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Posts posted by Rios

  1. wow that guy is an idiot! SR and if the world are not singles! they are just teasers for the real singles that we, hopefully havn't even heard yet.

    people like to dream. :rolleyes:

    you're getting your hopes real high and thats not good for you.

    Well sorry to disappoint YOU. But Madagascar, Better, CD, The Blues, Better are all better then these 2 songs and that's without hearing the rest of the album. These 2 songs are nice little experimental songs, GNR had tons of experimental songs on the Illusions.

  2. I understand your skepticism - smart move, you are, after all, a GNR fan. I'm sure several of us will call BBs tomorrow and get independent confirmation or denial of the 'Vinyl SKUs'.

    I'm a hell of a lot more interested in just what the differences are between 'version 1' 'version 2' and 'version 3' - thats what I'm hyped about :)


    I search on bestbuy.com but I can't find anything...

    Ugh, lol It's not gonna be on BB yet...

  3. It sounds pretty close to the version that was leaked a few months ago. The only difference is this version stops playing just right before the gay 'lalalala' part..... The song sucked monkey balls then and it still sucks monkey balls now.

    What a great insight. My opinion is a song never "sucks balls" unless the musican ship is shitty. Which is not the case. Otherwise it's "I'm not a fan of the style"

    To me it sounds more like something Led Zeppelin might experiment with back in the day.

  4. It'd would be very cool to have 3 albums at once. But for sales wise one album at a time makes the most sense. I'm thinking it's gonna be Chinese Democracy, Bonus Tracks/B-Side, Maybe Re-Recorded versions of older songs.

  5. 3 cd versions of the appetite re-release or Chinese democracy rellease?

    chinese democracy those 3 skus are all for chinese democracy cd

    Wonder if those could be DVD's?? Along with Bonus track CD's. Or maybe that's where they can release re-recorded songs.

  6. From Billboard

    "As first reported here, the set will be a Best Buy exclusive and will be available Sunday, Nov. 23, rather than the usual Tuesday."

    THE SET???

    what does this mean my friends?

    every best buy albums are done in sets of bonus discs and documentary or live dvd's.

  7. We are, in a certain way, part of the promotion. How many of us are talking about this to their friends? I guess a few of us.

    I think most people might have learnt their lesson about telling people that CD is coming out by now :lol:.

    I've gotta say that I'm pretty excited, but I'm just waiting for an "official" announcment before I put the date in my msn name.

    Ya tried that one back in 00, 02, 04, 06 ect...

  8. Yeah for old times sake a riot would be good for sales. Maybe if Axl stage dives at an awards show and bites some people...thats rock n roll you pop star asswipes. Triple Platinum.

    Good time would have been after the Vancouver riot in 02... That was on news stations every wheres lol

  9. (thread was deleted. so here's my reply here)

    'A recent conversation with a music industry manager had this usually insightful fellow proclaiming that "Chinese Democracy" would sell more than 1 million copies in its first week, but I can't see that happening. Guns N' Roses has hype but hasn't been consistently feeding its fanbase'

    I'll be interesting to see how well it sells. Metallica are massive, and have a huge fan base. Metallica, bar one member are the original line up. I think sold something 300,000+ units in the first week. Guns N'Roses, are Axl + hired musicians, and only those that visit these forums know about the album. Outside these forums, GN'R don't revieve much coverage.

    Nothing a good Ol Riot couldn't fix.

  10. Haven't these credible sites posted release dates before that turned to shit?

    Not saying they are lying but in GnR land things change so fast that today's fact is tomorrows lie, i have no faith it will come out now, i admit it

    Umm no. Not from Billboard.com lol

  11. From Hits Daily Double:

    GUNNING FOR TURKEY DAY: Guns N’ Roses’ long-awaited Chinese Democracy album on Geffen/ Interscope finally has a release date. The album will hit all Best Buy stores, where it is an exclusive, on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, Nov. 23, giving it a full seven days on sale before entering the chart on Dec. 2. Best Buy’s sales week runs from Sunday through Saturday night. (10/8p)


    from the "Rumor Mill" portion of the site :rofl-lol:


    Read the rest of the so-called 'rumors' on that page.

    It's all legit news.

    I'm not saying that the 11/23 News is set in stone or whatever - but it's not a crank site.


    kk I'm gonna go to bed now. I'll wake up go to my job interview and when I'm back I hope I see some more sources of this news or something official... Been a long 2 weeks.

  12. From Hits Daily Double:

    GUNNING FOR TURKEY DAY: Guns N’ Roses’ long-awaited Chinese Democracy album on Geffen/ Interscope finally has a release date. The album will hit all Best Buy stores, where it is an exclusive, on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, Nov. 23, giving it a full seven days on sale before entering the chart on Dec. 2. Best Buy’s sales week runs from Sunday through Saturday night. (10/8p)



    I'm assuming that's a legitimate site?

    Interesting, that'd be cool.

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