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Can you believe this crap?


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For anyone who went to the Toronto show...I read the review on Chart Attack. It was a bull shit review, talk about a hatred for Gn'R.

I already emailed her with my displeasures of this review...I mean to each their own, but she made the Gunners sound like they were the worst thing to ever step on stage  ::)

Air Canada Centre

Toronto, ON

November 29, 2002

by Elizabeth Chorney-Booth

While there were certainly many a hardcore fan in the audience, a large portion of the Toronto Guns N' Roses audience were present because they wanted some questions answered. Is the new reconfigured band any good? Can Axl still sing? How fat has he become? What are the new songs like?

Unfortunately, the most pressing question on the audience's minds as they waited an hour and a half between snoozy opener Mix Master Mike and the arrival of the main attraction was "Will they show up?" After G N' R's botched tour opener in Vancouver, where riots ensued after Axl Rose failed to arrive at the venue on time, it was completely plausible that the singer — who's bizarre appearance and behavior over the last few years has earned him the reputation as the Michael Jackson of the hard rock set — would pull a no-show. But, at about 10:30 p.m. appear he did — although it was hardly worth the wait.

The new G N' R — comprised of a bizarre combination of old rockers including The Replacements' Tommy Stinson, Nine Inch Nails guitarist Robin Finck, Buckethead and keyboardist Dizzy Reed (who's been with Rose since Use Your Illusion) — are a perfectly capable band, but without Slash, it ain't the real thing. Axl's travelling carnival is as close to Guns N' Roses as Ringo Starr And His All Starr Band are to The Beatles — they may play the same songs, but something is sorely missing. As the band opened with the familiar riffs of "Welcome To The Jungle" the crowd went wild — but it was as if there was a collective unspoken agreement to suspend disbelief.

While the band chugged along, Axl — decked out in a Leafs jersey (ugh!), track pants and a head full of braided hair extensions — ran from one end of the stage to another, spitting out lyrics that he was reading off a series of teleprompters. The first half of the show was comprised largely of Appetite For Destruction hits and while the audience was glad to sing along, it was hard not to notice Axl's lack of vocal stamina and the creepy looks he shot out whenever he'd finished singing a line. Looking like a cross between Ozzy Osbourne and Godfather-era Marlon Brando, the big screen video footage of Rose was a little bit frightening and his muffled on-stage banter did little to dispel his reputation for being a bit of a nut.

Despite Axl's general freakishness, bang-on versions of "Sweet Child O'Mine" and "November Rain," and a kooky "solo" from Buckethead in which he danced and played the Star Wars theme on his guitar, Guns N' Roses v. 3.0's Canadian debut can only be described as boring. The trio of new songs the band trotted out makes the piano balladry of Use Your Illusion look positively rockin' and the old songs weren't performed with enough gusto to lend them new life. Hearing the old songs did make me realize that I once loved Guns N' Roses more than I'd care to remember — unfortunately Guns N' Roses were nowhere to be found this night.



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a perfectly capable band, but without Slash, it ain't the real thing. Axl's travelling carnival is as close to Guns N' Roses as Ringo Starr And His All Starr Band are to The Beatles

aahahah SO True

Even as a GNR fan you must be realistic and say that a lot of points here were valid. In fact, MOST are. the only ones that aren't true are the opinions that you can argue with, such as "they were boring" etc...

but most of that is fact.

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This review is complete crap. Obviously she was there for the wrong reasons. I was there and G & R rocked. The crowd was completely into it. The only time they were a bit quiet was during Madagascar, The Blues and Chinese Democracy and there was applause at trhe end of all these new tunes.

The crowd there ranged from 15 yrs old - 60 years old. Everybody was into it. Robin Finck, Buckethead and Tommy Stinson KICKED ASS.The only disappointment there was the late start to the show (in my eyes).

Who paid this b*tch to say these things. ???

Guns n Roses is here to stay.

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Who cares what some no-name-wanna-be "critic" says, we all know GNR are good, some of us even know the new lineup is better  ;D they can play both the old songs and the new ones good. Madagascar is a fantastic song, like some from UYI2, Chinese Democracy rocks like AFD!

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Like I always say if the band does not kiss the critics asses they get poor reviews. :-*  Critics are nothing but wanna-be musicians who are just jealous when Axl shows them how great he really is

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Wonder what ever happened to the saying: "If you can't say anything good, that don't say nothing at all."

Truly if you had the people that went to the concerts, the fans and compared their reviews to the bad, non-fan, classical music listening reporters the results would be: 30/100000.  30 negative reviews and 100,000 positive reviews.  Seems like not one single concert has just a positive review.

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well look... Everything said is correct, but if you think of it only from the point of the band name and the fact that their setlist is primary old material, then mbe its band..

But i think that you have to look at this band as a new band called GNR. I mean this band has awesome musicians and Axl Rose in it. This band will be successful as a new band, not as a GNR cover band...

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well look... Everything said is correct, but if you think of it only from the point of the band name and the fact that their setlist is primary old material, then mbe its band..

But i think that you have to look at this band as a new band called GNR. I mean this band has awesome musicians and Axl Rose in it. This band will be successful as a new band, not as a GNR cover band...

You have to realize that this is kind of a tour for the 'true fans.'  They can't go out and play a bunch of unreleased songs - that would ruin the release of the record.  The band is called G U N S  N '  R O S E S because AXL was pretty much the most important member of the band no matter how you look at it (and you can't deny it...that was to all you Slash @ss kissers out there)...truth is, if it wasn't for him, GN'R wouldn't have been very big at all.  Not one bit.  He wrote or co-wrote most of the songs and pretty much drove the band to the top.  Same can be said for Izzy...without Izzy, there would be no Guns N' Roses.  So...when all these guys just want to leave because they don't want to actually work hard at moving on to another sound instead of sticking with the exact same thing and becoming boring (*cough* Slash *cough*), what is he supposed to do other than keep the name?  Personally, I wouldn't even think about changing the name.  Axl was the most important member, whether you people like it or not and was the most recognizable WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

So...let them get a damn album or two out then it will be a completely different setlist.  Yes, the most recognizable GN'R tunes will remain, but a hell of a lot more new s-it will be there.  Have to let things come together...at least Axl is actually out there touring AND ENJOYING IT...get off the guy's dick...Christ...

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well it certainly doesn't take away from what this band is, but i mean you have to conceive that morally and ethically axl acted very poorly.

The fact is that this isn't GNR

Its a good band nonetheless and with axl in it it is fucking awesome, but it is not GNR....

(GNR as in the old band, the name does not count for anything other than on a technical basis, but we are talking insitutionally and historically that this band aint GNR)

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I don't care what reviewers have said, the Toronto concert was the best concert from this tour that I have been to.

Here's why:

1. The sound was AMAZINGLY CLEAR, no distortion, no echo

2. Axl was in a great mood

3. Lighting was good

4. The crowd was the most responsive (screaming when Axl is sitting on the piano and looks sideways to the crowd, he did it more times in Toronto than at any other place because teh crowd intsntaneously responded every time he looked sideways).

The concert is completely worth it. At the end of the concert, all the fans seem extremely happy to have seen GUNS N ROSES.


Eric Romano, Webmaster


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