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Posts posted by Appetite18

  1. I love Audioslave, I have both their albums. I prefer their second album because their first, while very good, has a pretty weak second half. Out of Exile is much more consistent IMO. I do love what I heard from their previous bands but I much prefer Cornell as a vocalist to de la Rocha, whose delivery is definitely heartfelt but can be a little obnoxious. Still, if I saw Audioslave live I wouldn't want to hear Cornell try and do Killing In The Name or Guerilla Radio. I wont say I prefer Audioslave since I only have one album from Soundgarden and RATM but Audioslave is definitey one of the best bands out right now,

  2. EVH but Rhodes was a brilliant guitarist. He died way too young but put out some classic music with Ozzy. It would have been interesting to see what direction he would have taken his playing in if he had lived.

  3. I think both are brilliant album but if I had to choose Id say Wish You Were Here. I prefer the whole concept of that album more than Animals. But then again I don't anything musically on WYWH(excepting maybe Shine on Crazy Diamond Part 1) can hold a candle to Dogs.

  4. Ive heard they kind of are and kind of aren't. The lyrics aren't very political like Rage is supposed to be, they are much closer to Soundgardens lyrics, which no surprise cause Cornells the vocalist. But I don't know music wise, I haven't heard any RATM.

  5. AC/DC-Let There Be Rock

    Aerosmith-Rocks, Aerosmith, Get Your Wings, Draw The Line, and Permanent Vacation

    The Beatles-Abbey Road, White Album, and Revolver

    Black Sabbath-Sabotage, maybe the ones they did with Dio too

    Iron Maiden-Powerslave, maybe more if I like Powerslave

    Led Zeppelin-Every Studio album after Zeppelin IV

    Megadeth-Greatest Hits

    Pantera-Far Beyond The Driven, possibly Reinventing The Steel but I hear it isnt that good

    Pink Floyd-The Final Cut, maybe more

    Pearl Jam-Vitalogy, then it depends if I like Vitalogy I'll keep going if I don't Im getting Lost Dogs

    Rolling Stones-Sticky Fingers

  6. I'm really not big on either one of these bands either. Tom Araya is just one of the shittiest vocalists ever and I can't sayh I like his lyrics too much. But they do have some good riffs. Slipknot really just sucks, except I think Corey Taylor is a decent vocalist, far better than Araya at least but I don't care for their music much. If I had to choose I guess Id say Slayer.

  7. I love Ozzy but he tends to get too much credit. He was easily the least talented member of Sabbath and he wouldn't be what he was today without them. Plus, he would have never have made it after they fired him if he didn't have two flat out amazing guitarists with him. His wife is really a bitch and it doesn't surprise me that she did this to Maiden. I was gonna go to Ozzfest this year but it didn't work out, I have heard that Maiden put on a hell of a live show.

  8. Malmsteen is a prick and from what Ive heard of his, I was not impressed at all. But then all I heard was a classical guitar solo but it was so god damn boring. I can tell he can play fast but what he is playing was dull.

    I love what I have heard from Satriani. He's really technical but he still plays with quite a bit of feeling I think. I haven't heard much of anything from Vai but Ive heard he's actually better than Satch. Right now I'll have to say Satch.

  9. Yeah so my friend let me borrow this live album called Full Bluntal Nudity and what Ive heard so far is awesome. This guys an insane guitar player. Im gonna have to buy some of his stuff. So are there any fans of him?

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