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Posts posted by Coma.

  1. Well how much have you actually seen Axl off stage? Alot of performers can seem very confident on stage, but shy in real life - Jackson, Freddie Mercury for example.

    He didn't look nervous to me, more un-confortable, like he didn't wanna be there. Which seems reasonable as he did have that guy just acting like they were real good friends, yet, they've probably never had an interview before. (correct me if Im wrong..which I prolly am)

  2. You people should know by the fact hes presenting that they won't perform.

    Anyone who actually watches MTV awards shows should realise that presenters never peform, say anything about thier own projects or anything that there not told to say.

    How naive some of you are shocks me!

  3. Has anyone ever..ever seen someone promote something for themselves on the mtv awards? Plenty of people go up that have just realesed something, and don't mention it.

    Just something to think about for those thinking about him saying something.

    I mean how shit would that be really, he'd be like, "and here are the nominies for the award...btw my new album is comming out in november go buy it =D"


  4. Which converse shoe are you thinking of?

    They might be actually :o They do have a star on the side...can't quite make out what they say on the bottom though, kinda looks like a C at the start

    Yep..must be. Dankee!!

    Jus' gotta find em now

  5. Right at the end, when there at the bottom of the ocean..what are those shoes!

    /me needs some!

    Obviously they won't have Axl writen on them, but were they actually sold?

    (Sorry if this is the wrong section)

  6. Its not out? Well no fucking shit sherlock.

    What are you hoping to achieve with this thread? Some answers as to why the album isn't out even though you know for a fact your not gunna get an answer..no, you just enjoy bashing the band.

    You say your concerned? Yeah, right.../me smells bullshit.. Im concerned about world hunger, don't see me making a thread. Cause no-one could give a fuck about your "concerns"

    Get a life.

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