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Posts posted by Jantheman

  1. When is it likely to drop in the UK, before or after a US release?

    It should be released in the UK on 24th.

    Maybe Best Buy will have an in store promotion thing in the US where you can walk in and buy it on 23rd, and then it will be sold online and possibly elsewhere in US from 25th.

    I guess that would give best buy 2 days of exclusivity in the states, and allow them to be the first people to get the album cuz if UK got it on 24th BB exclusive might not look so good.


    Here in Belgium, and probably some more countries, albums usually comes out on friday. So i was thinking. Is it possible that when Best Buy has the exclusive rights to sell the album in the U.S. on november 23rd that the album will be released here on friday the 21st and in the UK on the 24th to avoid people downloading the album illegaly?

    I think that CD will be released in one day in whole world. The quastion is if it's November 23 or November 25...I bet it's November 23

    Impossible because recordstores are closed here on sunday.

    So maybe november 25? Really, it would be stupid to do not release it in the same day becouse of downloading motherfuckers..

    You'll be able to download it weeks before the release anyway so it doesn't really make any difference.

  2. The album sounds pretty good to me. But it's so effect driven album (again) that there's nothing really to say about the guitar work which drowns under the techno mess.

    After listening to this, I'm pretty sure that NIN is just a part-time job to him. He'd be nuts to leave behind all the great material he worked for GNR.

    Yeah there are some tracks on there that I really like, but the music is definitely not guitar-driven like GNR's. I think it's a pretty solid album overall and definitely the best *free* music I've ever heard.

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