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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. This is ironic. The most diehard 80s rock fan, the guy who got ME into GnR, isn't waiting for CD. He's like "I'll listen to it, and laugh at you when it sucks."

    Of course, this is the same guy who says Appetite was the greatest album of all time AND THE ONLY GOOD CD THEY EVER MADE.

    I think a lot of the old fans are worried about the direction--a lot of people didn't like Oh My God; and I hate to join the beating party, but he didn't look so hot at the VMAs...the canceled tours, etc.

    He's dug himself into a lot of holes. But I think if anyone can make this kind of a comeback, it's Axl Rose.

    Also, about the VMAs--the crowd's going pretty fucking crazy--so I don't nkow if you can say that he's not a hit anymore.

    Like the man himself said, "It's like, how do you take something that got so big, and replace virtually every person--and how do you make a bunch of guys who are already something else, and make em into something that already was? I don't think it's quite been done like this before."

    He's got a tough hill to climb. But on the other side lies the paradise city.

  2. Eminem is a great lyricist.....

    Eminem is an untalented idiot who he's in tune with his mediocre time.

    No wonder you like him WC ! :heart:

    yeh, hes so untalented hes become a legendary rapper <_<

    Just ignore Niveen and put him on Block, Digital..........

    waste of fucking time and oxygen......

    and I actually like some rap.....I don't limit myself to one genre'.......I do have favorites, but I listen to a bit

    of everything........I think you cheat yourself If you don't........a closed mind is a tool of ignorance!


    No shit man---Just got some Wagner today to go along with some European prog metal.

    Gotta say, of all of it, GnR and Black Sabbath are the two best bands of all time.

  3. Baggage...how true.

    I don't think baggage can be attributed to age. I think you can be severely fucked up at age 10--it's all about the depth of feeling that you have for yourself and the world around you.

    I envy the people who are detached from the world and don't let stuff bother them.

    But at the same time I can't, because I think by being detached, while you miss out on the bad times, you can never hit the highest peaks life can offer you.

    Seems like a double edged sword.


  4. There is a slight similarity in the bass lines--tempo; but I'm pretty sure the notes are different.

    I am so stoked---I'm bringing a CD player to Dublin just in case they're selling copies of Chinese Democracy there--I would kill myself if I bought a copy and only had my i-Pod.

  5. Haha--I think The Blues would make for a great single.

    I hope this is true--

    Everyone bow your heads and join me in prayer.

    "God of Rock, if you are up there, please gaze down upon we, the few loyal followers who yet remain to rock and roll that is true, and bless us with thy Horns of Glory.

    Let 2006 be the return of hard rock and heavy metal.

    Let 2006 be the year that Hilary Duff loses her voice in a tragic industrial accident involving alligators.

    Let Axl loosen up and share his heart and work with us as he did once, long ago, when we were young.

    Let Slash wake the hell up and USE HIS TALENT.

    Let Dio make some more badass albums.

    Give Ozzy another good couple years of touring so I can see him before he dies.

    And let 2006 bare the coming of Chinese Democracy--The Album and actual democracy in China.

    In your name, we rock on.


  6. I hope it isn't true.

    Just because he's a world-class singer and song-writer does not give anyone lease to skip practicing. As they say, practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. I want this tour to blow my fucking face apart.

    Here's to you, Axl, shine on.

  7. http://www.velvetrope.com/ubbthreads/showf...b=5&o=2&fpart=1

    Thing is, I have now heard it. Held a copy in my hand, artwork intact, and listened to it start to finish. I’ve got to tell you, it’s good. It was loaned to me by a family member of someone, (truly all I can say so no one gets in trouble as it was never to be out of this person’s sight).

    I’m not talking about comparisons to Appetite, that would be apples and oranges, but a more solid effort that Use Your Illusions 1 or 2. By way of comparison, it makes anything Velvet Revolver did, or will ever do, sound like just another Slash’s Snakepit album. Remember when V.R. was going to save rock? Didn’t happen, but Democracy may just succeed where they failed. When this comes out, Slash and co. are going to be veiwed as throwbacks, and after hearing this I honestly wouldn’t want a classic Guns reunion.

    Without giving too much away, and knowing that some of you have heard some tracks, this thing is going to do well. In my opinion, there are songs that are going to blow you away, (if you let them). Soundwise it is well recorded, and mixed to be played loud, (and why not). The songs are interesting with some filler, but not much. Forget about Axl being Industial, or Emo, he’s just being Axl. The band sound great and fit as GnR 2006 to a T. So much so, that when this comes out, people are going to say, “Slash, Duff, and Andy McCoy…er, I mean Izzy who?”

    This band IS Guns and Roses, and Guns and Roses are going to be big in 2006 and beyond. Chinese Democracy is going to be as remembered as Appetite For Destruction, and will leave a legacy in pop music as well as pop culture.

    Thank you for your time. Let the insults and disagreements fly.

    I got first dibs on calling bullshit.

  8. I think it will be the most highly downloaded record ever!People won't waste their money on an album that took 15 yrs to make.And to curb their curiosity,they will download it instead of buy it.Unless,somehow the cd has something on it to prevent it,which of course will probably get cracked lol.

    I totally agree with that. Most people will probably download it.

    But I have to disagree with the "won't get much play on mainstream stations" remark; this will probably get a mention on the cover of hte Stone, the massive GnR hype machine will hit, and the songs are not "hard rock/classic rock" sounding--they'll hit the mainstream, especially songs like "Better" and "The Blues". Just like November Rain made it big once long ago; The Blues is the (admittedly inferior) November Rain of this generation.


  9. I still cannot tell the difference between Adler and McKagen in pics.

    And when the Spin article first came out, I got all excited because I thought for sure the time was at hand...even though I should've known from the "14 minute rap/rock song" part...I felt like a fucking retard, cuz I should've known.

  10. Guys~

    I don't think the article is referring to UYI or Lies, I think it's referring to CD and the fact that honestly, even as a GnR fan, I have to admit that it's release/production process has been a fucking debacle so far. The botched tour, the constant lineup shuffling, etc. In the eyes of many, Axl has failed to live up to the AMAZING legacy he abruptly left in 93. I think it must be referring to CD, because UYI were undeniable masterpieces, critically and commericially; they were the first band in 15 years to have 2 albums in the top 200 billboards...UYI I and II.

    But fuck him, CD will come out, and it will be at very least awesome.


  11. I think afraid, in many ways, will be my first reaction. Afraid that after all this time, the expectations we all have will have overshadowed any album that could ever be made by anyone. Afraid that I've already heard the best material so the rest of it will feel like a disappointment. Afraid that it just straight up will not be that good. Afraid that the worst songs on there will be picked up by the ignorant masses and touted across the board. Afraid that it will rock amazingly hard and no one but true Metal fans will care. Afraid that the metal revolution will be kickstarted before its ready. Afraid that I won't get a copy.

    But after all that, I think there will be a great deal of satisfaction and contemplation, the same as there is after any long journey (and as an 18 year old kid, I consider a long journey to be anything that takes over a month, lol). I'm hoping it'll be out by my graduation, because I honestly think listening to CD and graduating will have a lot of the same feelings. Elation that it's finally here, yet sadness and reflection over the journey, and what it meant to me.


  12. Half the time I can't decide if I really love these tracks or if I'm just caught up in the "OMFG NEW GNR THIS WILL MAKE IT ALL WORTH IT!!!" kind of hysteria that all the Guns fans seem to have these.

    But I must say I am quite a fan of both the Blues and CITR...though I think the Catcher chorus could be a little stronger.

    But I honestly fail to see why everyone likes TWAT so much, to me it's just highly unrememberable.

    And if you guys have heard the Rock in Rio bootlegs, it's true, his voice, THE voice that we loved then, is gone, and in its place is something equally beautiful and unique at least in my opinion. If you listen to those tapes, he really does sound better (no pun intended) on the slower, ballad songs, ie Nov Rain and the Blues. And as a guy who learned that music could be emotional without being shitty from Axl, I honestly can say that I would not mind a slower album at all...he almost seems like he's out of breath on the faster ones...he just can't hit the same volume/pitch that he could, but such is the price of getting older. He's matured in many ways, and I truly believe that his song-writing has gotten better...

    And bollocks to those who say that the musicians are worse; or ever had that worry. Anyone who'd ever heard Buckethead's solo stuff should have known that he was amazing, and ditto for all the rest.

    And I don't know about the Guns N' Roses label. This band is clearly different, stylistically and literally than it was nearly 20 years ago.

    however, I have high hopes for Chinese Democracy; too much shitty music coms out these days.

    Pray with me to the gods of rock that this album will come out.


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