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Posts posted by Iceman24

  1. To those who think Dio era is not good.

    The Sign Of The Southern Cross


    And don't forget this man is 65 years old. He maybe can't touch his singing in the studio version, which is maybe the best singing ever, but he still can pull of this incredible song.

    Someone mentioned the lyrics before. I think his lyrics are so awesome. They are so moony. Absolutely love them. For example the lyrics of the song mentioned before.

    If there isnt light when no one sees

    Then how can I know what you might believe?

    A story told that cant be real

    Somehow must reflect the truth we feel, yeah

    Fade away, fade away

    Vanish into small

    Fade away, fade away

    Break the crystal ball - oh!

    Its the sign

    Feels like the time!

    On a small world, west of wonder

    Somwhere, nowhere all

    Theres a rainbow that will shimmer

    When the summer falls

    If an echo darts in dancer

    When it hears a certain song

    Then the beast is free to wander

    But never is seen around

    And its the sign of the southern cross

    Its the sign of the southern cross

    All right

    Sail away

    To the sign


    From the book, the word is spoken

    Whispers from forgotten psalms

    Gather all around the young ones

    They will make us strong

    Reach above your dreams of pleasure

    Given life to those who died

    Look beyond your own horizons

    Sail the ship of signs

    And its the sign of the southern cross

    Its the sign of the southern cross

    Fade away, fade away

    Break the crystal ball

    Fade away, fade away

    I cant accept it anymore

    On a real world, west of wonder

    Somwhere, nowhere all

    Theres a rainbow, see it shimmer

    When the summer falls

    From the book, the word is spoken

    Whispers from forgotten psalms

    Gather all around the young ones

    They will make us strong!

    Its the sign of the southern cross

    Its the sign of the southern cross

    Dont live for pleasure

    Make life your treasure

    Fade away!

    Eight miles high, about to fall

    And no one there to catch you

    Look for the sign, the time

    The sign of the southern cross, yeah

  2. Black Sabbath are awesome. I love the Ozzy and Dio era.

    If I had to chose my 3 favourite songs, they would be:

    The Sign Of The Southern Cross

    Heaven And Hell


    Awesome tracks and awesome bands. Tony Iommi is the master of riffs.

  3. Have these guys been big in Norway for quite awhile? I used to keep in contact with someone from Norway back in 2000, and once they sent me a burned cd with a bunch of songs on it. It had a few songs by this band, HIM. The one song that stuck out was a song called "Your Sweet 666" or something like that. Same band i assume?

    I found it kinda odd a couple years ago when all this HIM merch started popping up in Hot Topic and Spencer's.

    Yes, it's the same band. They are from Finland and they have been quite big in Europe since, let's say 1999 I think their last album reached the US Top 20, too

  4. i used to like HIM but since the past album dark light i hated them so i didnt bother with this one but perhaps i should? everyone's been telling that it doesnt suck as the last one

    Here you can listen to the new album http://www.myspace.com/himinternational

    Check out Love In Cold Blood and Sleepwalking Past Home (don't think it's the whole 10 minute track) and Cyanide Sun. Awesome tracks, really.

  5. Picked up their newest album and I have to say, it's awesome. I didn't like their last one that much, but this one rocks. It's way less commercial then their other albums (though I love them, own all HIM albums). The songs are way heavier and there's even some Doom Metal and some nice guitar work on there. Didn't know Lily Lazer is such a fast guitarist. rock3

    Outstanding is their 10 minute song "Sleepwalking Past Home". It's one masterpiece.

    Anybody got this album?

    I can recommend it. And if you don't like HIM, then at least check out the song I mentioned above. Really worth listening to.

  6. Accept - Objection Overruled


    Are you joking? Udo Dirkschneider is horrible. Seen him with his band U.D.O. by far the worst act I've ever seen, coming from a person who has seen bands like Kasabian or Lauren Harris. :unsure:

  7. I hate them. They've been terrorising Switzerland/Germany for the last, don't know 2 years maybe with their songs.

    In Switzerland, only little girls are allowed to like them. Every other person gets beaten up, which I think is a good thing.

    My mate once told me he almost fell in love with Bill, the singer. But then he found out she was a boy. :rofl-lol:

  8. It's hard to argue the brilliance of this song

    And yet, people do!!

    I honestly can't wrap my head around it... how can a human being NOT appreciate the greatness of this song?!

    I don't know why, it's just boring to me. Houses Of The Holy is an incredible album, but I sometimes skip The Rain song. The best song on the album is definitely No Quarter. That's one really awesome song.

  9. I think The Wall should be in front of Dark Side Of The Moon. DSOTM is one of the most overrated albums ever.

    No, it's not. DSOTM is way better than The Wall.

    I don't think so. DSOTM is basically a very boring album with a very few good songs. At least the Wall has stuff like Comfortably Numb, Young Lust, Hey You, etc. on there.

  10. No, it's crappy pop made for girls.

    :lol: Well.. that is your opinion... GOOD FOR YOU..

    Anyway.. I just can`t stand RAP..

    It's not an opinion, it's a well-known fact. ;)

    And what's wrong about rap?

    It's just not music. That's why I can't stand rap. I mean, I can talk about how much kick-ass I am in front of a never ending repeating beat and it's basically the same.

  11. Just checked out the site I from time to time buy stuff. Then I saw this: http://www.cede.ch/de/music-dvd/frames/fra...m?aobj=10159236

    It's Heaven And Hell's performance at the Radio City Music Hall.

    This is the setlist:

    1. E5150/After All (The Dead)

    2. The Mob Rules

    3. Children Of The Sea

    4. Lady Evil

    5. I

    6. The Sign Of The Southern Cross

    7. Voodoo

    8. The Devil Cried

    9. Computer God

    10. Falling Off The Edge Of The World

    11. Shadow Of The Wind

    12. Die Young

    13. Heaven And Hell

    14. Lonely Is The Word

    15. Neon Knights

    Anyone got this already? Is it good, quality wise and stuff?

    Dio is the man. rock3

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