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Posts posted by Steelfin

  1. The reason for the filler is imo royalties. Everyone had written songs and wanted to get them on the record(s) for the sake of publishing and royalty money. Perhaps if the 6 members recieved an equal share (this is what U2 do) half of the songs would have not been on the record. Its a real shame, as without the filler, a single Illusion album (with different production) would have bettered Appetite.

    The filler should have been left for B sides, box sets and live albums.

    Anyway, easy for me to say as I have yet to release an album with hit songs yet alone filler.

    what are the filler tracks in your opinion?

    Good question, as some of my list will be others favourites. I should first of all qualify that by filler I mean not 5 star solid gold tracks (like the majority of appetite or the R side of Lies)

    This is actually quite tougher than I expected! I should say that what I consider filler (the tracks I skip) are decent enough tracks but just no-where near the same calibre as my Solid Gold list.

    SOLID GOLD (as good as or better than anything on Appetite)

    Don't Cry, Nov Rain, Coma, Civil War, Estranged, YCBM


    Perfect Crime, You Aint The First, Garden Of Eden, Back Of Bitch, Shotgun Blues, My World, Bad Apples (love the lyrics), So Fine (like the music) Bad Obsession,

    I know that as a GNR fan, I would love to hear everything they ever record good or bad, but in terms of making the best album in history which UYI could have been, it should have been stripped back with some tracks released later as B Sides etc. Imagine only being able to hear Garden Of Eden on a B side or Perfect Crime on a live album, you would just be like holy fuck these boys have some sonic arsenal!

    Intrested in your thoughts!

    I think I agree mostly.

    So your album would look something like this

    Right Next Door to Hell

    Dust N Bones

    Live n Let Die

    Don't Cry

    Double Talking Jive

    November Rain

    The Garden

    Don't Damn Me

    Dead Horse


    Civil war

    14 years


    Heavens door


    Pretty Tied Up


    You Could Be Mine


    19 tracks, so to get it down to 15 I'd take out the Izzy songs DnB, 14 years, double talking jive, dead horse. Then you basically have 15 pure GNR songs?

    I thinks it's true that Izzy and Duff give freedom to do solo tracks. And even Slash to do kind of faster rockers. So Axl got to do his epics.

    Axl singing about Illusions on DDM or Loco is much satisfying than So Fine or even 14 years.


    Agreed, but I would be a bit more ruthless! I think you're right about the comprimise they all made so they could each get to do their own songs. This is my Appetite killer! Its been difficult to leave off some tracks! Love KOHD but as it was on the Days Of Thunder soundtrack and on a live ep it doesnt really need to be on the album. My list starts rockin, then gets dark but see's the light at the end with Don't Cry!

    You Could Be Mine

    Right Next Door to Hell

    Live n Let Die

    Pretty Tied Up


    Civil War

    November Rain



    Don't Cry

    Do you think this would have slayed Appetite?

  2. The reason for the filler is imo royalties. Everyone had written songs and wanted to get them on the record(s) for the sake of publishing and royalty money. Perhaps if the 6 members recieved an equal share (this is what U2 do) half of the songs would have not been on the record. Its a real shame, as without the filler, a single Illusion album (with different production) would have bettered Appetite.

    The filler should have been left for B sides, box sets and live albums.

    Anyway, easy for me to say as I have yet to release an album with hit songs yet alone filler.

    what are the filler tracks in your opinion?

    Good question, as some of my list will be others favourites. I should first of all qualify that by filler I mean not 5 star solid gold tracks (like the majority of appetite or the R side of Lies)

    This is actually quite tougher than I expected! I should say that what I consider filler (the tracks I skip) are decent enough tracks but just no-where near the same calibre as my Solid Gold list.

    SOLID GOLD (as good as or better than anything on Appetite)

    Don't Cry, Nov Rain, Coma, Civil War, Estranged, YCBM


    Perfect Crime, You Aint The First, Garden Of Eden, Back Of Bitch, Shotgun Blues, My World, Bad Apples (love the lyrics), So Fine (like the music) Bad Obsession,

    I know that as a GNR fan, I would love to hear everything they ever record good or bad, but in terms of making the best album in history which UYI could have been, it should have been stripped back with some tracks released later as B Sides etc. Imagine only being able to hear Garden Of Eden on a B side or Perfect Crime on a live album, you would just be like holy fuck these boys have some sonic arsenal!

    Intrested in your thoughts!

  3. The reason for the filler is imo royalties. Everyone had written songs and wanted to get them on the record(s) for the sake of publishing and royalty money. Perhaps if the 6 members recieved an equal share (this is what U2 do) half of the songs would have not been on the record. Its a real shame, as without the filler, a single Illusion album (with different production) would have bettered Appetite.

    The filler should have been left for B sides, box sets and live albums.

    Anyway, easy for me to say as I have yet to release an album with hit songs yet alone filler.

  4. Makes you think - maybe Chinese Democracy WASN'T going to come out, and it was released unfinished and forced out by Universal as a way to combat this lawsuit because the perfect defense would have been that it wasn't a copyrighted material scheduled to release. Is that too underhanded for a corporation?

    Been my contention since the day I listened to it . The whole thing reeks. The bulk of the album being the leaks. Axls curious statement at Leeds implying that the songs they were playing were the ones they were not thinking of putting on the album .. the "whole when its run its course then the other one will drop issue.".the underwhelming quailty of the promotion, production and the ensuing years of nothing but touring . Even the Best Buy deal is baffling ...to me that reeked of quick recoup of costs with the money bet being placed on CD not being the huge platnum selling success of its predesessors. PERHAPS KNOWING that it wouldnt go there and Axl not in cooperation with the whole dynamic The plug was pulled and the album was released ... and I for one think it was a game of one upmanship between GNR and the Industry.

    in another take Hypothetically speaking:

    Ive speculated that it may even have come from within Camp GNR themselves -the leaks- because the industry was dictating and determining what could and would comprise the song list , artwork, touring and in a "fuck you" to the industry ...With GNR armed with the so called" big guns" in their possession.. GNR cleared the decks by floating the leaks ...the industry called the bluff and played their hand and let the album we call CD go public..hence Axls baffling and underwhelming effort to promote it... and for that matter follow up with anything tangible to date as far as new music. Noting that there has been no new songs played in concert that could be like 2001 that did not see the studio versions until 2008 both officially and unofficially probably is a deliberate effort to thwart control issues of those 90+, 40+ songs rumoured to exist somewhere out there. COntract wars going on behind the scenes? holdout/strike/noncooperation by GNR to wrestle control back? possible. If CDs sales have recouped the initial investment.. then it stands to reason that anything from those sessions is nothing but pure profit from here on out...money screams loudly when its not being made.

    Pitmans odd statement of there being no need to record a new album...because there already exists multiple albums .

    The touring? Moneys to keep the band on retainer and bankroll the employees roster. While this issue gets resolved either through litigation or arbitation. Time being a factor and given the contentious nature of Axl...I could see him doing just that..holding out as hostage until he gets his just say and due in the matter? ITs also possible that the converse is true and the lable is telling him in essence..no go until you play nice with us?

    What if? The songs played since 2001 and the leaks were songs NOT being considered and were composed deliberately as concert fillers perhaps for a future EP?

    That's some theory. When I listen to CD, parts of it don't sound finished. I hope you're right.

    • Like 1
  5. I went to the cinema to hear it. As far as i can remember everything got trashed in the old message board, it was the infancy of trolling. I liked it especially the disco beat and the outro. Like it more now than then and it should have been on CD in place of the IFW.


    In regards to Axl visiting, could it be - the song was liked by a fair amount of fans but the 'louder' one's that were naturally opposed to a "New GnR" could probably get away with shit talking the song on a largely unmoderated forum?

    I loved it when I first heard it but wasn't an active internet user back then.

    I was never aware that Axl was posting, and everything I posted was utter non sense. The whole thing was a bit of fun, then it moved to the forum where it got serious. I remember constant warnings from Eric and a banner that said "Forum - Try It". I don't know the answer to your question.

    MODS - Does the old board still exist, if so is it possible to read back through the old posts?

  6. Don't know about that, then... I know that in the Guns N' Roses Online message board, back on the late 90s Axl was Felix, the Housecat. He went online once and asked everyone what they had thought of Oh My God and everyone talked shit about the song. You guys shattered Axl dreams :lol:

    lol...the cat (don't think its the same cat) was funny. Was disappointed he/she never posted on the forum. I remember everyone taking the piss out the cat but the cat never got pissed! Eventually it just disappeared! The message-board was a bit of a free for all, everyone insulted everyone, twas great.

  7. See, I agree with some of that, but I think it is strong start to finish. To me, there's no filler. I always listen to it as a whole whereas with AFD I think the 1st half is considerably stronger than the 2nd. There's a smattering of songs on the Illusions that I usually skip over as well. I think CD is maybe the most coherent GNR album- far more so than the Illusions imo.

    You got soemthing there about the Illusions, and I reckon if it had been 12 tracks it would have topped Appeitite.

  8. Coma 20

    Prostitute 19

    November Rain (Guitar Demo) 18

    TIL (Live) 17

    Its So Easy 16

    One In A Million 15

    Paradise City 14

    Your Crazy (Lies) 13

    WTTJ 12

    SCOM 11

    Dont Cry (demo) 10

    Chinese Democracy 9

    Civil War 8

    Mr Brownstone 7

    Night Train 6

    Rocket Queen 5

    Nov Rain (album) 4

    UTLH 3

    UCBM 2

    Fall To Pieces 1

  9. I'd leae off:





    Then replace the other track by earlier versions of them. Still no chance of it being a hit though. Unless it'd have been released in 2000/2001.

    I love all of the tracks, but if I had to pick some to leave off it would probably be Scared and Riad. They seem to get less of a response then other songs to.

    I definitely disagree with taking This I Love off, though. Other than Better, I'd say This I Love gets the most response during live performances, surprisingly.

    Totally agree about TIL. For some reason the recording or studio performance doesn't capture the song. I prefer to watch it on you tube filmed on a mobile. I think live its astonishing but on record terrible. christ almighty its like watching Elvis doing American Trilogy.

    This is my most watched GNR vid on youtube!

  10. Any album with ITW on it will never be close to the best album of all time. :shrugs:

    I agree with that, I don't get why some people love it. But I think an interview years back he said u would like some tracks and not others, I guess that's true as I cant stand the blues n ITW but for some its their favorite songs. The song Scrapped sounds like its a schizo battle with 2 different emotions, at first I didn't get it, but then I did (or at least I interpreted it my own way) and I love it. Rhiad is also awesome, there are a few parts which are mind boggilingly brilliant, and they could have been stretched more or used as brdiges or choruses, yet for me that's the story of the album, you hear a part of a song for 4 seconds and it doesn't repeat and its the best part of the track, especially in Catcher and the outro to sorry. Same is true of IRS. Prostitute is my favorite GNR song of all time. I think for an album to become a classic, it has to have outstanding tracks from start to finish and CD doesn't, its also not that coherent. I hate the studio version of TIL but the live version filmed on a phone, is the most powerful thing he has done.

    Its all just our opinions and we can skip the tracks we don't like, one thing is for sure none of us could write this. Man its fun to discuss it and read the posts, even when we all disagree!

    Its a bit like watching a football game, we critise about the managers tactics and substitutins cause we think we can do it better, but in reality we cant otherwise we would be doing it! I don't care if GNR rule the world again, I want to enjoy some more music, fingers crossed for 2014!

  11. Difficult to promote a record when the band don't do interviews or TV etc. A couple of tracks on CD are as good as any they have ever done. Some are pretty good and are better than the filler on Illusions and alas some are utter turgid steaming piles of dog shite.

    I actually think that CD was rushed out. Half of it doesn't sound finished or mixed.

    I would love to see an Axl Rose n his piano album n tour

    • Like 2
  12. Hello all. I'm making a documentary film, which is why I've been going to Europe alot. But I still need two more songs for the planned soundtrack. Can someone eMail them to me if you have them in 128k bps?

    "Mr. Roboto" : Styx

    "Basket Case" : Green Day

    I went to try one of those official "mp3 download" sites... willing to pay, but they actually DON'T sell them as mp3's, or a format that will enable me to convert them to wav files with my existing software. I'll also take any links to official download sites if anyone can find these songs for sale as actual mp3's.

    Here's the rest of the soundtrack if anyone is curious...

    Tom Sawyer

    Jumpin' Jack Flash

    Back In Black

    Out Ta' Get Me


    In Bloom

    Watching The Wheels (John Lennon)

    Live and Let Die (Paul M)

    Paradise City

    Come As You Are

    I'm All Right (Kenny Loggins)

    Time of Your Life

    Goodbye Stranger (Supertramp)

    Let's Go All The Way (Sly Fox)

    Pour Some Sugar On Me

    Could You Be Loved (as credits roll)


    Your sountrack is gay! Are you makin some euro gay prorn documentary? U need to get rid of anything by/releated to the Beatles who are/were shite, Pour some sugar on me, tom sayer, and who the fuck is kenny loggins?

    Serously get a grip.

    Ps Supertramp are shite as well

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