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beautiful creature

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Posts posted by beautiful creature

  1. XFM play them too much, I hate them.

    Maybe I'd like them if they weren't so mainstream, shame.

    he-he...here in Russia even in big good music stores doesn't know that band... so it's your's mainstream... :rofl-lol:

  2. Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight

    Something vaguely controversial and that'll get the neo-Nazi fuckwits jumping out of their seats screaming 'I knew him first and I knew him well'.


    One Night Only - is a band...

    Just For Tonight their's song...one of officials of Moscow's League Championship Final 08

    You and me are the only good song they've done..

    worth of downloading???

  3. for me emo is a 14-16 years teens who always use make-up and dressed like... anyway...it's awful)))

    Well I think people who dress all weird like that with the chains, and the weird hairdoo's, and the spikes, the spripes, and the make-up are really gothic.

    Gothic is believeing in a way of life that is very different then others. (Like wearing cloths that are very different then other people)

    Being Emo is when you have a mental "didorder"/or belief/bad attitude that makes you depressed, gives you mood swings, Anger issues, crying sprees, Depression/manic depression/severs depression, eating disorders, or if your Bipolar, and/or have a bad life.

    There are real Emo's and thats what I call "Emos". They can look just like a regular person, and may not show any emotion when people are around, but if they are Emo" they do show/feel major emotion sometimes. But then there are also the wanna-be Emo's who are really Gothic. They stand out by their own appearence, and by their choice in role models, and choice of music. They often try to mimic the real "Emos" and will accept them into the Gothic group to strengthin the appearance of the whole group being true "Emo"

    as for me....we're all people.... so if you think that you're like no other....prove it with your words and deeds.... not with your clothes... that's posers....

  4. for me emo is a 14-16 years teens who always use make-up and dressed like... anyway...it's awful)))

    Substitute 'emo' for glam rock, hair metal...

    no way....those kind of children doesn't know motley crue, but they love tokio hotel)))

    Once again, you've missed the point.

    i'm from Russia....so...you can take me easy)))

  5. for me emo is a 14-16 years teens who always use make-up and dressed like... anyway...it's awful)))

    Substitute 'emo' for glam rock, hair metal...

    no way....those kind of children doesn't know motley crue, but they love tokio hotel)))

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