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Posts posted by ChrisXGNR

  1. well i'm not too covinced it'll be out this year but i know it will be out by the end of 2007

    i heard they'll be dropped by the label unless its out by then and people have told me they know from inside sources its out in 2007 at the latest.

    don't believe me if you don't want to, makes no difference to me

    I would think Geffen could forcefully put the album out?

  2. Maybe Axl got Ozzys guitarist Zakk Wylde?

    Doubtful, I believe he already worked with him and Axl said that the new person has nothing to do with the past.

    I think i read Axl was going to get him to work. But something came up.

    "Zakk has also in the past auditioned and was poised to become part of Guns N' Roses but a miscommunication between management led to Zakk never having the opportunity to play with Axl Rose." Wikipedia. But who knows.

  3. Yet another thread that must try to define who is a true fan. Only this time, the poster's name is Axlsnutsack, so it must be something worth reading, right? :rolleyes: Oh, I'm sorry, you must've been trying to be serious. You've failed.

    Here's an idea: Hold on to your curiosity for a change, instead of dismissing the new band on bootlegs and other live songs that haven't been officially released yet. People whine that GN'R these days doesn't deserve their attention because they haven't released anything, yet, they say they suck because of a few live songs that are barely a decent representation of the band. Some of you aren't making any sense.

    Hey nutsack, obviously you are curious about the new band because you've claimed to have listened to bootlegs. So, if they are absolutely nothing compared to the old band, why would you listen to the bootlegs? Honestly. You're curious aren't you? Exactly. Your curiosity makes you interested in what this band can accomplish. If you never thought this band could match the old band, then you should not have downloaded the bootlegs. It's so simple, yet you are not making it easy for yourself, and you just set yourself up for another disappointment in life that is 100% your own fault.

    Luckily, others listened to the live songs and the leaks without a bias and are able to enjoy them. If you cling onto that bias, that's your own fucking fault, and you have no one but yourself to blame. It's not the new band's fault for not meeting your expectations. That's not their goal, and if you don't know that, then you're in shit up to your knees.

    Why is he still posting then?

  4. He probably cant say anything......... and before these people go in for interviews agreements have to be signed, about what can and cannot be asked etc. Its not his fault, its probably just the nature of his contract with Axl that restricts him from saying anything!

    We will all find out in 8 days


    Thats what i was thinking, Axl probably signed them to very strict terms.

  5. different genres. i imagine he said something that the media picked up on and blew out of proportion. he's put the axl shit to bed, neither of them care anymore. but still hardcore axl fans do what they can to put down the crue. its only you lot keepin it alive, especially since axl pussied out of all the fights

    as muych as you lot can say about how shit our vince is or whatever he's a legend end of. taught axl what he is now, he taught axl how to sing when doing 5 shows a week. you lot hate hi coz axl does so either grow up or wise up. vince has kept his band together and been put on the walk of fame and had a top 4 grossing tour of 2005.


    Nothing wrong with Vince Neil people, he inspired Axl more than any of you guys think.

    Remember Axl was always the one to back down to Vince..


    Axl could of wooped his ass.

  6. i would like to think that the new guitarist is slash, after all he has been keeping a low profile latley and forgetting about that law suit which as much as u think i am an idiot i think it is a put on just to pretend the band members hate each other but is really just put on so that there is no one who thinks there will be a reunion for the upcoming concerts.

    Jesus, Longest Sentence EVER!

  7. i personally believe that the demo of Twta was from back then. It has a very 'TSI' sound to it. It also is the only one with backing vocals which may be from the line up back then....just a hunch.....but the album has probably been tweeked many times to cater to new talents and different musicians.

    The first time I listened to twat I said that had to be slash on there

    Good to know i'm not the only one to think that...i do believe that is the old line up (or older than present day line up). I think all the demo's are quite old and the newer stuff that has been recorded is very well protected. If we had demos of anything i would think Madagascar or the blues would be floating around as they are obviously not guarded secrets. But its obvious that these few songs that have leaked are the only ones and will sound different on the album if they are on there.

    I think Axl is scared of people saying hes lost his touch.

  8. will G'n'R become the biggest band in the world again, after releasing "Chinese Democracy" and touring the world with the new material?

    In the next few years... these are the bands that I think (outside of Guns N' Roses) that will be the biggest draws world-wide...

    1) Rolling Stones

    2) U2

    3) Metallica

    4) Pearl Jam

    5) Bon Jovi

    6) AC/DC

    7) Iron Maiden

    8) Red Hot Chili Peppers

    9) Green Day

    10) Coldplay

    these are the bands that will sell the most records... or gain the most modern media exposure (popularity with the youth)...

    1) Green Day

    2) Coldplay

    3) U2

    4) Tool

    5) Bon Jovi

    6) Smashing Pumpkins

    7) Red Hot Chili Peppers

    8) Metallica

    9) Audioslave

    10) Aerosmith

    you guys think its feasible for G'n'R to overcome the above adversity and gain the crown?

    remember... to be the biggest band comes in two aspects... 1) to sell the most records & have the most media exposure 2) draw the biggest crowds

    several of the above bands... such Rolling Stones, Maiden & AC/DC depend completely upon old material and are in essence grandeurized nostalgia acts today...

    others... such as Pearl Jam & the Chili Peppers can no longer do much more than 1x platinum per new record...

    I feel that Guns N' Roses ranks REAL high in terms of big bands that can STILL sell records as well as draw huge crowds even if they aren't #1 in ticket sales in itself.

    This whole list is garbage for this generation, 90% of kids these days are wiggers and new put togthere bands are in.

  9. I wondered if Mr Brownstone was gay "weve been dancin with...".Probably a million more that ive tried to forget as well

    I dint know what Mr.Brownstone was about until my mom told me lol.

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