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Posts posted by AppetiteForGnR

  1. Personally, I don't see the point of being so crude, cruel and mean in a concert review or music journalism/tabloid journalism.

    Following the band closely and seeing so many reviews of shows from this tour, at least the media are in unison.

    It goes something like this: GnR review 2010:

    Where is Slash?

    What happened to Axl? Did he actually age 15 years in 15 years? WTF!!

    Throw in some shit about hired hands, starting late, beer belly, handlebar moustache, wardrobe critique etc, etc.

  2. Get it straight people. There are plenty of shows from the 90's where his live voice is anything but good. 91 is basically a catastrophy in my ears. In 93 when Guns was in Stockhom some people were saying how bad his live voice was and that it sounded nothing like the album.

    I think his voice..especially on the appetite songs today are better than anytime during the 90's.

    I appreciate the pure power, fullness and timbre of Axl's voice in the past, but a lot of the time during the UYIs tour it was really, really strained. Like in 1991. Indiana '91 wasn't good, RIR '91 second night his voice was hurting a lot. And, his vocal cords must have been damaged, had knots at various points. Now his voice is cleaner, raspy and he sings a lot of the old songs very well I think.

  3. Great Catcher. I wasnt crazy about how it turned out on the album with that loud guitar all over the fantastic final verse, but this was good. Axl sang it well I thought, beautful how the song ended too.

  4. As good as Axl is sounding right now, and with Catcher and Scraped being played recently, I dont think TWAT is out of the question for an upcoming show. Even though it seems TWAT is just as hard for Axl to sing as Scraped or Prostitute, would still love to hear it.

    Axl's voice so good now he should do Estranged.

  5. Im very impressed with the recent shows and the great videos on tube, like grassu075 and kodrutzzzzz HD videos from Bucharest. Im sitting here grinning from ear to ear watching them.

    And, the sound mixing seems fine as well, vocals seem loud and clear compared to other shows.

  6. Axl is sounding so fucking good at the moment, it is insane.

    Agreed! He's come such a long way since Reading, a month of touring and he's as sharp as a razor.

    Paradise City from Romania was a treat too, best Paradise City Ive heard in a long time and in 1080p :)

  7. Amazing version of This I Love, Axl can still be awesome even though he needs to seriously do some cardio.

    He did sound a little winded in the beginning of the song, and also didnt hold the notes as long as on other performances. He did much, much better in Belfast though:)

    Regarding Reading, it was unfortunate that it was so early after the break from touring. We all know Axl gets better as the tour progresses.

  8. THIS I LOVE last night -


    After seeing these nice performances its clear that some of these 'reviewers' have some giant sticks up their ass. That ridiculous 'review' in which he slags everything from Axl's skin to the 'cheap' jacket..Im mean..come the fukk on!! Give it a rest already!

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