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It's shameless self-promotion time to my fellow GNR fans:

My band, Tragically Yours, recently recorded a few songs and we're in the process of booking shows in the North Jersey/NYC area. We have a style similar to STP, early Incubus, and VR. You can check out our music at


Anyways, let me know what you think about the songs - feel free to complement, bash or whatever. If you like the music and want me to send you the mp3s, send me a PM. Thanks!

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Sister stone - the mixing is horrible , the drums are low and the lead guitar should be quite higher , it sounds like 1989 , where bands like STP were still forming there sound , witch means its very un modern , the vocals are okay , the effect annoys me though , dont see why you need it. the guitar tone , its not clean enuff , and you seem to try reach that Alt metal sound , and so i advice you hear a three days grace song for Tone guidance , it would improve the song by atleats 20% .

Give me one more reason-the mixing is a little better here , the guitar tone , same advice on that one , the solo is un focused and could have been better , the guitarist goes into a wave of self indulgence there , and i still am not feeling that modern touch , have you tried working with a proper producer?

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Sister stone - the mixing is horrible , the drums are low and the lead guitar should be quite higher , it sounds like 1989 , where bands like STP were still forming there sound , witch means its very un modern , the vocals are okay , the effect annoys me though , dont see why you need it. the guitar tone , its not clean enuff , and you seem to try reach that Alt metal sound , and so i advice you hear a three days grace song for Tone guidance , it would improve the song by atleats 20% .

Give me one more reason-the mixing is a little better here , the guitar tone , same advice on that one , the solo is un focused and could have been better , the guitarist goes into a wave of self indulgence there , and i still am not feeling that modern touch , have you tried working with a proper producer?

I really, really appreciate your detailed feedback cuz we're in the process of getting a final mix of the songs. You're dead-on with many of the level issues and they will be bumped up. To be considered, though, are the speakers you're listening to the songs on because the tracks are not yet mastered.

As for tone & vocal effects, I think that comes down to a matter of personal preference. I wanted the lead guitar to have an Iron Maiden-ish tone and I think it sounds pretty similar. I'm not a fan of bands like 3 Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, etc., but I'll take a listen to their tonal qualities for future reference.

We've actually been getting alot of complements on the production quality. The biggest issue with making the songs absolutely perfect comes down to one thing: finances. That said, for the time we spent in the studio, I think he did an awesome job putting stuff together.

Also, whether intended to be or not, saying we have a 1989 sound on a GNR message board is the ultimate complement!

Thanks again!

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Sister stone - the mixing is horrible , the drums are low and the lead guitar should be quite higher , it sounds like 1989 , where bands like STP were still forming there sound , witch means its very un modern , the vocals are okay , the effect annoys me though , dont see why you need it. the guitar tone , its not clean enuff , and you seem to try reach that Alt metal sound , and so i advice you hear a three days grace song for Tone guidance , it would improve the song by atleats 20% .

Give me one more reason-the mixing is a little better here , the guitar tone , same advice on that one , the solo is un focused and could have been better , the guitarist goes into a wave of self indulgence there , and i still am not feeling that modern touch , have you tried working with a proper producer?

I really, really appreciate your detailed feedback cuz we're in the process of getting a final mix of the songs. You're dead-on with many of the level issues and they will be bumped up. To be considered, though, are the speakers you're listening to the songs on because the tracks are not yet mastered.

As for tone & vocal effects, I think that comes down to a matter of personal preference. I wanted the lead guitar to have an Iron Maiden-ish tone and I think it sounds pretty similar. I'm not a fan of bands like 3 Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, etc., but I'll take a listen to their tonal qualities for future reference.

We've actually been getting alot of complements on the production quality. The biggest issue with making the songs absolutely perfect comes down to one thing: finances. That said, for the time we spent in the studio, I think he did an awesome job putting stuff together.

Also, whether intended to be or not, saying we have a 1989 sound on a GNR message board is the ultimate complement!

Thanks again!

Personal preference is self indulgence , every succesful musician HAS to put his personal indulgence to a minimum , remember a band is a buisness and every business creates a product for the mass market , thus has to have mass appeal , and the reason i reccomended three days grace is because what the market finds most appealing , when you learn from the best and avoid indulging your self , you'll find youve become one of the best and simplicity is grand.

1989 , thats horrible , gnr board , yea , but you cant go back in time , you gotta make the best of what you have now , so i reccomend putting the trebble down , bass up on the tone and a little fuzz , also you should cut down the lead , hes solo'ing all through the songs practicly , i think you can learn alot from the song chinese democracy , ther are lots of lead parts but they come in very elegantly , trust me on this i know my shit , i too am making my own music , got my own studio tho , on my laptop ,anyways , trust me , you have to re adjust those songs , and try change guitars for the chorus btw , define it better , make it easier for the avg listener to sing along too , jump octaves , add drama!! , later.

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You crack me up dude :lol:. I wanna hear your music and the bland pop-friendly alt metal that it will be.

Anyways man your music sounds really awesome, and I can totally hear the Maiden sound you're trying to get with the guitars (especially on Sister Stone). Really good stuff man, your "production" is really decent too, don't change that sound you're going for (although a little more bass never hurt anyone :tongue2:). But yeah, it sounds really good to my ears, keep it up. Try not to listen to Assassin's Creed too much lest he waters down your sound, ie:

remember a band is a buisness and every business creates a product for the mass market

That shit is ridiculous, don't listen to him, no matter how much percentage he will claim that it will improve your sound :lol:.

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You crack me up dude :lol:. I wanna hear your music and the bland pop-friendly alt metal that it will be.

Anyways man your music sounds really awesome, and I can totally hear the Maiden sound you're trying to get with the guitars (especially on Sister Stone). Really good stuff man, your "production" is really decent too, don't change that sound you're going for (although a little more bass never hurt anyone :tongue2:). But yeah, it sounds really good to my ears, keep it up. Try not to listen to Assassin's Creed too much lest he waters down your sound, ie:

remember a band is a buisness and every business creates a product for the mass market

That shit is ridiculous, don't listen to him, no matter how much percentage he will claim that it will improve your sound :lol:.

Hahahahaha! Best. Post. Ever.

Thanks a ton for the kudos and for expressing my thoughts about Mozart...ehm...I mean Assassin's Creed.

As the bassist, I am always up for cranking the bass up a bit more B) Thanks again, man!

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