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Posts posted by Drakestar

  1. Well, I  can't believe it but it may be happening. I'm tired. I was thinking about going to Winnipeg or Buffalo this summer. Now I see they added Detroit which is way closer. How upsetting it would have been if I had paid the insane ticket price and for travel. It really is a turn off. I've seen the same show countless times. They are really going to be hitting fan fatigue level soon, then I could just go see them at my local pub in a few years.



  2. 17 minutes ago, liers said:

    Just speculation, but maybe whatever he hung himself with or from broke, unfortunately by the time that happened the damage was done.

    Didn't Robin Williams do it a similar way? Hooked a belt to the doorframe and let gravity do its nasty strechy thing. People picture a noose from a hook in the ceiling, but it is not always that way. Makes it even worse thinking about the last moments. No wonder people suppress memories into the deep reccesses of consciousness. His poor family.

  3. I once had a patient kill himself. I saw him at 6pm he was happy and was to return the next day. He did not show up. Very uncharacteristic. I finally found out what happened. He left my office, dragged his lazy-boy into the garage and let the car run. It took a long time to "get over" it. He had already made his final decision. He did not need a call for help. He found joy in knowing the should I or shouldn't I self talk had finally come to a decision. Decision making made him happy. He could just stop thinking about it. He just had to go home. The thought of going home fulfilled him.

    Maybe it is often this way. I don't know. Leaving the rest of us sad is an awful thing to do and I get why hate/anger is one of the steps of grief.


    • Thanks 1
  4. This is just horrible. What a method to chose. I don't know what the significance of hanging is but it must be something cathartic about it. God Bless his soul. All the questions alone are painful.

    • Band starts a show with something other than It's So Easy or Welcome to the Jungle (5/1) - 20
    • Band ends a show with something other than Paradise City (10/1) -10
    • Izzy joins band on stage, plays song with Axl, Duff, Slash (8/1) -10
    • Steven joins band on stage, plays song with Axl, Duff, Slash (2/1) -15
    • The original AFD lineup (Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven) play one song together (15/1) - 5
    • Sebastian Bach joins GNR onstage for a song (4/1) -5
    • Band plays a new song (9/1) -10
    • Axl rants against Donald Trump at a show (4/1) -5
    • A GNR concert lasts longer than 3 hours, ten minutes (4/1) - 15
    • Band plays a UYI song that was not played in 2016 (3/1) -20
    • Band, with Axl, plays a song from TSI (5/1) -5
    • Band plays a new cover (3/1) -10
    • Band stops playing The Seeker (must be dropped from the set for three consecutive shows) (4/1) -5
    • Axl and Slash sit down for a joint interview (10/1) -5
    • A members of GNR (excluding Axl) visits MYGNRFORUM and answers questions (50/1) -5
    • None of the above happens (50/1) -5

    This ought to be fun. Hopefully I added it up to 150 correctly :).

    The thought of keeping track of all of this makes my head spin! I would totally understand if it just becomes too much.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Pedrolg said:

    Axl is leaner than he was in the US. And jesus, he really wears the shit out of his shirts for many consecutive days.

    Everyday is laundry day! It does get tiring seeing him in the same outfits day after day. However no one says that to the actors performing in a play.  :shrugs:

  6. 1 minute ago, BorderlineCrazy said:

    The jacket was a wild dream for me but I was determined to buy the white Appetite shirt with black sleeves and from what I see, they're not selling it here :cry:

    Hard to explain, you should experience it. Thousands of people jumping together while Slash is playing Sweet Child's riff... It's such a magical moment :heart:

    This is true, but at 44 I'd rather have a space (ie. a seat that will be used very little) that I can call my own. However being at the back of the GA with my own dancin' space is pretty cool.

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