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Posts posted by RichardNixon

  1. On 6/9/2024 at 4:51 PM, StrangerInThisTown said:

    I checked out the new Black Crowes album because of this one, and now I'm stuck listening to it, and just like this album, it only had 1 song I didn't like. Wouldn't have checked it out if it wasn't for The Pusher. Many songs that I think are even better than The Pusher, they made me realize how little happens in the song lol. One is "Bleed It Dry", and it also would've fit perfectly on here.


    New Black Crowes and Slash are two of the best rock albums of the year. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:


    I firmly believe GNR need to shelve the remainder of the Chinese tracks (Monster, State of Grace, Atlas etc. and any of the others). They just don't work. Only sensible foot forward approach is fresh material and hire and listen to a producer that has a track record of rescuing bands lost at sea. That used to be Rick Rubin, not sure who it is now (not Andrew Watt).

    I really liked "Atlas Shrugged" and am surprised that wasn't (as far as we know) re-worked with Slash/Duff. That could be a great song. It's almost there. 

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  3. 6. The General- I like this song, but it doesn't really work as a single. It sounds better when it leads to "Monsters," so the song doesn't build up momentum on its own. Still, it's a cool track. 

    5. Hardskool - Good solid, straight-ahead rocker. It does sound a little "cut-and-pasted" though. 

    4. Absurd- I have always liked "Silk Worms/Absurd" but I can see why others would hate it. It's punkish, with some industrial flourishes with some great guitar work. The almost new-age interlude comes out of left field and really works, IMO.  

    3. Killing Floor- I always liked the Hendrix cover, and this is great too. Brian Johnson is perfect for the track and I love Tyler's harmonica. I'm really looking forward to hearing the album. 

    2. Just Ken- I always liked this song, but the version from the Oscars was amazing. The arrangement is really interesting, with some cool twists and turns, and Slash's solo is awesome. Gosling sounds good too, and Wolfgangang Van Halen throws in a little  VH lick.  

    1. Perhaps- This was by far my favorite of the four new tracks. Very UYI-ish and is a classic GN'R track for me. 

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  4. What if Axl had been on Friends?

    It was an ordinary day in New York City, and the iconic Central Perk café was buzzing with its usual blend of laughter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The familiar faces of Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe filled the cozy space, engaged in their usual banter and laughter. Little did they know that their lives were about to take an unexpected turn.

    As the café door swung open, a figure emerged from the bustling streets of Manhattan. It was none other than Axl Rose, the legendary frontman of Guns N' Roses. The Friends cast couldn't believe their eyes as Axl strolled in, his trademark bandana and sunglasses making him instantly recognizable.

    "Hey, dudes and dudettes!" Axl greeted them with a charismatic smile. The Friends were starstruck, exchanging wide-eyed glances. Joey, always the first to break the ice, enthusiastically approached Axl.

    "Whoa, Axl Rose in Central Perk! What brings you here, man?" Joey exclaimed.

    Axl chuckled, "Well, I heard this was the coolest spot in New York, and I thought I'd drop by. Plus, I'm a big fan of you guys and your show."

    The gang couldn't believe their luck. They invited Axl to join them on the iconic orange couch, and soon enough, they were all sharing stories and jokes like old friends. Axl, known for his charisma and larger-than-life personality, fit right in with the quirky dynamics of the Friends group.

    Monica, always eager to showcase her culinary skills, insisted on preparing a special dish for Axl. She disappeared into the kitchen, leaving the others curious about what she had in store. Meanwhile, Phoebe took the opportunity to ask Axl about his experiences as a rockstar.

    "So, Axl, what's it like performing in front of thousands of people?" Phoebe inquired, her eyes wide with fascination.

    Axl leaned back, reminiscing, "It's an incredible feeling, you know? The energy, the connection with the audience. There's nothing quite like it."

    As they shared stories, Chandler couldn't resist making his trademark sarcastic comments, keeping everyone in stitches. Even Axl found himself laughing at Chandler's dry humor.

    Monica reappeared with a dish she proudly presented to Axl – her famous lasagna. Axl took a bite, his eyes widening in surprise and delight. "This is amazing! You sure know how to cook, Monica!"

    The day unfolded with laughter, music, and the kind of camaraderie that only friends could share. Axl even picked up a guitar that Phoebe had lying around and jammed with her, creating an impromptu acoustic session that filled Central Perk with a unique blend of rock and whimsical tunes.

    As the day came to a close, Axl thanked the Friends for the unforgettable experience. "You guys are a riot! If you ever need a rockstar for your coffee shop gigs, just give me a call," he said, leaving the door swinging behind him as he disappeared into the New York night.

    The Friends cast sat in awe, exchanging smiles and realizing that sometimes, the most unexpected moments create the best memories. And so, the day Axl Rose walked into Central Perk became a legendary tale they would reminisce about for years to come.


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  5. Movie night:

    It was a brisk evening in Seattle, and Dr. Frasier Crane and his brother Niles found themselves in a spirited debate over their evening plans. The luxurious apartment was adorned with tasteful decor, reflecting the refined tastes of the Crane brothers.

    Niles, in his immaculate three-piece suit, sat on the plush leather couch with an air of sophistication. Dr. Frasier Crane, ever the epitome of intellectual charm, perched on the edge of an elegant armchair. Their plans for the night revolved around a movie, and they were expecting a rather unexpected guest: Axl Rose, the legendary frontman of Guns N' Roses.

    The doorbell rang, and the Crane brothers exchanged knowing glances before Niles, ever the meticulous one, went to answer it. Axl Rose stood there in all his rockstar glory, sporting his trademark bandana and sunglasses. The contrast between the refined Cranes and the rock icon couldn't have been more stark.

    "Hey, dudes! Ready to rock this movie night?" Axl greeted with a wide grin.

    "Good evening, Axl. We were just debating the movie selection," Niles said, ushering him in.

    "Yeah, I heard. I'm all about Home Alone. Classic holiday flick, you know?" Axl exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.

    The Crane brothers exchanged a disapproving look. "Home Alone? Really, Axl? We were thinking of something more intellectually stimulating, like 'My Dinner with Andre.' It's a cinematic masterpiece," Frasier declared with a touch of theatrical flair.

    Axl shrugged, "Hey, I like what I like. Home Alone's got heart, man!"

    As the debate continued, the trio settled on a compromise – they would watch both movies back-to-back. However, another dilemma surfaced when it came to ordering food. Axl, a man of simple tastes, suggested pizza, while the Crane brothers, ever the connoisseurs, had their hearts set on caviar paired with a fine Sherry.

    Niles chimed in, "Axl, my dear fellow, pizza is rather pedestrian. How about we elevate our culinary experience with some exquisite caviar and a delightful Sherry?"

    Axl scratched his head, "Caviar? Sherry? That sounds like fancy stuff, man. I just want a good ol' pizza."

    The banter continued, with the Crane brothers deploying their trademark wit and clever repartee. Eventually, a compromise was reached – a pizza with a side of caviar. Axl chuckled at the odd combination, appreciating the humor in their refined tastes meeting his more laid-back style.

    As the trio settled in for their eclectic movie night, the sounds of laughter, debates, and the clash of contrasting tastes filled the elegant apartment in Seattle. It was a night that none of them would soon forget – a harmonious blend of high culture and rock 'n' roll, a meeting of minds and tastes that transcended the boundaries of their different worlds.


    • Confused 1
  6. What if Slash and Duff were trapped in an elevator with Fraiser Crane and Niles Crane?

    It was a peculiar evening in Seattle when fate took an unexpected turn for Dr. Frasier Crane and Dr. Niles Crane. The renowned psychiatrists found themselves trapped in a malfunctioning elevator with none other than Slash and Duff McKagan, the legendary rockers from Guns N' Roses. The situation took an even more surreal twist when Slash and Duff, having indulged in a few too many libations, produced a bottle of Jack Daniels from their jackets.

    "Hey, doc, want some liquid courage?" Slash slurred, holding out the bottle to the Crane brothers.

    Dr. Frasier Crane, attempting to maintain his composure, declined with a polite smile. "Thank you, Slash, but we prefer something a bit more refined. Sherry, perhaps?"

    Niles, always eager to embrace the finer things, nodded in agreement. "Yes, Sherry is the true elixir of sophistication."

    Amused by the unexpected company, the Crane brothers engaged in witty banter with Slash and Duff as they awaited rescue. The elevator doors finally opened to reveal Axl Rose and Martin Crane, who had been alerted to the situation.

    With everyone safely out of the confined space, Axl suggested they continue the evening at Dr. Frasier Crane's apartment. As they entered the upscale residence, Axl couldn't help but comment on the contrast between the elegant décor and the rock 'n' roll presence of Slash and Duff.

    Once inside, Axl proposed a toast, and the Crane brothers insisted on their drink of choice – Sherry. Axl, Slash, and Duff, ever the good sports, raised their glasses to an evening of unexpected camaraderie.

    As the night progressed, the eclectic group found themselves gathered around the piano. The Crane brothers, Axl, Slash, and Duff, each with a glass of Sherry in hand, decided to embark on an impromptu musical journey. Axl, surprisingly adept at the piano, joined the Crane brothers in playing Gilbert and Sullivan tunes.

    In a moment of rock-meets-classical synergy, Slash grabbed his guitar, and Duff picked up a bass that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. The room filled with a harmonious blend of piano, guitar, bass, and the clinking of Sherry glasses.

    The unlikely ensemble played on into the night, bridging the gap between the worlds of rock and refinement. As the music echoed through the apartment, it became clear that sometimes the most memorable moments arise from the most unexpected combinations – a sentiment echoed in the laughter, music, and shared appreciation for Sherry that filled the room that night.

    • Confused 1
  7. And what if the Cranes and Axl went out to dinner?

    Axl Rose, the iconic rock star known for his wild antics on stage, found himself in an unexpected predicament. He was out with the refined Dr. Frasier Crane and his equally sophisticated brother, Dr. Niles Crane, trying to decide on a place for dinner. The choices were as diverse as the trio themselves: the opulent Canlis and the more casual Applebee's.

    The debate between the three unfolded in the lobby of their hotel. Axl, dressed in his trademark leather jacket and bandana, argued passionately for Applebee's.

    "Come on, guys! Applebee's has killer nachos and those boneless wings are off the charts! Plus, it's got that rock 'n' roll vibe," Axl exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable.

    Dr. Frasier Crane, exuding sophistication in his perfectly tailored suit, raised an eyebrow. "Axl, my dear fellow, I appreciate your enthusiasm for casual dining, but Canlis offers a dining experience that is simply unparalleled. The ambiance, the service, and let's not forget the exquisite cuisine. It's a haven for those who appreciate the finer things in life."

    Niles Crane, ever the neurotic and refined psychiatrist, chimed in, "Absolutely, Frasier! Canlis is a pinnacle of culinary artistry. The attention to detail in their dishes is sublime. Applebee's, on the other hand, is more of a, shall we say, 'common' experience."

    Axl smirked, unfazed by the highbrow argument. "Look, I get it. Canlis is fancy and all, but I just want a laid-back meal. I'm not in the mood for all that fine dining fuss. Applebee's is where I can kick back and enjoy some good old comfort food."

    The debate continued as they hopped into a cab. Axl was outnumbered, but he wasn't ready to give up the fight for Applebee's. The cab driver glanced at the eclectic group in his rearview mirror, amused by the unlikely trio's debate over dinner plans.

    Arriving at the crossroads between the high-end elegance of Canlis and the familiar warmth of Applebee's, the decision weighed heavily on their shoulders. Would they indulge in the sophistication of Canlis or embrace the laid-back atmosphere of Applebee's?

    In the end, a compromise was reached. Axl, with a mischievous grin, suggested they start at Applebee's for appetizers and then head to Canlis for the main course and of course, a few rounds of sherry. The Cranes, intrigued by the compromise, agreed to Axl's unconventional proposal.

    And so, the trio embarked on an evening that blended the rock 'n' roll spirit of Axl Rose with the refined tastes of the Crane brothers, creating a memorable night that would be talked about for years to come – a night of culinary contrasts and unlikely friendships.

    • Confused 1
  8. In this scenario, Axl, Frasier and Niles take a canoe ride: 

    The sun dipped low over the Seattle skyline as Dr. Frasier Crane, his brother Dr. Niles Crane, and the iconic Axl Rose embarked on a canoe ride on a serene lake. The crisp air carried the promise of a relaxing evening as they navigated the waters, the gentle sound of paddles against the lake providing a rhythmic backdrop to their conversation.

    As the canoe glided effortlessly, the trio delved into a spirited discussion. Frasier, wearing a pair of sophisticated sunglasses, looked at Axl and Niles with a twinkle in his eye. "Gentlemen, let us settle a timeless debate: Led Zeppelin or Gilbert and Sullivan? Who, in your esteemed opinions, has left a more significant mark on the world of music?"

    Axl chuckled, adjusting his hat, "Well, I've always been a Zeppelin guy. Those riffs, man, they're like thunder. Nothing against Gilbert and Sullivan, but you can't beat the power of 'Whole Lotta Love.'"

    Niles, impeccably dressed for a canoe ride, raised an eyebrow. "Ah, Axl, your choice is predictable, but let's not overlook the delightful intricacies of Gilbert and Sullivan's operettas. The wit, the charm, the social commentary—much like our own banter."

    Frasier, steering the canoe with finesse, added, "Indeed, Niles. And, Axl, while Led Zeppelin may have the thunder, Gilbert and Sullivan offer a symphony of satire and melody."

    As the discussion continued, Axl pulled out a bottle of Sherry he had stowed away in the canoe. "Gentlemen, what better way to settle this debate than with a toast? To the timeless clash of classic rock and operatic finesse!"

    With Sherry glasses in hand, they raised a toast to Led Zeppelin and Gilbert and Sullivan, the shimmering lake serving as the perfect backdrop to their musical musings.

    The witty banter flowed as effortlessly as the canoe on the tranquil waters. Niles, always quick with a retort, remarked, "Axl, I must say, your choice of headwear is quite unconventional for a canoe trip. Is that a fashion statement or a strategic move to avoid sunburn?"

    Axl laughed, adjusting his hat again. "Well, Niles, a rockstar must always maintain a certain mystique, even on a leisurely canoe ride. Fashion, my friend, is just another form of self-expression."

    Frasier, playing the role of the wise mediator, chimed in, "Gentlemen, let us not forget the beauty of compromise. Perhaps a Led Zeppelin-Gilbert and Sullivan collaboration is the answer to our musical dilemma."

    Niles, feigning horror, responded, "A collaboration? Mixing rock with operetta? Frasier, have you lost your sense of musical propriety?"

    The banter continued, the trio enjoying the serenity of the lake and the lively exchange of ideas. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the water, they paddled back to shore, their canoe ride a harmonious blend of music, Sherry, and the timeless camaraderie of three very different but equally fascinating individuals.



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  9. The upscale apartment in Seattle was filled with an unexpected mix of characters as Axl Rose, the legendary Guns N' Roses frontman, entered. Dr. Frasier Crane welcomed him, and the room included Frasier's father, Martin, who was comfortably seated with a Balentine Ale in hand. Niles, Frasier's neurotic brother, occupied a seat near the window.

    "Mr. Rose, welcome," Frasier greeted, offering a handshake. "Care for a glass of Sherry? It's a delightful choice for a night like this."

    Axl, intrigued by the sophisticated offering, agreed to the unconventional choice. As Frasier poured the Sherry, Martin took a sip of his Balentine Ale, smirking at the difference in preferences. "Nothing like a good ale to wash away the troubles, son. Reminds me of the good ol' days on the force."

    Niles, with a smirk, quipped, "Ah, the Balentine Ale, a beverage that pairs well with dad jokes and well-worn recliners."

    Marty, unfazed, shot back, "You can mock all you want, Niles, but Balentine Ale has been a loyal companion through thick and thin."

    Niles, crossing his legs in a refined manner, replied, "Well, Father, some of us prefer beverages with a bit more sophistication. Sherry, for instance, the drink of choice for those with discerning tastes and a penchant for existential musings."

    As the banter continued, Axl began to share his struggles with the band. "You know, guys, I'm feeling the need to explore new sounds. I've been inspired by the likes of Nine Inch Nails and the experimental edge of U2's Zooropa. But Slash and Duff, they're more into the traditional rock vibe."

    Frasier, swirling his Sherry, chimed in, "Ah, the classic clash of creative visions. Axl, I can relate to the challenge of balancing artistic exploration with the expectations of your audience."

    Axl nodded, "Exactly, Frasier. I want to push boundaries, create something different, but it's like wrangling cats with those guys. They want the classic rock formula, you know?"

    Niles, ever the psychologist, interjected, "Axl, it seems you're caught in a struggle between artistic evolution and the comfort of familiarity. A delicate dance, much like the tango of your musical influences."

    Frasier, sensing a connection, added, "You know, Axl, I've always had a fondness for France. The art, the culture, the wine—there's a certain allure that resonates with those who appreciate the finer things in life."

    Axl's eyes lit up. "You've been to France too? Man, there's something magical about it. I've always felt a connection to that place."

    As the night progressed, Axl and Frasier bonded over their shared love of France, discussing everything from the cuisine to the romance of the language. The eclectic group became a support system for Axl, each member contributing a unique perspective to help him navigate the challenging terrain of artistic direction.

    By the time Axl finished his second glass of Sherry, the room had transformed into a sanctuary of shared wisdom, camaraderie, and a newfound understanding between the band members.

    As the clock struck midnight, Axl Rose, with a newfound sense of resolve, bid farewell to the group. Guns N' Roses would go on to release an album that seamlessly blended classic rock with the experimental sounds Axl craved.

    As the door closed behind Axl, Marty took another sip of his Balentine Ale. "Well, that was a night, wasn't it? Frasier, maybe you should consider opening a Sherry and Balentine Ale therapy session."

    Frasier chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind, Father. Now, who's up for another round of drinks and a lively discussion on the intricacies of musical psychology?" The room erupted in laughter as the night continued, filled with witty banter, the notes of a harmonious connection, and the shared love of France.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Slugworth said:


    "What I heard was something that he had painted over too many times."

    "So, by the time I heard it, the original content was lost and it was just a highly produced piece of something."


    Bob Ezrin: 'Axl, we are not ready to mix this record. This record isn’t ready to be mixed. There are two great songs on it and I know that you’re capable of more, that’s the reason why I’m here. You’re such a great talent and I would do you a disservice if I didn’t tell you the truth, which is that most of the songs aren’t great. But I‘m very happy to help you get there and I believe that it’s possible, if you would like to continue to work on the record, to make it better.' 


    Axl: 'I don’t agree with that. We are ready to mix.'


    Bob Ezrin: 'You have my number, if you change your mind let me know, but I have a dinner party at home now and I had to go.'  I left and I haven’t heard from him since." 


    (Bob Ezrin, HitChannel, 04/12/12)


    Other than only two great songs...






    Bob didn't "get" it, and that's fine. But it's just his opinion. 

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