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Posts posted by Coma.

  1. I think people are reading way too much into the wording here. I don't expect to see the cd this year, but

    "no longer has a scheduled release for this year"

    DOES NOT equal

    "Universal guarantees that this album cannot and will not be released this year".

    Didn't we pretty much all assume the album has no release scheduled? The phrase "this year" was sloppily added in that response and IMO unnecessary for the intended response. What have we heard from Universal or GNR (Axl) in the last several months to indicate that we should expect a 2008 release? Nothing new here folks, move along.

    Exactly. "No release date for this year" can simply mean they haven't been given a release date for '08 yet, which does not mean they might not be given one in the near future.

    This isn't news, its nothing.

    Anyways, who gives a fuck what HMV said? Whens the last time they gave us the right release date? Uhm..

  2. I don't believe anything from GNR, I'll wait untill it's out (if that ever happens)

    Shes probably just giving the fans a glimmer of hope to keep the fans happy this year.

    I want to be proved wrong though like everyone else I still have a small amount of hope :xmasssanta:

    So why do you come onto a website dedicated to telling people news from GN'R :question::confused: I really cannot comprehend why someone would waste their own time like that :/ If you're waiting for the CD to come out, you don't have to check here, you'll know when that happens.

  3. BBA stfu. What the hell does age has to do with anything? I still seem to know hell of a lot more about this band than you. At least im not some washed up loser age 40 who sits on computer whole day and dosent even have wife or girlfriend. Sorry for OFFTOPIC mods.

    1) If you weren't even alive when the real band was together and you are here saying this "Nu Era" shit is better, YOU ARE A CLUELESS FUCKING TOOL.

    2) I'm not 40, I'm almost 30.

    3) Washed up loser ? Graduated high school, went to college, graduated from college, work for a descent company, making descent money, own a home, drive a descent ride..... I guess that could make me a loser ?

    4) You're right, I don't have a wife. I have a live in girlfriend. ( Sorry, were you interested?

    One of these days you may have a girlfriend too, but til then, living with mommy will have to do.

    Give her a kiss for me. Trust me, she doesn't mind. :kiss:


    So why justify yourself to a bunch of 'clueless fucking tools'?

    Are you really that desperate for approval from a bunch of fags on a fan forum with nothing better to do?

    And fyi, of course if anyone actually thinks this line-up is better at this moment in time, there a complete tool. But, age doesn't matter. These guys haven't released a single thing, they can't be better..as much as I love & support 'em all.

  4. BBF let me play his guitar and I told him ''i love you'', he said ''i love you too brother''.

    U R GAY


    If it were Slash, then yes I'd admit I was jealous...but jealous of Ron Thal? Yeah, right.

    And about the Metallica/GNR thing - these two bands DID hate each other...it all stemmed from the Montreal show where Hetfield was burned and Axl had to quit the show 2 songs in to their set list because he couldn't hear himself (a good amount of equipment was burned). GNR walks off and a riot starts, Lars blames Axl.

    I have a bootleg from New Haven '93 and Axl dedicates Double Talkin Jive to "Lars". These guys can make up (having no reason to) but Axl and Slash can't? WTF?

    And yes Lars is a bit of a wanker because of the whole download/napster thing. That and Metallica haven't produced a GOOD album since 1991 (take Load and Reload for whatever they are - good music but NOT Metallica).

    I think Axl & Slash's relationship is a bit more complex.

  5. if bach says he knows the release date he knows it. you people are sick give the man a break.he is one of us an axl backer. if only more were like him we would still have some real rock n roll. axl and bach continue the tour into 07.

    Just ignore the haters, they like to bitch about everything & anything. Makes them think they have a purpose, just humor them.

  6. Rofl! If that was an attempt to call me emo, dude your way off :rofl-lol:

    Everything I said was true. People DO come on here EVERY day preaching bullshit about Axl being a liar and all this, then they actually think they deserve the album at all? Psssh, get the fuck outta here. Loyal fans who stick by the band deserve it more than people that come onto the internet and type shit. What? You think you got respect 'cause you got a few more posts than others? hooray for tolerance!h please...like that impresses anyone.

  7. Aha, no thanks. I like GNR, so I'll listen and support them!

    Axl lied, so what. People make mistakes, some more than others. Big deal

  8. Will it be released this year? No.

    Really? Yes.

    But Merck sai- Merck is an idiot.

    That's what it will say. :)

    You need a life boy. On here every day posting negative shit, get a life, or some fucking pussy. Looser. Think your e-hard hiding behind your computer typing shit like that? Pah, I feel sorry for you, would hate to have a life like yours

  9. seriously are you guys new????!!!!!!!

    do you think Axl gives a flying fuck if some people shout for a new album..This guy has had people riot at his shows and he could care less.......All he would do is say fuck you and leave the stage....

    Idiot? Me thinks so. Axl has been reacting to what the crowds have been doing the entire tour. Someone shouted out "Fuck the swedish police" at one of the gigs I went to and Axl made some remark

  10. Brain has quit for unknown reasons

    It's pretty obvious what the reason would be.

    And the shows were resheduled cos' they were putting finishing touches on album.

    Frank was found a while ago.

    Yeah. Whatever.

    You don't even belileve the album is comming out. Why are you here?

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