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I was listenin to Madagascar last night, and as awesome as it is, I was thinkin that I'd probably prefer finck to do a fuckin quality solo instead of the instead of all the dialogue and speeches in the middle. I just think that interlude bit kinda takes the wind of of the song.

Anyone else prefer a face meltin solo instead?


P.s. I do love the song, and I am not bashin Axls song writin skills for anyone who jumps on me. Just a thought.

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I honestly dont know why its called Madagascar..... be interestin to find out.

Still a class song, probably the best of the CD songs ive heard.

I just think there was a chance to let finck just pound into a solo instead of puttin all the speeches in. Maybe it will be like that when released...


Edited by Grimo85
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By the way, is there some reason why the song is called Madagascar?

The best explanation i saw someone write about what the title could mean, is the following:

Madagascar was once a part of 'Africa' and drifted away from it 100/200 million years ago. He could be using this as a reference to explain how he and the other members 'drifted' away from each other when the original GnR members broke the band up.

It definately seems to make sense after listening to the opening verses to the song where i believe he refers to the former GnR members.

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By the way, is there some reason why the song is called Madagascar?

The best explanation i saw someone write about what the title could mean, is the following:

Madagascar was once a part of 'Africa' and drifted away from it 100/200 million years ago. He could be using this as a reference to explain how he and the other members 'drifted' away from each other when the original GnR members broke the band up.

It definately seems to make sense after listening to the opening verses to the song where i believe he refers to the former GnR members.

Isnt the 2nd verse about the former members?? Nice theory though, suppose it makes sense too.


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The best explanation i saw someone write about what the title could mean, is the following:

Madagascar was once a part of 'Africa' and drifted away from it 100/200 million years ago. He could be using this as a reference to explain how he and the other members 'drifted' away from each other when the original GnR members broke the band up.

It definately seems to make sense after listening to the opening verses to the song where i believe he refers to the former GnR members.

Also, Madagascar (the island) has developed the most extreme example of plant/animal biodiversity on the planet in its isolation from other continents. So not only did the island drift away, but the break was a fruitful one that has produced beautiful things the world would have never known otherwise. I agree that the song seems to be about the breakup of the band (and creation of the new one), but I also think it is taking that personal experience and applying it in a universal context of political/social revolution.

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I think the quotes add a lot of feeling to the song. I always enjoy listening to the Martin Luther King speech and the montage of quotes I think gives the song that little extra special quality.

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I like madagascar with the speeches, it's puts more feel and meaning to the song I think. and then when the speeches finish and then Axl voices comes on with I won't be told anymore, I love that.

I love that part too....when Brain's drumming really kicks in and Axl starts to sing again...gives me shivers every time.

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a solo is better than speaking in a song....but they dont have a classy lead guitar now........if Slash or Buckethead....were in the band than go for the solo and that would make it a mad song just because of the solo......but gnr guys go with the solo or else it would sound like the start of Civil War over and over...

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Whazt it wrong with a martin luther king speech in the middle of a song?


Nothin wrong with them. I love the song, I was wonderin whether anyone else would like to see a solo in that part instead. If it doesnt happen, I love the song as it is, so no loss there.

The bit I really love is when you can hear the violins kick in in the background around the 3.55 mark. Love that bit!


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