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Posts posted by gin_hotel


    Yea, who do these guys think they are? Using the name Guns N' Roses even though none of them were in the band? FOR SHAME!

    Only Robin Finck, Tommy Stinson, Brian Mantia, Richard Fortus, Paul Huge, and Buckethead are allowed to do that!


  1. doherty just wishes he was sid vicious or kurt cobain.

    kurt would be spinning in his grave if he wasnt cremated

    Thats ridiculous. Do you think before you write down what you say, Julie?

    julie ?! what the hell are you talkin about cockboy

  2. It's damn annoying isn't it. The band is weird. Nothing else to say about it. Every convention or logical idea is rejected, every chance for publicity is too.

    Here we are in 2006 and the band:

    - Still has no new singles out

    - Still has no album out

    - Still hasn't done anything in public since 2002

    - Still hasn't got a confirmed lineup

    - Still hasn't got a website. I mean can ANYONE name ANY other band, which does not have an up to date website? Even the local bands in my town has their own bloody website updated regularly.

    Queue the yes man to say 'It's part of a masterplan' or 'They will when its time'. But the truth is that the band is just annoying and stupidly mis-managed by its member(s?) and Mercky-Merck.

    excellent post

  3. You guys are all fucking losers.

    First to the dipshit whose best friend works for a "RADIO STATION" in PP NJ. I had no idea guys that work for "RADIO STATIONS" were at the top of the food chain of finding out info that is nowhere else (in any media). Maybe you should ask him who shot JFK, where is Jimmy Hoffa, who killed JR. Idiot.

    To the other moron, that is wet dreaming about SLASH on opening night. That would be cool, but don't obsess over it. Get your had off of your cock, get out of your mother's basement, go out find a girl, and get laid you geek. People like you are one step beneath Star Trek Fans.

    Bottom line losers, it doesn't matter. When GNR are back, what the fuck are you gonna do. Wack off to photos of Axl and the band in your mama's bathroom.

    Guns N' Roses is a great band, and will be again. Axl is a great singer/lyricist. Listening to their music is fun, exciting, sad, happy, etc... But at the end of the day, it's only music.

    Get a life.

    MRPENNACH you are a LEGEND and i salute you rock1

  4. It looks like he's feeling her pulse. I thought he's been off heroin and now onto something else, anyway.

    Knowing the Sun, it's probably shit.

    yes, we all know to trust the sun

    they got pics u dumb cunts

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