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Tacoma boot for my lovely friends!


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Is it just me or does Buckethead's solo sound like dance music? Thats actually a good way of describing bucketheads playing... I mean while it might be more tecnically intricate and compilcated than say slash, it doesn't have the same rawness that you can get out of the guitar...

I.e. is dance music better than rock just becuase it is more complicated and faster?

And i have to say this band aint nothing of the original band, in terms of a live sense...

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if any of you have a copy of the boot, i'd really appreciate it if you sent me an IM, my screen name is


i'd really like a copy of that and i can't seem to find it anywhere...if i'm not around when you IM, i'm in class and i'll get back to you asap...thanks i really appreciate it

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im looking for the boot as well. im on a 4mbit adsl connection and can set up an ftp server... if anyone with the boot could send an email to cengland_ca@hotmail.com i will reply back with the login info and i'll be sure to distro it around the forum. tnx =)

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no, i wouldn't be dissapointed at all, but i mean from boots there isn't much that appeals to me...

I mean for example i like it how the old band did really mad intro's.. FOr example only women bleed, sail away sweet sister, and mother.

They are really cool, the new band doesn't do any of thast. Mbe in time, but ATM they dont anyway. And i mean they dont have the same rawness to them... They are also not as active on stage... Although i do atmit richard fortus is a ball of energy!

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Why don't you go see them first, before making assumptions on bootlegs and one live tv performance ;)  I'm sure you wouldn't be dissapointed


You're right G-Face.

It always amazes me when certain people feel they can just write off the band as inferior or subpar to the original lineup -- even though they haven't heard the album or seen the new band play live.  

Here's a thought ... why not give the band a chance to put out the album AND actually listen to it before making a judgment.

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You're right G-Face.

It always amazes me when certain people feel they can just write off the band as inferior or subpar to the original lineup -- even though they haven't heard the album or seen the new band play live.  

Here's a thought ... why not give the band a chance to put out the album AND actually listen to it before making a judgment.

Relax..... I was merely making a statement on the new and old GNR's live qualities...

Which i can base on boots, to the extent that i have seen neither the new and old GNR live so i cant really compare any other way...

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