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If you could ...


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If you had the opportunity to say one thing to Axl right now AND ask one question -- what would it be?

Would you tell him you're still behind him and GNR despite the recent tour setback?  Or would you rip him for not showing up in Philly? Or would you want to tell him something else?

As for the question -- would you ask why the tour was scrapped? Or when "Chinese Democracy" will be out (if ever)? Or what he thinks of the Project? Let's hear.

Serious questions and comments though folks .. No phone numbers and no taking him home for the night.  ;)

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I would not ask him when Chinese Democracy comes out - because he would just say: You'll see it - it's not an if thing, it's a when thing...

I would just tell him I like his stuff, but my question would be: Why did you put Buckethead in your band? you like his stuff?

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I would ask him why he  feels the need to waste money on a "shrink" when he has so many on this site that are so chuck full of knowledge when it comes to telling him what to do and how to do it..... :-X  pardon the sarcasm.  Duffy  

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I would ask him to sing Dont Cry with me, my ultimate fantasy!  I would also ask him about the tour.  I don't thing I could ask only one thing, there's alot I'd like to know like what really goes on inside his head (or do I want to know  ???

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