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Posts posted by Gagarin

  1. 1 minute ago, TheSeeker said:

    Does anyone still have the shit-quality recording of "IRS" from Eddie Trunk's radio show in 2003?

    I was wondering if the lyrics from the new 1999 leak are the same as in that 2003 recording - Axl's phrasing is different in a lot of spots than what he sang on the final album

    Trying to figure out how many times he re-recorded the vocals

    The vocals and lyrics are identical. The Trunk recording was the 99 recording, I am nearly sure.

  2. For me it was one of those statements - "this is what he was working on, this is what he fought for".
    The extra guitars (By Bumble? Who does that bend at the start?) I don't like and I feel like the vocal performance is inconsistent.
    (Or maybe the performance is fine, I just don't understand the choices).

    The lyrics are strange in places and downright cryptic. This is one of those songs I'd like to hear an explanation about.

    1. Who's "you"
    2. "Love that you fed by perversion and pain" - how do you feed love with those things? What does that look like?
    3. "Forgive what you have / for what you might lose" - interesting and unique phrasing, but how does it work? Forgive what you have or lose more?
    4. "If not for the ones / That you could not save" - who are the ones 'you' couldn't save? If not for? Why would she/he have turned to them?
    5. "turned to the hearts of the ones that you would not save" - WOULD not save, why wouldn't the person?
    6. "Reasons they'e taught us" - what reasons? Why do they give way?

      So, I love the song, but there's so much I don't understand.
      Also the outro and all the underlying piano and effects is just amazing. There is a ton going on there with that song.
  3. Here's the thing - "sounded fine" at the shows "I was at" is way, way, way different from sounding fine on a recording.
    YouTube doesn't magically make things "sound bad".

    Nowadays Axl is for the most part on key, on pitch. What's missing is timbre aka rasp, etc - you can't really hear that in the venue through the PA. Because you're feeling the music move your freaking body and you're hearing the crowd and hearing the sound of the PA *move air*. But on a regular volume on a regular recording? You hear things. You hear things like "Mickey Mouse" or whatever, you hear him use falsetto and you year thinness and you basically hear it unblemished from the energy of the live event.

    So please stop "sounded fine at the show I was at", because YES, the show did sound good in the room and in the moment. Plenty of examples of shows that don't hold up even to that.
    But the recording might not sound good. World of difference of perception. Singing live - it's in the air and it's gone. Recording? It's there forever and everything has a light held up to it.

  4. Maybe if the vocals are worked over, because we've heard all the bootlegs! I want to hear a mythical representation of what the shows could sound like, LOL.

    (That's a thing about Live Era - it was much harder to get *every single show* back in 1999, now we have torrents of every bootleg ever and many of us have downloaded a fair portion of the shows. But Live Era was as close as many of us got, besides Paris 1992 which was easily traded/bought and Tokyo 1992.)

    I can't imagine a live album being easier to release than a EP or a new album from a label's cooperation and support point of view though.

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