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HELP for my dreams about music

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Well my dream is making a real punk-rock band, I'm learning to play the guitar but they have told me I learn fast. When some people ask me "what will you study?" I say "music" and they tell me how will you live?.

I'm 14 but I always say"Slash got his first guitar at 15", but even so peaploe sometimes make me feel so down, and I feel I can't carry out what I promised my grandma when she died "being the best musician I can be", my grandma was a musician, and she was a mezzo-soprano, and her father was a pianist and a music conductorBut after them no ones became a great musician, I don't know if I can, I'm feeling so down help me.

Edited by gnrbest
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Your 14 - its alright to be stupid, and naive. Hell im 17, and im still stupid and naive. But dont think your the only one, tehres alot of fish in the ocean :| Keep doing it, and than you'll be 17 and be like me - "dam i should of studied" But im too far down the rabbit hole to try get into university now, get out while you can ! :P jk!!! All the best ~!

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Try. But I would not make it your main plan. Focus on something more achievable, because whether you choose to believe me or not it is hard to make it as a musician. Straight up, the odds are that you will not make it as a famous musician. You should have seperate plan for your life, but never let your goal of becoming a great musician leave you. For example, you could have a steady job, and acquire the money for better equipment, and live a comfortable life. Then yeah, focus more on the music... but its just my opinion that you shouldn't be mainly focusing on music in your life.

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Well my dream is making a real punk-rock band, I'm learning to play the guitar but they have told me I learn fast. When some people ask me "what will you study?" I say "music"  and they tell me how will you live?.

I'm 14 but I always say"Slash got his first guitar at 15", but even so peaploe sometimes make me feel so down, and I feel  I can't  carry out what I promised my grandma when she died "being the best musician I can be", my grandma was a musician, and she was a mezzo-soprano, and her father was a pianist and a music conductorBut after them no ones became a great musician, I don't know if I can, I'm feeling so down help me.


Sure, Slash got his 1st guitar @ 15, but for every Slash there are a million people who didn't make it. Sorry if this disappoints you but you have to be damn good to go anywhere. Not to get you down but you gotta be realistic

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I believe you can be anything you want to be. I have the same dream, I can't imagine doing anything else, even if I'm playing cover songs in bars when I'm 40 thats still better than being a suit IMO.

Just go for it, and dont hold back.

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Well, thank you all :) , I was a little down, but today was a great day, my friendas made me a "surprisse" party, and I played the don't cry intro, that's the only song I can play :P , but I'll never give up. I know there are a lot of persons trying like me. Thanks again

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