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Posts posted by Stupid_Moron

  1. Yeah..... The only prob i have is like.... i think it comes in very bassy.. like the bass is heaps loud and it is a bit weird...but like... Its stil fuckn COOL!  ;D

    Hahaha "lovely friends" <-- bwhahah i was very excited at the time... heheheh!  ;D

  2. But why can't Buckethead just be Brian Carroll?  He's an amazing guitarist and doesn't need a gimmick to sell himself. He might have needed that to grab the public's attention when he was a struggling musician, but he's proven himself all on his own now.

    I agree... but then ppl would be like... Axl made buckethead change or some shit.... And the buckethead fans will be let down because they love it or something!

    I donno... i agree.... cant he just be this kick ass brain carrol :(

  3. From  Sl*sh 's official fan site for what it's worth (Since I don't know the skinny on who the singer is from 55555, I am positng this for FYI purposes.  Any contradiction from 55555's secret singer is not my intention).  Interesting to say the least if it is true.

    The Informer" sent news about the  Sl*sh / Buff/Matt/Izzy project. He says he's listened to two demos. The Informer says the band has been tentatively named The Guns. According to him, the band has been writing and recording music and sending it to Michigan to Cheyenne Goff, lead vocalist for Bliss66. Cheyenne is writing lyrics and recording vocals. The Informer says that he's not sure if this is supposed to be a secret, but he thought he would pass it on. Take this for an unconfirmed rumor, but it's an interesting one. The band name is a good one! Cheyenne is 21 and comes from Caro, Michigan - now residing in Taylor, MI. He's been compared to Matchbox Twenty's Rob Thomas. If you would like to hear Cheyenne, go to Cheyenne Goff Sings  (www.bliss66.com). Keep that band information coming!

    Thanx to g n r x .com

    Hmmmm The Guns... I knew it would be something like that..... They are obviously riding the name thing! Not that i mind lol..... Shall be very cool!  :)

  4. ^ Totally agree...... The band rocks.... Axl is the one letting them down atm..... BUT.. Only because he was soooo fuckn good in the old band! Like he can still sing... and like someone said somewhere b4 his "new voice" is suited to the new songs more then the old! But i have the whole london show and he kicks ass.... then again i have heard a couple where he wasnt great... but still good... i think alot has to do with the quality of the set up and bootlegging and such!

    Meanwhile.. we can be garaunteed that the album will sound great!  ;D

  5. Yeah Fu.ck...  It WOULD have been a fuckn Kick ass show!

    The tension would have been through the roof.... the chants would have been going... Axl woulda been on the stage eventually.... could have been great... just like old concerts... Cept some d!ck decided to ruin it for EVERYONE... Axl included!

  6. hahaha Im laughing at that guy that said "im gonna burn all my gnr sh!t"

    haha i bet hes fuckn sorry LMFAO! :D

    Thanks for that.. only annoying bit is the last few seconds cut out so i missed the ending :(

  7. I dont think you can blame it on ticket sales until we have heard something! (Even though they will change the story i guess if it is about ticket sales)

    Like i said somewhere else.. if it WAS about ticket sales they would release a single FFS!

  8. No this IS good.... Who would here guns play good show

    Like.. what all of the rolling stone community loL!

    THis is like the WHOLE WORD!

    Plus.. it might help ticket sales... i would love to say i was part of the riot  ;D Bwhahaha (immature.. YES) but yeah.... They get their money back do they not?!

    Its all good!

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