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Posts posted by sixtus

  1. Greatest Hits 2 <_< Not that again for fuck sake.

    Personally I don't think Guns N' Roses should be 3rd to Metallica and AC/DC. Both are good bands but if you ask me Guns N' Roses are better.

    i agree for 1000 percent!..and we don't need a fuckin greatest hits 2! hopefully that's not true..

  2. Also, applying logic to the GN'R situation is a huge waste of time as logic doesn't seem to exist in the world of GN'R.

    absolutely correct..that's also why i wouldn't lay my hands in the fire..that the name of the new album is really Chinese Democracy...but one thing is true:...for me it will be the best moment in life to hold the new GNR cd in the own hands...concerning music and favourite band in life this do not happen often...but let's hope axl will be around still a long time..if there are a lot of tracks done..then it might be coming a new CD afterwards soon...for now and 01.03 songs on 01.03 march: lets hope!

    at least so far:..Axl is around again... :)

  3. I've thought since sometime mid-last-year that CD would be out by this summer, mainly after hearing the Da Vinci Code Rumor.

    Da Vinci comes out May 19. If GN'R perform a single for the album, it's likely it will be released about two weeks to a month in advance of the film (as most soundtracks are). This gives the single time to hit the charts before releasing the actual album.

    This would leave June open (to wait until the film is on its way out of theaters).

    June is 6/06.

    Axl is including thirteen tracks on CD. Thirteen is infamously the most "unlucky number," and I don't think it's coincidence.

    6/6/06 would be 6-6-6.

    Of course, this would sound ridiculous without much "proof," but now we have Axl making his first public appearance in what, almost two years? And giving the first interview in about four years? And rumors about being in a RS issue talking about a summer release?

    I think we'll see CD this June.

    I don't know if I'd go that far, but I must say Friday the 13th was an interesting coincidence! Fuck I hope your rite man!

    Yeah, I had totally forgotten about Friday the 13th being his appearance, too!

    It's either really weird coincidence (Friday the 13th, the number thirteen), or a hint.

    It's might be a hint about the number of the month :rolleyes::P

    OH MY GOD! :) really...13...01.03...

    mh...pray to god above :)

  4. Is there any source W. Axl Rose made an official statement that C.D. will be the new title of the CD?

    I even do not understand why he is not willing to put out a double CD or two separeted Discs like User Your Illusion. We have waited that long now..so a double CD would be more than fair! :)

    and again: you never know. Its simple Axl. Best Singer, Poet and Performer worldwide on earth.

  5. The Blues is easily the best tune we've heard so far.

    Listening to the RIR version right now,the only thing that stops it from being great is Axl's comments and the very poor guitar sound...Richard played it better than Tobias IMO.

    When I'm singing along to another version of The Blues, I always say "okay, nevermind!" at that part because I've heard it enough that it's just an automatic thing now. :o:lol:

    And yeah, it's a great song. Easily the best new song the band has done. Better than NR or Estranged? I don't know if I'd say that, but it's up there. And that's good enough for me.

    even my singing is like hell..."okay nevermind"...i know what you mean hahah :) i have also listen that much to this version..that i would miss it on the cd then :)

  6. Chinese Democracy will not be released in March.

    chinese democracy will be released in march!!!! it will be two separeted CDs again..and the name will NOT be chinese democracy..the two CDs will be called "use your illusion 3" and "use your illusion 4" ! !

    haha :)

    i would prefer that also...:)

  7. OMFG

    Chinese Democracy is coming because some kiddo said that Axl is getting older.

    [sarcasm]My, I wish I could think up reasons as good as this.[/sarcasm]

    Seriously? Do you think it matters all that much to him how old he is? Macca, Jacko and others are getting older and still going on. Hell, look at Madonna (it's an excuse ;) , she's getting on. It what you produce, not your age.

    hahaha because some kiddo said :) :)

    seriously..i hope it will come out latest in march...like slash mentioned on the radio..:)

  8. Awsome. You never hear much from Slash in the US, I dont think VR has been on rockline yet and thats pretty much the only way you could hear an interview with Slash in the US. I was surprised to hear his tone of voice while talking about Axl and CD, he sounded excited. So I guess Chinese Democracy comes out in March, can we finaly be sure of this? I think so...

    it would be too cool to be true...i think only god knows it (not even axl himself)..only jesus :)

    wow cooll thanx!!! :)

    but i dont get..in the beginning he said he heard some songs by "original source"..and then he started

    "no i haven't heard music so far..."

    Just going by what is written in the other thread...he didn't say "original source", he said that an "official source" has heard it, and that it sounds great.

    which tread?


    In big red letters...you can't miss it. :lol:

    i cant find it! what do you mean?...just kidding :)..thank you!..and by the way: this is such a sweet dog..is it yours? :)

  9. Awsome. You never hear much from Slash in the US, I dont think VR has been on rockline yet and thats pretty much the only way you could hear an interview with Slash in the US. I was surprised to hear his tone of voice while talking about Axl and CD, he sounded excited. So I guess Chinese Democracy comes out in March, can we finaly be sure of this? I think so...

    it would be too cool to be true...i think only god knows it (not even axl himself)..only jesus :)

    wow cooll thanx!!! :)

    but i dont get..in the beginning he said he heard some songs by "original source"..and then he started

    "no i haven't heard music so far..."

    Just going by what is written in the other thread...he didn't say "original source", he said that an "official source" has heard it, and that it sounds great.

    which tread?

  10. Hollywood has produced hundreds of movies based on music stars, such as Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash. As I sat in the movie theater waiting for Walk The Line to start, I started thinking to myself, what if Hollywood made a movie about Axl Rose.

    How would you like to see the movie made? Like would you rather it be a big time Hollywood Project, done by a big time director with well known actors, or would you rather it be made on a low budget, indy project, with like no well known actors?

    What would the movie be named?

    Who would you like to see play Axl Rose?

    I would like to see the movie made on a low budget, an indy project, I would like the movie to be directed by someone that loved GNR, that really knew the music, and the band's story. I think this would give the movie the feel that it needs. I think it would give the movie an edge.

    I think "Don't Cry" would be an interesting title to the movie. It was the first song the band wrote if I'm not mistaken...

    and I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who could play Axl Rose. I personally would like to see some no name play him. I would also like to see the actor do a lot of the singing, instead of using Axl's voice and have the actor lip sync. Like they did on "The Doors" and "Walk The Line".

    I would love to see this happen, imagine sitting in a theater watching previews, and suddenly the trailer for the Axl Rose movie comes on and you see this actor doing the snake dance, screaming into a micraphone in front of thousands of fans, and then at like the end of the trailer when they are showing the title of the movie you hear the actor scream out "DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE!?"

    would be a fuckin good idea! my idea for the title of the movie would be: Dances with dolphins! :)

  11. :) meta..thank you very much..that make things much more clerarer for me now..

    and i do agree with Q....i really love and like the song..one of their best tracks ever!... thats also why

    i started this topic...

    what i am surprised: axl and a skateboard? :) :) i guess it was just a phrase...:)

    Axl and Izzy both used to skateboard. A few pics of Izzy exist, one in which he is skating. Axl is seen in one picture with a board, but none of him skating exist, as far as I know.

    really?? i didn't know that..i would really like to see a pictue with axl even just holding a skateboard..do you have it perhaps? :rolleyes:

    Yeah hold on....


    Sorry so small. A bigger one exists, I have it, but have no way to upload it.

    And Izzy actually skating


    I thought that was cool. I wonder how good they were?... Maybe Chef knows. :chef:

    AR, AC

    ohhhh thx!! if someone has told me yesterday that axl skated in his old days...i could'nt believe it :)

  12. beside the old discussions about the lyrics...does anyone know who the hell axl means with the chorus..

    "maybe someday we'll see you..before you make us cry..ya know we try to reach you..but you're much too hide..."

    who is the "shooting star, the one in a million" ? !

    I thought he said much too HIGH, its not hide.

    yeah I think so too

    yeah..of course he sang "much to high"..i looked in the lyrics afterwards..to be honest i always thought he sang "much too hide"..thats why i was wondering who he meant :)

    :) meta..thank you very much..that make things much more clerarer for me now..

    and i do agree with Q....i really love and like the song..one of their best tracks ever!... thats also why

    i started this topic...

    what i am surprised: axl and a skateboard? :) :) i guess it was just a phrase...:)

    Axl and Izzy both used to skateboard. A few pics of Izzy exist, one in which he is skating. Axl is seen in one picture with a board, but none of him skating exist, as far as I know.

    really?? i didn't know that..i would really like to see a pictue with axl even just holding a skateboard..do you have it perhaps? :rolleyes:

  13. hmm that does make sense. but i cant really see slash being the type of person to do that, if he wanted to speak to axl wouldnt he just do it?

    Maybe he's tried, and Axl didn't respond. (Remember when Axl didn't answer the door when Izzy came knocking a few years ago?). Or maybe it would be too awkward with all the lawsuits.

    I think this may also have been the reason Slash showed up in Las Vegas years ago. While I initially thought he did that disrupt Axl's show -- I'm now starting to think he did that to try to mend fences with Axl. But - who knows. *shrugs*

    Maybe he is being verbally supportive in hopes of an out-of-court settlement for the upcoming lawsuit in May.

    ...or for the conspiracy theorists, maybe Slash has replaced all of Buckethead's parts on the album and they've been able to successfully keep it hush-hush, saving the hype for release day.

    Third scenario...maybe people can't stop asking Slash GNR questions so he figures he'll beat them to the punch whenever he is interviewed.

    which lawsuit in may?

    he said march..not mentioned a year B)

  14. wow cooll thanx!!! :)

    but i dont get..in the beginning he said he heard some songs by "original source"..and then he started

    "no i haven't heard music so far..." also the moderator should have asked him if he knows something

    about axl and what's their relationsship now..

    funny also the dog ??? and this water-glass bubbling all the time?? :)

  15. :) meta..thank you very much..that make things much more clerarer for me now..

    and i do agree with Q....i really love and like the song..one of their best tracks ever!... thats also why

    i started this topic...

    what i am surprised: axl and a skateboard? :) :) i guess it was just a phrase...:)

  16. On tonights episode of an American show called 'Wildboyz', Guns N' Roses was mentioned. If anyone here was a fan of Jackass, or Wildboyz for that matter would know Steve-O. In a skit he was riding a dolphin. At that point Johnny Knoxville, who was a guest on the show says, "Thats the reason Guns N' Roses broke up, riding dolphins". It gave me a smile. I thought I would share the happiness.

    Not too good news to follow up the new pictures though.

    hahahaha :) i also have to laugh...at least it shows us that knoxville has a clue...:)

  17. beside the old discussions about the lyrics...does anyone know who the hell axl means with the chorus..

    "maybe someday we'll see you..before you make us cry..ya know we try to reach you..but you're much too hide..."

    who is the "shooting star, the one in a million" ? !

  18. I'm with you. I love piano balades. And I love the way Axl plays the piano. I hope he has more piano balads on C.D. That would make mine day. I would love em. We need more piano ballads. Axl so good at them. You can see he puts his heart into them. :wub:;)

    kimberley heart..no one could say that better ! absolutely correct...! axl take care! :);)

  19. Quoting Sixtus

    yeah, im absolutely with you, my dream would be "its allright" and "dust in the wind" in long versions, also

    with guitar solos and so on. stuff like that...and i can't wait to hear the studio version of "the blues".

    Although both songs are not from Axl Rose, I would like to hear longer version of both too.

    yeah but axl decided to play both songs..and his voice and the piano..thats what made them more than special..although the lyrics are great...

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