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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

It's sad to see, alot of guys I've played with really deserve to be in a higher place. One friend of mine is a really tremendous songwriter and musician, he made a few albums on small record labels and now just plays bars and is the drummer in a Beatles tribute group. I have one of his albums that he gave to me and I listen to it about as much as anything else. Another man who played bass with me for a few years is probably the best pure musician I know and he is living in extreme poverty with no certain place to stay, he was part of the San Francisco scene in the late 60's. Do you know or know of anyone who should have been more successful in the music business?

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One guy I know plays bass for a local band here, but he can play just about every instrument there is. Guitar, bass, drums, brass, wind, piano, you name it. He can sing too. He graduated from a music school, and has an amazing talent to write and play original music. His band released a couple CDs so far but hasn't really broken big.

Another girl I know has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard, with a fantastic range. She plays guitar too, but she's never played or sang for more than a small venue audience. She made a few demo tapes, and is supposed to be putting together a CD soon.

One more guy I don't know too well puts together solo recordings. He plays piano, guitar, bass, drums, and also sings. He writes all his own songs, and his own lyrics. He used to put together these tapes of his stuff and I just couldn't stop listening to them. The hooks and melodies were just fantastic. The quality was terrible but it was that good that it didn't matter much.

I sometimes get the feeling that lots of people who make music (ironically enough <_< ) don't seem to have any desire to make money with it. They just enjoy playing what they want, how they want, for who they want when they want. And their creative genius is never influenced by business plans.

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There's a dude who has a ga-jillion guitars and 3 drum set and he's a REALLY good musician, but is doomed to playing bars.

This guys son is in a band with my friends and they are GREAT. Seriously the bast band around. They sent me some demos, that didn't have drums and it was fucking sweet. The band is seriously good and will probly get signed one day. And I might be joining up with them soon. And the best part....the lead guitarist main influence is.....Slash

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Used to check out an indian guy in Salem that schreded on guitar and his band rocked the house hard. They offered him the "big break" but he turned it down. He didn't want to operate under that much pressure. There was talk about some BS involved in the offer. That guy should have taken the offer. He still plays here and there (last time was a benefit for foodshare) but that's the lot of it. Always will want to check his band out too.

Another guitarist that plays on breaks with my brother is phenominal but his heart was broken when he poured his music talent into his only son to have his son die in his teens by a car accident. Now the guy still plays at coffee houses and local events. He dedicates every song to his son. He's gone the way of god with it. My brother played his instrumental cd for christmas tunes when we did the hoildays. His music is extra fine. Come to think of it I want one of those cds.

All the muscians I've known like to play just to play not to be famous.

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Well, theres heaps of amazing Australian bands that should of made it overseas.

They were/are huge here and it would be hard toimagine music without them, but they just never broke into the UK and US markets.

Midnight Oil

Cold Chisel


Little River Band

just to name a few

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