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Hurricane Party


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Right listen up guys. Middlesbrough Music Live last Sunday a band called Hurricane Party were on. I first saw them, all of them had long hair, outside the gig where they were advertising (as bands do) they told me to come and check them out coz they were on at 5:00, so I did (thought it would be a laugh). Anyway, I was in the gig, As soon as they came on I knew these guys were gunna be massive. They were the real deal. A lot of bands try to impersonate GNR with the hair and guitar riffs etc and usually fail, but these were awesome!! After the gig I was talkin to the lead singer, got autographs, as you do, and he sed the album is out in january but there was a demo there to buy at the time, which i did (all 5 songs are class btw) he also sed to me 'Nice Shirt' coz i had my gnr shirt on at the time. Im just telin u guys coz they wil be massive, sum of u would have already heard of them before, but for those of you that havent, check out hurricane-party.com THEY ARE THE REAL DEAL. listen to some tunes of theirs coz as ive sed before, they are going to be massive!!

You will be missing something if u dont check these guys out.

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Wow they are good. I get an aerosmith/gnr/skid row vibe from them. I hope they go places, there is definitely a place for them in music today.


Spot on mate. I posted a thread about them ages ago but not many people responded.

New album Jan? Cool, I've got "Get This" the LP, not bad, but doesn't keep you coming back for more.

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hey i was at middlesbrough music live as well, i dunno if you saw me i have a purple mohawk. Anyways i missed hurricane party but i caught some of towers of london at least i think it was them maybe it was hurricane party. Anyway whoevever it was they were cool, the guitarist had very similar stage characteristics to slash but he looked cool as fuck, not sure if he was just another wannabe slash though although he was a good guitar player and the drummer seemed to have same technique as steven adler.

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