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Now all of a sudden you are all experts in the music bussiness, band promotions, management...WOW!!


to be honest do you have enough knowledge about the music business to say that he is doing great?

I´ve NEVER said whether he´s good or bad in his job simply because I don´t know shit about the man´s job and I don´t judge people I don´t know. That´s all.

To be honest, I think anyone with half a working brain can have an opinion, based on how the band deals with promoting itself, how accessable it makes its information known etc. These are all tasks that the manger should be in control of, and to be honest, nobody here as the ability to fire Merck so its not the end of the world if people don't like him.

This nonsense of "you don't work in the music industry so your not qualified to talk" is out and out shite, if we listened to that kind of crap then why would we have site to discuss a band in the first place, I'm sure very few members here are in a band that can sell out a European tour, so by your logic, I suppose we're not qualified to talk about the band either.

If you want to defend Merck because of some irrational loyality to the band then I think you should come up with more substantial arguments, this whole topic is based on opinion not fact, no a lot of people here can't talk with direct mangerial experience but they can say how easy it was for them to find out about the tour, how it easy it was for them to get info on the band through official channels and the recorded output of the band, these are things Merck as manger should take some responsibilty for and we all have experience of...making us somewhat qualified to talk...

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Now all of a sudden you are all experts in the music bussiness, band promotions, management...WOW!!


to be honest do you have enough knowledge about the music business to say that he is doing great?

I´ve NEVER said whether he´s good or bad in his job simply because I don´t know shit about the man´s job and I don´t judge people I don´t know. That´s all.

yeah sorry i was just using that post as an example for the people who do think he's great and know less than any of us :)

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Now all of a sudden you are all experts in the music bussiness, band promotions, management...WOW!!


to be honest do you have enough knowledge about the music business to say that he is doing great?

I´ve NEVER said whether he´s good or bad in his job simply because I don´t know shit about the man´s job and I don´t judge people I don´t know. That´s all.

To be honest, I think anyone with half a working brain can have an opinion, based on how the band deals with promoting itself, how accessable it makes its information known etc. These are all tasks that the manger should be in control of, and to be honest, nobody here as the ability to fire Merck so its not the end of the world if people don't like him.

This nonsense of "you don't work in the music industry so your not qualified to talk" is out and out shite, if we listened to that kind of crap then why would we have site to discuss a band in the first place, I'm sure very few members here are in a band that can sell out a European tour, so by your logic, I suppose we're not qualified to talk about the band either.

If you want to defend Merck because of some irrational loyality to the band then I think you should come up with more substantial arguments, this whole topic is based on opinion not fact, no a lot of people here can't talk with direct mangerial experience but they can say how easy it was for them to find out about the tour, how it easy it was for them to get info on the band through official channels and the recorded output of the band, these are things Merck as manger should take some responsibilty for and we all have experience of...making us somewhat qualified to talk...

I agree with some of what your saying, this whole topic is based on opinion, everyone has their own views and some of the arugements in support of Merck are quite weak to say the least! However, Guns n' Roses are not like any other band, they are somewhat of an anomoly in the corporate music buisness that exists today, as is Axl.... and that is where i believe the problem lies. Merck has managed an impressive number of bands in his carrer, do you really think he would have let things get to the state they are today if there wasnt someone else pulling the strings, stopping him from doing the usual promotional stuff etc. Axl is the one calling the shots, not Merck, i dont think its very fair to blame him. After everything that happened with Goldstein - booking tours without approval, generally being pushy, trying to force the record out, Axl probably came away from that era with the view that never again would he let a manager have so much power. Mercks contract with Axl probably states that he cant do shit without the approval of the man himself , and we all know that Axl does his own thing, on his own timescale.

Compared to other bands the public image of Guns n Roses is apporling, as someone said earlier the only people who know about what is happening at the moment are those who trawl the internet looking for info. I cant believe someone in Mercks position, with that much experience would have let things get this way unless there was something holding him back. Axl is protective of everything Guns n' Roses, his actions in the past have shown that to be true....... look at every bloody lawsuit from the past 14 years!

I personally think Merck does the best he can with the given situation. He is good to those who email him, he always replys and yeah yeah his answers are always vague but what do you expect, he probably cant say anything without jepodising his relationship with Axl, and possibly jepodising his job...... i dont know of any other manager who takes time out of their busy schedule to talk to fans via the net.

If Merck treated GnR like any other band he would probably be in the same position as Goldstein- an ex GnR manager!


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Now all of a sudden you are all experts in the music bussiness, band promotions, management...WOW!!


to be honest do you have enough knowledge about the music business to say that he is doing great?

I´ve NEVER said whether he´s good or bad in his job simply because I don´t know shit about the man´s job and I don´t judge people I don´t know. That´s all.

To be honest, I think anyone with half a working brain can have an opinion, based on how the band deals with promoting itself, how accessable it makes its information known etc. These are all tasks that the manger should be in control of, and to be honest, nobody here as the ability to fire Merck so its not the end of the world if people don't like him.

This nonsense of "you don't work in the music industry so your not qualified to talk" is out and out shite, if we listened to that kind of crap then why would we have site to discuss a band in the first place, I'm sure very few members here are in a band that can sell out a European tour, so by your logic, I suppose we're not qualified to talk about the band either.

If you want to defend Merck because of some irrational loyality to the band then I think you should come up with more substantial arguments, this whole topic is based on opinion not fact, no a lot of people here can't talk with direct mangerial experience but they can say how easy it was for them to find out about the tour, how it easy it was for them to get info on the band through official channels and the recorded output of the band, these are things Merck as manger should take some responsibilty for and we all have experience of...making us somewhat qualified to talk...

I agree with some of what your saying, this whole topic is based on opinion, everyone has their own views and some of the arugements in support of Merck are quite weak to say the least! However, Guns n' Roses are not like any other band, they are somewhat of an anomoly in the corporate music buisness that exists today, as is Axl.... and that is where i believe the problem lies. Merck has managed an impressive number of bands in his carrer, do you really think he would have let things get to the state they are today if there wasnt someone else pulling the strings, stopping him from doing the usual promotional stuff etc. Axl is the one calling the shots, not Merck, i dont think its very fair to blame him. After everything that happened with Goldstein - booking tours without approval, generally being pushy, trying to force the record out, Axl probably came away from that era with the view that never again would he let a manager have so much power. Mercks contract with Axl probably states that he cant do shit without the approval of the man himself , and we all know that Axl does his own thing, on his own timescale.

Compared to other bands the public image of Guns n Roses is apporling, as someone said earlier the only people who know about what is happening at the moment are those who trawl the internet looking for info. I cant believe someone in Mercks position, with that much experience would have let things get this way unless there was something holding him back. Axl is protective of everything Guns n' Roses, his actions in the past have shown that to be true....... look at every bloody lawsuit from the past 14 years!

I personally think Merck does the best he can with the given situation. He is good to those who email him, he always replys and yeah yeah his answers are always vague but what do you expect, he probably cant say anything without jepodising his relationship with Axl, and possibly jepodising his job...... i dont know of any other manager who takes time out of their busy schedule to talk to fans via the net.

If Merck treated GnR like any other band he would probably be in the same position as Goldstein- an ex GnR manager!


Perhaps all of that is true, however my arguement is if his power is so limited, that Axl calls the shots on everything and dictates everything, then whether he's a good manger or not becomes irrelevant, as Axl has effectively made his position reduntant...The manager has no room to manage.

Also the post you quoted above was more aimed at this nonsense of "your not there so you don't know" crap as espoused by "november rain" and "mysteron", i just don't approve of that nonsense everybody can have have opinion and some are more informed than others but everybody can still have an opinion....

Edited by Mr Estranged
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Perhaps all of that is true, however my arguement is if his power is so limited, that Axl calls the shots on everything and dictates everything, then whether he's a good manger or not becomes irrelevant, as Axl has effectively made his position reduntant...The manager has no room to manage.

Also the post you quoted above was more aimed at this nonsense of "your not there so you don't know" crap as espoused by "november rain" and "mysteron", i just don't approve of that nonsense everybody can have have opinion and some are more informed than others but everybody can still have an opinion....

I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion, its like everything.

I do see where your coming from. However,i wouldnt say he is redundant. The job of a manager is quite vast and doesnt only involve dealing with Axl, for instance Merck would have been responsible for organising and approving everything on the recent European tour that Axl didnt want to deal with, hiring the crew, logistics, haulage, stage, lighting, venues, merch, limited promotion (there were a couple of massive posters on the paris metro) getting Axl invited to public appearances - parties, the F1 Grand Prix etc.


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Dude, I never said you couldn´t have an opinion, of course we are here to discuss and give our opinions about all kind of matters about GNR, what I was trying to show is that some people talk bullshit and I don´t see why most of you bash a person you don´t know. You don´t know what he does so you can´t say whether he´s a good manager or not.

Sometimes things are not what they seem. You don´t know the reasons why things are this way and it´s not fair to judge Merck this way. It´s not that you can´t talk about him, it´s that some of you should think twice before insulting or bashing this man, he´s just a man you don´t know and a man who has done nothing bad to you and most of you take it all very personal and usually feel with the right to judge, bash or insult someone in GNR´s camp just because things aren´t working the way you would want or the way you think they should work.

That´s what I meant, you´re all talking from an ignorant position, myself included.

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Dude, I never said you couldn´t have an opinion, of course we are here to discuss and give our opinions about all kind of matters about GNR, what I was trying to show is that some people talk bullshit and I don´t see why most of you bash a person you don´t know. You don´t know what he does so you can´t say whether he´s a good manager or not.

Sometimes things are not what they seem. You don´t know the reasons why things are this way and it´s not fair to judge Merck this way. It´s not that you can´t talk about him, it´s that some of you should think twice before insulting or bashing this man, he´s just a man you don´t know and a man who has done nothing bad to you and most of you take it all very personal and usually feel with the right to judge, bash or insult someone in GNR´s camp just because things aren´t working the way you would want or the way you think they should work.

That´s what I meant, you´re all talking from an ignorant position, myself included.

If it is nearly impossible to find info about the band, then yeah - management sucks. You don't have to be Einstein to figure that out.

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There's no way that Merck could be doing this bad of a job without doing on purpose, though. The absence of promotion and publicity that we've seen can't be just because he sucks at what he does. They have to planning some kind of sudden big comeback with an immense shock factor. And maybe they're proving to the label that they can sell out shows even without promotion (other than word of mouth). I dunno. I'm sure he isn't getting paid for nothing, though.

There can be no qualified responses here which makes me wonder why this thread is still active

From your responses, you seem to like the HTGTH board more. I'm afraid to tell you, that this board although cruel most of the time is a more accurate depiction of the real world. Although we might not be qualified to choose an appropriate manager for Axl, we defineatly can state our opinion about the current one, and it appears that most people that have posted don't care for Merck.

I will however buy the album when it's released. :xmasssanta:

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Its a bit odd to slate Merck because Axl didnt get off his hermit ass for 13 years!

Merck is a band manager employed by Axl, his job is to keep Axl happy, Merck is not employed by outside forces so he hasn't got much control over Axl and his moods.Whats funny is that Merck is almost allways seen next to Axl in public, most bootlegs you can see him in the background with Beta.

We tried the blame Beta thing and now it's onto Merck, he does what he can.

Assuming his job is a piece of piss is stupid.Axl is the greatest frontman alive but he can be a moody prick who is unpredictable and probably requires a hell of a lot of man management in order to keep GnR alive so stop bitching and be greatfull there is somebody out there keeping the ball moving.

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I remember when Merck banned Madison from entering a backstage party. It was because he read a thread of hers which was basically about slagging off the band and management because they were "being rude to their fans", and he didnt like that one bit.

Ill give Merck credit for that. He was only thinking about the bands best interests.

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Merck is doing a great job.

I think many of you fail to understand how challenging his job truly is, and how difficult it must be to work with artists who are temperamental, volatile and demanding. Most musicians in successful bands - not just GNR - tend to have egos, strong personalities and eccentricities. Merck has to balance all of that to make sure the musician is happy - and at the same time use his experience and judgment to make decisions that are in the best interest of the band. This isn't always easy.

Sometimes a musician won't listen - and then he has to find a creative way to stoke the artist's ego while still getting him to listen. It's part psychology, part PR savvyness, and part industry expert.

Merck has many many years of experience in the business. He knows how the industry works - and - even more importantly - he recognizes the important role the internet plays these days. I think he's done an excellent job communicating with fans who ask him questions - considering the band has no album. I can't think of another manager who would communicate with fans about a band that hasn't released an album in 10 years.

As for gnronline.com - This site is run by the label, so it really shouldn't be surprising if management has another site planned for the band.

I tip my hat off to Merck.

Axl is lucky to have him.

oh, please!!! :sleeper:

...but deep inside you know things could go MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better, even if you were axl's manager!!! ;)

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Ill give Merck credit for that. He was only thinking about the bands best interests.

Please :rolleyes: as if it's a crime to challenge the band or Management.

...and yet ironically, during such 'exciting' years 2003, 2004, 2005(and into 2006) Madison actually had/has been the biggest fan/supporter of the new band when just about everybody else was giving up! IF this happened it was a very poor call on Mercks behalf(and extremely short-sighted)..

You could never find a bigger fan of Axls/Mercks/GNR.


Well it obviously didnt pay-off in her favour at that afterparty, did it?

And I would consider myself a much bigger fan than she will ever be.

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Ill give Merck credit for that. He was only thinking about the bands best interests.

Please :rolleyes: as if it's a crime to challenge the band or Management.

...and yet ironically, during such 'exciting' years 2003, 2004, 2005(and into 2006) Madison actually had/has been the biggest fan/supporter of the new band when just about everybody else was giving up! IF this happened it was a very poor call on Mercks behalf(and extremely short-sighted)..

You could never find a bigger fan of Axls/Mercks/GNR.


Well it obviously didnt pay-off in her favour at that afterparty, did it?

And I would consider myself a much bigger fan than she will ever be.

Already answered the first question.

..and I disagree buddy.


Oh so travelling the globe to see every incarnation of the band live way back from 87 upto 06, who has met the old band on several occasions, still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends, and still being in contact with some the roadies from the Illusion days isnt being a bigger fan than an Administrator for a fansite who goes to 'meet and greet' typical PR shit?


Anyway, I dont want to go off topic and I dont want to get on the wrong side of you because out of all the mods, I respect you the most along with HighVoltage.

Whatever Merck has/hasnt done, its clear that he is loyal to GnR and Axl and vice-versa because Axl Is supposedly Leaving Sanctury with him. So he must be doing some good to Axl if there is loyalty there.

Edited by Charles Manson
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Its a bit odd to slate Merck because Axl didnt get off his hermit ass for 13 years!

Merck is a band manager employed by Axl, his job is to keep Axl happy, Merck is not employed by outside forces so he hasn't got much control over Axl and his moods.Whats funny is that Merck is almost allways seen next to Axl in public, most bootlegs you can see him in the background with Beta.

We tried the blame Beta thing and now it's onto Merck, he does what he can.

Assuming his job is a piece of piss is stupid.Axl is the greatest frontman alive but he can be a moody prick who is unpredictable and probably requires a hell of a lot of man management in order to keep GnR alive so stop bitching and be greatfull there is somebody out there keeping the ball moving.

Don´t bother Dr, these people feel with the right to bash everybody in GNR camp even if they have no clue.

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Its a bit odd to slate Merck because Axl didnt get off his hermit ass for 13 years!

Merck is a band manager employed by Axl, his job is to keep Axl happy, Merck is not employed by outside forces so he hasn't got much control over Axl and his moods.Whats funny is that Merck is almost allways seen next to Axl in public, most bootlegs you can see him in the background with Beta.

We tried the blame Beta thing and now it's onto Merck, he does what he can.

Assuming his job is a piece of piss is stupid.Axl is the greatest frontman alive but he can be a moody prick who is unpredictable and probably requires a hell of a lot of man management in order to keep GnR alive so stop bitching and be greatfull there is somebody out there keeping the ball moving.

Don´t bother Dr, these people feel with the right to bash everybody in GNR camp even if they have no clue.

maybe i'm just an old-school fan, but i don't see how dissing merck or axl's fucking housekeeper matters one goddamned bit to anybody. fuck them. they don't make music. they just enable axl's worst behavior.

It matters because there is only one man to blame for things being how they have been and thats Axl, that and maybe legal matters that don't concern them two.

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Its a bit odd to slate Merck because Axl didnt get off his hermit ass for 13 years!

Merck is a band manager employed by Axl, his job is to keep Axl happy, Merck is not employed by outside forces so he hasn't got much control over Axl and his moods.Whats funny is that Merck is almost allways seen next to Axl in public, most bootlegs you can see him in the background with Beta.

We tried the blame Beta thing and now it's onto Merck, he does what he can.

Assuming his job is a piece of piss is stupid.Axl is the greatest frontman alive but he can be a moody prick who is unpredictable and probably requires a hell of a lot of man management in order to keep GnR alive so stop bitching and be greatfull there is somebody out there keeping the ball moving.

Don´t bother Dr, these people feel with the right to bash everybody in GNR camp even if they have no clue.

maybe i'm just an old-school fan, but i don't see how dissing merck or axl's fucking housekeeper matters one goddamned bit to anybody. fuck them. they don't make music. they just enable axl's worst behavior.

these are all real people with real emotions just like your or I. we dont know them, we shouldn't make assumptions.

Edited by Axls_Disillusion
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Oh so travelling the globe to see every incarnation of the band live way back from 87 upto 06, who has met the old band on several occasions, still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends, and still being in contact with some the roadies from the Illusion days isnt being a bigger fan than an Administrator for a fansite who goes to 'meet and greet' typical PR shit? ..

That's all very interesting, but I would guess there are many of us here who have been following the band from day one. You're definitely not alone. Not sure how contacting some washed-up roadie from the Illusions days has anything to do with GNR today - but hey, whatever turns your crank dude.

As for me - you have no idea who I know or don't know in the music world - or outside this forum in general, my friend. So, you might be wise not to draw conclusions based on matters you know nothing about.

.. still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends

Ummm.. hate to break it to you buddy, but Slash isn't in the band anymore.

Maybe you made a wrong turn when you were on your way to the VR forum? Please - feel free to continue your journey there. :)

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Oh so travelling the globe to see every incarnation of the band live way back from 87 upto 06, who has met the old band on several occasions, still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends, and still being in contact with some the roadies from the Illusion days isnt being a bigger fan than an Administrator for a fansite who goes to 'meet and greet' typical PR shit? ..

That's all very interesting, but I would guess there are many of us here who have been following the band from day one. You're definitely not alone. Not sure how contacting some washed-up roadie from the Illusions days has anything to do with GNR today - but hey, whatever turns your crank dude.

As for me - you have no idea who I know or don't know in the music world - or outside this forum in general, my friend. So, you might be wise not to draw conclusions based on matters you know nothing about.

.. still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends

Ummm.. hate to break it to you buddy, but Slash isn't in the band anymore.

Maybe you made a wrong turn when you were on your way to the VR forum? Please - feel free to continue your journey there. :)

How witty!! :P

And as for me - I have connections in the music world you couldn't even begin to fathom, so it would be wise for you follow your own advice and not to draw conclusions...people are watching... :kiss:

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Oh so travelling the globe to see every incarnation of the band live way back from 87 upto 06, who has met the old band on several occasions, still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends, and still being in contact with some the roadies from the Illusion days isnt being a bigger fan than an Administrator for a fansite who goes to 'meet and greet' typical PR shit? ..

That's all very interesting, but I would guess there are many of us here who have been following the band from day one. You're definitely not alone. Not sure how contacting some washed-up roadie from the Illusions days has anything to do with GNR today - but hey, whatever turns your crank dude.

As for me - you have no idea who I know or don't know in the music world - or outside this forum in general, my friend. So, you might be wise not to draw conclusions based on matters you know nothing about.

.. still having connections and contact with Slash and his friends

Ummm.. hate to break it to you buddy, but Slash isn't in the band anymore.

Maybe you made a wrong turn when you were on your way to the VR forum? Please - feel free to continue your journey there. :)

How witty!! :P

And as for me - I have connections in the music world you couldn't even begin to fathom, so it would be wise for you follow your own advice and not to draw conclusions...people are watching... :kiss:



but on topic:

i think its sad when you have fans making threads asking other fans to promote gnr

you don't need to be an expert in the music bussiness or Mercks mother/best friends to know bad promoting

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