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GnR and the music charts


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What does everyone think will be the reaction from outside the fan base to a new GnR song in the charts? I personally think a new song will bring in new young fans and that the album will come in the top 10 if not the top 5. However GnR have never really been a chart band, most of their songs would never be played by tv or radio (too offensive) and they aren't really into making appearances either!

I'd like to think it'll take off big time but then when you see the sort of crap that makes No1 nowadays it does make me wonder if GnR will be too good and too raw for the youngsters today who prefer ringtone music, hate rap and repetive songs with no emotional content by handpicked and media created clones!!

If we still had top of the pops in the UK can anyone imagine them on it???!! LOL


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i'll be the first asshole to say having the fastest selling debut album ever would probably qualify them as a chart band. however, i know what you're saying - i think a single would make a huge splash in the rock community, and probably initially in the pop charts, though it won't be like back in the day. audiences are so fickle, there will never be a string of hits like the one appetite had, it seems like they need something new practically weekly. who knows, though, there's really no accounting for taste (or lack thereof) - so hopefully i'm wrong and we hear nothing but GNR all over the radio whenever a single is released.

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GnR have never really been a chart band????

Dude I hope you're talking about now...cause of course they are not they don't even have an album without an album it's kinda hard to be on the charts. But back in the days every gnr album went number 1 and every single was at least in Top 5 or Top 10... so gnr were big chart band. But I agree that nowdays music is bullshit

so we'll just have to see what will happen!!!

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i'll be the first asshole to say having the fastest selling debut album ever would probably qualify them as a chart band. however, i know what you're saying - i think a single would make a huge splash in the rock community, and probably initially in the pop charts, though it won't be like back in the day. audiences are so fickle, there will never be a string of hits like the one appetite had, it seems like they need something new practically weekly. who knows, though, there's really no accounting for taste (or lack thereof) - so hopefully i'm wrong and we hear nothing but GNR all over the radio whenever a single is released.

I'll be the second asshole to say that it wasn't the fastest (whatever that means) cuz it took a year to top the charts, or the biggest selling EVER. It was the biggest selling by a rock band, but I'm sure Ace of Base (unbelievably) have the honour of biggest selling debut ever.... it's a weird world.


Edited by Longpig
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I think I worded it a bit wrong what I meant was that they weren't really the popular music sorts, loads of their songs weren't playable but those that were always went soaring up the charts of course! Nowadays of course there isn't anyone else like em around, will that mean a revival of people listening to decent rock or will it mean there isn't any room for em with the kids today? It's the youngsters who buy the most music and dominate what takes off and what doesn't so will they abandon the shit that's excusing itself as music now and become the next generation of GnR fans?


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I think I worded it a bit wrong what I meant was that they weren't really the popular music sorts, loads of their songs weren't playable but those that were always went soaring up the charts of course! Nowadays of course there isn't anyone else like em around, will that mean a revival of people listening to decent rock or will it mean there isn't any room for em with the kids today? It's the youngsters who buy the most music and dominate what takes off and what doesn't so will they abandon the shit that's excusing itself as music now and become the next generation of GnR fans?


I don't think you can convert many people from listening to shit music to listening to bands like GnR - obviously some will, but I'm guessing there are Rock fans out there with not a lot to listen to. So GnR need to get the kids who like rock music liking them.

Maybe rap and all the other shit dominates, because there's not a tonne of (good) rock music out there for the kids to buy and get to the top of the charts.

There are some rock bands that do very will so I think the fans are out there to convert!


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My cousin likes All American Rejects and Fall Out Boy and stuff like that. After download all he could listen to was Better, over and over again. I think GnR have good potential to become very popular when they release the album, but fans of hip hop and things like that may not be too keen on them.

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"If you can´t play live, you´re fucked up!"

In other words; theres no way in hell that any of the bands that are on top of the charts today would have any relevance 20 years on... Black eyed peas doing a sold out Europe+UK tour in 2026? My ass....

Totally agree, they haven't got the talent or stamina to be going on 5 years from now let alone 20! How many new bands can or do play live? I'm sick of watching talentless clones lipsink along with yet another droning song, it just seems that today it's more important to look the part than it is to actually have any talent at all!


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i'll be the first asshole to say having the fastest selling debut album ever would probably qualify them as a chart band. however, i know what you're saying - i think a single would make a huge splash in the rock community, and probably initially in the pop charts, though it won't be like back in the day. audiences are so fickle, there will never be a string of hits like the one appetite had, it seems like they need something new practically weekly. who knows, though, there's really no accounting for taste (or lack thereof) - so hopefully i'm wrong and we hear nothing but GNR all over the radio whenever a single is released.

I'll be the second asshole to say that it wasn't the fastest (whatever that means) cuz it took a year to top the charts, or the biggest selling EVER. It was the biggest selling by a rock band, but I'm sure Ace of Base (unbelievably) have the honour of biggest selling debut ever.... it's a weird world.


i stand corrected - that's what i get for being a newbie. afd was still undeniably huge, as were the illusions, on the charts... but that's besides the posters point anyway

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