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Posts posted by kaddisonmoore

  1. umm right before i got into GNR? Green Day. i liekd them before american idiot, but that album set it over the top. i got into gnr a few months after american idiot came out so ive only been a massive fan for 4 years

    before that Kiss was my first rock band i liked, but i never listened to them,

    That's what great about this board we have a lot of different age groups :)

    Green Day was big for me with their album Dookie (Basket case, She, When I come around) in '94

    Then I went and bought their "1st" album 1,309 smoothed out slappy hours

    (Which I think was a compilation of three sort of very underground albums from them) and Kerplunk their "2nd" album.

    I don't know if I can recommend it 'cause it's nothing like "American idiot" or "Warning" Green day. ;)

    But I still have and listen to those old school green day albums :P

    yeah dude. i had nimrod and dookie before american idiot and loved those. i have kerplunk and all theri other albums now. still listen occasionally. but i honestly believe american idiot is their best. not their punkiesor w/e but best overall music

  2. I couldn't finish A Scanner Darkly. The whole movie just felt like an opening credits because of the cartoon-y way it was done if you know what I mean, and because of that I couldn't concentrate on the movie. I could have watched it if it was done like a proper fucking movie. Admittably I was very high and it was a bad choice of movie.

    ha. i understand what you mean but i loved that movie.

    anyone see the new punisher?

    terrible, terrible dialogue. i liked this punisher actor more than the last , and the story was good, but jigsaw tried to act like the joker too much and the dialogue ruined the movie

  3. I'll be picking up their Greatest Hits dual disc soon. By the way, what would you guys say is their best album?


    Ixnay on the Hombre

    Splinter very underrated

    I was hope rise would be splinter but longer, but i was dissapionted

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