a joke now in the mainstream media that they don't want it to get panned by the critics. Look what happened to Kevin Federline's album, it had tons of exposure due to all the media he's been in, but it was a huge joke and ended up selling only a few thousand copies.

    Axl wasn't lying when he said the album would be out this year. They were planning on it. When the label heard the album they mightve sent it back and said, "Give us two more singles." Universal has said there's no plans for the album coming out. Universal has more say over this then Axl.

  7. I was there and Tommy definetely did NOT throw his bass down. Nothing of the sort happened. Pure lies. That said, I dont think EODM deserved such a shitty treatment. They werent great and a lot of their songs sounded the same but they werent "boo and kick off the tour worthy." Bullet For My Valentine, however, did when I saw them at Hammerstein.

    i remember after the show other people had mentioned tommy throwing his bass and walking off, and that was before this statement was realized. just because you didnt see it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

  8. if the announcement is about the album itll be something like, the album is coming out soon, and then itll come out next spring/summer

    better commercial coming out at some point probably means later rather than sooner.

  9. i was actually going to post this a couple days ago. its completely plausible that the label rejected CD because they felt it wasnt good enough. this happens all the time with bands. i can definately see it happening with an album that theyve invested so much money in that they want it to be very good so they can make their money back in sales. however, i think the real reason its being delayed again is because of merck leaving sanctuary.

  10. another theory proven false

    I don't think anybody really believed this one anyways.

    plenty of people here went to stores today to check for CD, that theory is a lot more far-fetched than this one, so i wouldnt put it past people.

  11. how about people learn their lesson and take everything people post on here with a grain of salt. people have been posting rumors and all sorts of crap here about CD forever. dont believe anything unless it can be substantially backed up and supported. if someone says that CD is in walmart today, how about you say, well no other store in the whole entire world has it and its impossible for an album to be shipped magically without anyone knowing.

    all of this secret release crap is just wishful thinking by people that cant except the CD isnt going to be coming out yet. retailers dont keep stuff secret because they want to maximize their sales, they want to advertize their merchandise and make as many people aware as possible, not as few as possible.

  12. the sad fact is that CD is just as likely to come out over the next 5 tuesdays as it was today. there will be one tuesday left and everyone here will be utterly convinced its going to come out and then that day will feel remarkably close to how today was. except maybe itll be colder and snowy in some parts.

  13. ...speculative BS warning... about possible label interference ...

    Didn't the record label want to make sure Greatest Hits was released before a new album from either Velvet Revolver (Contraband) or GNR (Chinese Democracy) to introduce potential new fans to GNR's past reign?

    Maybe they are trying to time it with the release of a new Velvet Revolver to make the most of the past accolades of GNR by having two new albums from past GNR members on the shelves at the same time. Or (hope to god not) maybe they want to squeeze another Greatest Hits out before this next round of new material from VR and GNR.

    If GNR is trying to pack in a bonus disc with some live songs (greatest hits) from the current tour, maybe that will take the place of a Greatest Hits 2 disc...

    doubt it. from a sales standpoint, the labels wouldnt want both GNR and VR albums out at the same time because then GNR fans will have less money in theory to spend on both albums, they want to have the only album out so that the average fan will be able to blow out 20 bucks on the new album, rather than having to decide between the two.

  14. i think axl and merck said the album was coming out this year because they wanted people to go to the shows. whenever people ask bumblefoot about it he always says he doesnt know, i think he does know he just doesnt want to be the one to break peoples hearts about CD not coming out this year because its not his fault. he must have at least an idea of when its coming out, can you imagine being in a band and not know when the album is coming out? theyre fucking touring together 24/7, rehearse together, record parts on the album, etc etc, how could he not know??

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