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mademoiselle aka jessica

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Posts posted by mademoiselle aka jessica

  1. Enough with the Madonna already...

    GnR board...HellOOOoooo

    Madonna is a smart woman and that's about it. It's true that she worked hard, but if you see her as a pop idol or sth like that...well...no comment. And if it's true that Axl will never be the icon that Madonna is, then the reality is really sad, because he deserves it a lot more. And yes, this is Gn'R forum, this whole Madonna praising is weird...

    Sorry, can't remember who said it, but Axl won't turn to Kabballah. And that's because he doesn't need that whole publicity around him, he already has a lot, even if it's negative. Axl isn't a publicity junkie. Madonna needs publicity to stay on top and she knows it.

    It were me asking.

    Thanks jacqueline.

  2. madonna is my female idol.

    she worked hard and she did everythging, dancing, singing, acting, business, record company ( she signed alanis amongst ohers on maverick) the whole lot, and manages a marriage and a family ..

    she IS this century's image of the modern woman achiever !!!!

  3. For you two, dark suits on reheads are a NO, because pale skin and dark clothes make one look more tired, older, and makes the skin look even paler and sick. Pastels are a must for redheads and always were.

    You have no sense of colorings. Axl does. He knows what suits him.

    Axl ? not on top of fashion ? are you joking ? you are joking, right ?

    Because i haven't read something so funny in a long while.

    Thanks for the joke mate ! :rofl-lol:

  4. Thats suit makes him look really old.


    actually, it doesn't, it makes him look slimmer and taller, the color suits his skin and eyes, he is on top of fashion and very elegant, which always was very important in london.

    I think you're probably too young and see suits as old people's clothes and if you're not young, you lack taste.

  5. i wonder what his gift to her was? :book:

    A signed copy of CD!!

    if you can reckognise the bag he is holding ? i don't, too small a piccie, but he was very elegant. Being there, does it mean he is into kabbalah too ?

  6. Axl,

    I do hope you get better very soon.

    I hope you don't disregard a full health check up and please listen to doctors.

    Low blood pressure has multiple causes and some can be very serious.

    Life is precious and you'd be greatly missed if you played with yours.

    Take care of you.


  7. Considering this tour had its load of difficulties, i want to thank the band for pulling through.

    I wanto thank axl for continuing when his voice was hurt, for being such an amazing artist.

    I want to thank Baz for helping and i guess, being there.

    I want to thank all the musicians for adjusting to new situations as the tour went on, it shows how great of professionals you guys are. it wasn't easy and you did it.

    I want to thank Izzy for giving me the pleasure to see him on stage after so long.

    And i want to thank Frank for " doing it" at such a short notice.


    Whatever will be written about last night is nothing compared to the courage this band has, and the courage to be ON stage when someone is sick.

  8. let the river run- carly simon

    if i could help somebody ( with my singing this song)- lisa nillson and tityo

    angie - rolling stones

    the rose - bette midler

    wild rose - nick cave

    jennie - falco

    one of us - abba

    jessica - seals and croft

    and a few others

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