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The Sandman

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Status Updates posted by The Sandman

  1. Party time!

    Gor, I can't wait.

  2. Of course man! I've been a massive fan for, gor, over 10 years. Love him.

  3. I gotta second that - Population Override is awesome. I also like Monsters and Robots however. Sorry for butting in :P

  4. Had you sounded out...

    You won't get away so easily this game ;)

  5. Should get chatting on MSN or something, drop me a line :)

  6. Ha! Knew it was your birthday soon!

  7. Can't believe you tricked me like that :D

  8. yeah, you're awesome

  9. 'ello mate :D 5 stars!

  10. Likewise (^^,)

    You any closer to killing that indy?

  11. NW man, it's understandable. Make sure you catch that killer.

  12. I'll take that as a compliment :P

  13. They must like it if they keep renewing their "contracts"

  14. Cheers man - I don't think it'll replace it. Major props to GNRfan001 and Christopher who made it. Awesome pic btw.

  15. Cheers peggy - nice to know I get poorly rated despite filling in my profile well :P Thanks jimmy, will do.

  16. 5 stars for your last topic (^^,)

  17. I miss Adnan. I haven't had to read a thread about Clapton in like, the last week.

  18. To a fellow degenerate

  19. Ole Beich approves ;)

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