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Lessons or no?

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Should I get guitar lessons? I have been wanting them for...ever, but lately I've been disputing this. On one hand, I have been practicing my guitar a lot lately and I don't think I am that bad and I know how to play clarinet so I know about music and rhythms and tuning and stuff. On the other hand, I can't hold the guitar correctly (I hold it upwards, not outwards), and some of my playing sounds like shit (I've been playing for three days :P)

Um, input?

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Lessons are definitely worth it. You'll learn the easy way - and it will help you avoid learning any bad habits. Lessons will fast forward your progress.

A lot of people are against them because they think that lessons stop you from being creative with your approach to the guitar. If any of those people tried taking some lessons they'd know better.

I spent about 5 years being a "self-taught" guitarist. I decided to take lessons one day and afterwards felt like a fool for not taking them a lot sooner.

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You just save a lot of time. And all the beginners shit you sorta need to go through goes a lot faster.

But lessons won't make you a better player if you don't practice. That being said, jamming out with

friends is really good practice. Even if you can't play more than a few chords.

My own opinion is that it's not always about how many chords you play, but rather how you play

them in a band or with others. It gives you more headroom to experiment and it allows you to push

yourself in a different direction.

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I have been playing for half a year now and I try every day to play at least an hour, if possible more.

I do not take lessons, though I had many years of saxophone (and before that flute) lessons.

I learned playing guitar by buying a book and watching videos in the internet. But I'm thinking about getting lessons, because I don't want tofind out, I'm doing something wrong when i played for 10 years like this.

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I would get lessons.

I hadnt had any lessons for 2 years until I started music at college and got lessons there for free.

And I have learnt so much in just the space of 3 weeks, and I still have 3 years left there.

I feel like an idiot now, since I was self taught for 2 years, and there is only so much you can teach yourself really.

Edited by Slash Guitarist
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Should I get guitar lessons? I have been wanting them for...ever, but lately I've been disputing this. On one hand, I have been practicing my guitar a lot lately and I don't think I am that bad and I know how to play clarinet so I know about music and rhythms and tuning and stuff. On the other hand, I can't hold the guitar correctly (I hold it upwards, not outwards), and some of my playing sounds like shit (I've been playing for three days :P)

Um, input?

Well, i've never had lessons before. I guess i'm doing ok. :P

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True Metal People don't get lessons...

there are too few good female guitarists. And the easiest way to keep people playing is to help them out a bit.

it's bullshit to say metal ppl don't get lessons. if not from an instructor, they get lessons from other guitarists.

or pick up stuff from people they play with.

And metal might not be the true art form for an up and coming female guitarist :)

any shithead can strum some chords. getting help to define your style aint bad.

I for one don't like lessons, but they sure helped out when starting out.

it clears out some clutter and gets you into the basics of playing faster.

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lessons are good for fundementals obviously , i unfortunately cannot have lessons for reasons i cannot share.

But i would have liked to do a few lessons

although if u do take lessons i feel that the tutors style rubs on u , whilest if you manage to learn by ur self from books etc and develop ur skills the way it suites u , u get ur own unique style..maybe im wrong

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I think you should take lessons for reasons previously mentioned. Plus, knowing the technical stuff - musical notation, etc - really helps out. Sure the best guitarists cant read music for the most part (i dont believe that they dont know ANYTHING about notation) but knowing stuff like that puts you a few steps ahead. when you truly understand the music you're playing everything else comes easy.

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