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Posts posted by frankwhite

  1. It's hard because Highway 61 is just pure cool and Blonde on Blonde is an absoloute epic with a great mixture of tracks but im gonna have to say Blood on the tracks because of the stripped down honesty of it all, tracks like you're a big girl now and if you see her say hello are just so touching and idiot wind is just fucking nasty, opinions people

    the first one n freewheelin

  2. And BTW ranking RHCP at #1 is just biased.

    There's so many rap albums better than that album, that are actually rap too.

    My opinion? It says "Adnan's Top 25", not THE top 25.

    thats the most ridiculous list of "rap" albums i ever heard.

    Aside from FNM and RHCP, which are debatable (other than Uplift Mofo Party which has a ton of rap on it), they are all rap albums, are you trying to tell me that Tupac, NWA, Public Enemy, Eminem, and Ol' Dirty Bastard etc. aren't rap?

    no what im tryna say is that the list seems to imply that the best rap is basically all down to a very small handful of people.

    I own only about 60 rap albums.

    In comparison to over 300 rock albums and 250-something blues albums.

    fair enough...

  3. And BTW ranking RHCP at #1 is just biased.

    There's so many rap albums better than that album, that are actually rap too.

    My opinion? It says "Adnan's Top 25", not THE top 25.

    thats the most ridiculous list of "rap" albums i ever heard.

    Aside from FNM and RHCP, which are debatable (other than Uplift Mofo Party which has a ton of rap on it), they are all rap albums, are you trying to tell me that Tupac, NWA, Public Enemy, Eminem, and Ol' Dirty Bastard etc. aren't rap?

    no what im tryna say is that the list seems to imply that the best rap is basically all down to a very small handful of people.

  4. im sick to my colon of people who rattle on about how awful things are yet dont like...wanna do shit about it. someone who complains when they have the solution is jus being silly. dont get me wrong, i dont ever agree with being satisfied but i dont believe im complainin for complainings sake.

    people who instigate revolutions whether in music or culture or whatever are jus people. people like u n me, theres nothing at all special about em other than the spark in their ass that makes em get up n do somethin for themselves. if it bothers u that much, get a guitar, get turn tables, get a fuckin ukelele if it grabs ur fancy n bash some fuckin noise out of it n if u mean it i guaran-fucking-tee you i'll be first in line to buy ur album :)

  5. Any fans of the Ice Man? I've come to appreciate him more recently. It's just that are are so many guitar players...

    fuck yeah! the master of the 'caster himself! bit of an obssession with all things cold but fair enough, i never critised snoops canine fetish so i dont see that i should start here.

  6. no offence to anyone english, but i find british hip hop REALLY embarassing cuz from what i've heard, tons of em have like, fake hip hop terminology that jus sounds stupid in an english accent.

  7. reviews like this worry me cuz it makes me wonder whether i got a blind fanboys faith as opposed to an objective eye. n the responses in this thread add to the worry because EVERY negative review has prompted people on here to go "oh, he's OBVIOUSLY biased" etc n no one can possibly seem to fathom that maybe someone objectively thinks they are crap. smacks of the aforementioned blind fanboys faith.

    fuck it, i like em, end of story for me.

  8. Bob Dylan's lyrics are way better than anything any rapper will ever be able to produce. And so are Bruce Springsteen's.

    And I'm not even comparing them musically, because I don't want to embarass rap.

    The best "rap" tune is Subterranean Homesick Blues. :book:

    really? well lemme find u one better :lol:

    [Verse One: Inspectah Deck/Rebel INS]

    Yo, aiyyo my rap style swing like Willie Mays

    My eyes Purple Haze, my solar razor burn through shades

    My grenades raid the airwaves, catch this rap page

    I glide like, hovercrafts on the Everglades

    Born master, with the faster blade, track slasher

    Manufacture poems to microphones, bones fracture

    Limited edition composition spark friction

    non-fiction, the calm bomb keep your arm distant

    Zero tolerance, dominant intelligence

    Wu original, true colors step from the melanin

    The most high, most try, to get close by

    and overthrow I, but choke, with they hopes up high

    I circulate the tri-state and vibrate beyond the Richter

    Flies sense to flock when they spot this live black person

    The crowd seducer black your third eye before I lose ya

    Verbal high I leave stars in the eyes of Medusa

    Top ten, parley like Cochran, and Sharpton

    narrow margin, of your odds to dodge the marksman

    Murder rap, kill you soft like Roberta Flack

    Words attack like a British Bulldog, observe the stacks

    hip hop is intense and amazing and rock naysayers r, to a large degree, jus jealous cuz someone kicked rocks complacent fat self serving self congratulatory and quite frankly, boring ass out of the top of the mainstream.


    I've already said my opinion, and there is no fuckin' way I'm gonna change it because of that crap you presented.

    i dont expect u to change ur opinion but u cant deny the talent that goes into rap cuz quite frankly, few can do it. this isnt especially directed to u but a lotta people here r callin hip hop crap n requires no talent when ok, if its not to ur taste then ok, but u cant say it doesnt require talent cuz it does. by the bucketload.

  9. Daamn. No love for Nas?

    I've only heard one album, and it has no place on this list.

    What do you think of the list, keep in mind I'm not really into rap, so I'm not the most informed person.

    I have only heard an unimaginable number of tracks as oppose to albums, I respect your list.

    See, that's where you're going wrong with your music listening program, albums are superior to a jumble of tracks in every way. This is not intended as criticism, but as friendly advice. My advice is to lie down and listen to a great album, that's how you can really enjoy and understand music.

    That's mostly due to my flawed computer and lack of funds. Excuses laid aside, I completely understand your view on this, Sir. One album I can suggest is Nas' Illmatic. Take a listen.

    even it was writte was pretty fuckin hot. jus after that it got a lil... :huh:

  10. Bob Dylan's lyrics are way better than anything any rapper will ever be able to produce. And so are Bruce Springsteen's.

    And I'm not even comparing them musically, because I don't want to embarass rap.

    The best "rap" tune is Subterranean Homesick Blues. :book:

    really? well lemme find u one better :lol:

    [Verse One: Inspectah Deck/Rebel INS]

    Yo, aiyyo my rap style swing like Willie Mays

    My eyes Purple Haze, my solar razor burn through shades

    My grenades raid the airwaves, catch this rap page

    I glide like, hovercrafts on the Everglades

    Born master, with the faster blade, track slasher

    Manufacture poems to microphones, bones fracture

    Limited edition composition spark friction

    non-fiction, the calm bomb keep your arm distant

    Zero tolerance, dominant intelligence

    Wu original, true colors step from the melanin

    The most high, most try, to get close by

    and overthrow I, but choke, with they hopes up high

    I circulate the tri-state and vibrate beyond the Richter

    Flies sense to flock when they spot this live black person

    The crowd seducer black your third eye before I lose ya

    Verbal high I leave stars in the eyes of Medusa

    Top ten, parley like Cochran, and Sharpton

    narrow margin, of your odds to dodge the marksman

    Murder rap, kill you soft like Roberta Flack

    Words attack like a British Bulldog, observe the stacks

    hip hop is intense and amazing and rock naysayers r, to a large degree, jus jealous cuz someone kicked rocks complacent fat self serving self congratulatory and quite frankly, boring ass out of the top of the mainstream.

  11. i been lookin for this album ages n i finally ordered it offa ebay. apparently its really...different. anyone ever hear it? if so, whats it like, what do u reckon? i know it was controversial for john n yoko being nude on the front cover but no one seems to mention the music. anyone whoose heard it i'd love to hear ur thoughts/opinion cuz i can't wait til it arrives :)

  12. axl seems to think its rock n roll

    gnr's sound is very unique, in fact there is nobody that sounds like it, slash made that unique sound of the guitar and axl's unique voice, only one other has come close to sounding like slash and thats tom kiefer, but thats all, which makes them the best ever GNFR4LIFE

    i've always thought of it as pretty generic blues based rock n roll with the odd venturing into Queenesque balladering and a pinch of "safe" experimentation with industrial type sounds. pretty much rooted in rock n roll though. most bands sounds are unique really.

    not really, i can see where u think the blues based, but never ventured into queensryche, ur way off there, actually axl despises queensryche

    also there was no safe experimentation, they had their own uniqueness, most bands are not unique at all, especially these days , they all copy off someone else, they all get their sound off someone else, todays music doesnt compare to then u are way off, obviously dont know what u are talking about at all

    calm down there boss :lol: it was VERY safe n still is, its not avante garde, its not way out there, look at ohmigod, silkworms, no big structure has been fucked with there, it's pretty verse chorus verse type stuff its not like...way out there n experimental, its actually extremely pallatable commercially. n yes everyone gets their sound offa someone but in the translation something new is created. example, by his own admission Steve Jones from the sex pistols was highly influenced by Johnny Thunders but in copy johnny thunders he inadvertedly ended up creating that kinda wall of sound rhythm thing thats copied now by all and sundry, most notably i suppose by noel gallagher. no need to get offended dude, i wasnt dissing the band.

    yep im talking bout original gnr material not the new crap, and i say crap cause i believe thats what it is, they made their unique sound then and it still stands unique, noone has touched it

    well if its the orignal stuff u mean then umm, aerosmith maybe? perhaps? jus with a lil harder edge? not that unique at all dude. if we're talkin AFD era i mean. Motley Crue, there ya go. if anything i'd say the new stuff is uniquer cuz its fuckin with the format a lil

    aerosmith yeah! aerosmith is a joke, do they sound at all like them , really do they , motley crue, yes they were awesome, but they followed more hard rock, guns were hard with the bluesy edge mixed in , im not puttin the crue down at all, but they werent unique

    aerosmith are a joke? Guns n Roses were HUGELY influenced by Aerosmith, by their own admissions. and then u say i dont know what im talking about, watch the interview in cbgbs with Axl, he's talkin about who GnR n Aerosmith play the same kinda music, i think he called it "american street level rock n roll" or something to that effect, n this is AFD era axl im talkin bout.

  13. axl seems to think its rock n roll

    gnr's sound is very unique, in fact there is nobody that sounds like it, slash made that unique sound of the guitar and axl's unique voice, only one other has come close to sounding like slash and thats tom kiefer, but thats all, which makes them the best ever GNFR4LIFE

    i've always thought of it as pretty generic blues based rock n roll with the odd venturing into Queenesque balladering and a pinch of "safe" experimentation with industrial type sounds. pretty much rooted in rock n roll though. most bands sounds are unique really.

    not really, i can see where u think the blues based, but never ventured into queensryche, ur way off there, actually axl despises queensryche

    also there was no safe experimentation, they had their own uniqueness, most bands are not unique at all, especially these days , they all copy off someone else, they all get their sound off someone else, todays music doesnt compare to then u are way off, obviously dont know what u are talking about at all

    calm down there boss :lol: it was VERY safe n still is, its not avante garde, its not way out there, look at ohmigod, silkworms, no big structure has been fucked with there, it's pretty verse chorus verse type stuff its not like...way out there n experimental, its actually extremely pallatable commercially. n yes everyone gets their sound offa someone but in the translation something new is created. example, by his own admission Steve Jones from the sex pistols was highly influenced by Johnny Thunders but in copy johnny thunders he inadvertedly ended up creating that kinda wall of sound rhythm thing thats copied now by all and sundry, most notably i suppose by noel gallagher. no need to get offended dude, i wasnt dissing the band.

    yep im talking bout original gnr material not the new crap, and i say crap cause i believe thats what it is, they made their unique sound then and it still stands unique, noone has touched it

    well if its the orignal stuff u mean then umm, aerosmith maybe? perhaps? jus with a lil harder edge? not that unique at all dude. if we're talkin AFD era i mean. Motley Crue, there ya go. if anything i'd say the new stuff is uniquer cuz its fuckin with the format a lil

  14. axl seems to think its rock n roll

    gnr's sound is very unique, in fact there is nobody that sounds like it, slash made that unique sound of the guitar and axl's unique voice, only one other has come close to sounding like slash and thats tom kiefer, but thats all, which makes them the best ever GNFR4LIFE

    i've always thought of it as pretty generic blues based rock n roll with the odd venturing into Queenesque balladering and a pinch of "safe" experimentation with industrial type sounds. pretty much rooted in rock n roll though. most bands sounds are unique really.

    not really, i can see where u think the blues based, but never ventured into queensryche, ur way off there, actually axl despises queensryche

    also there was no safe experimentation, they had their own uniqueness, most bands are not unique at all, especially these days , they all copy off someone else, they all get their sound off someone else, todays music doesnt compare to then u are way off, obviously dont know what u are talking about at all

    calm down there boss :lol: it was VERY safe n still is, its not avante garde, its not way out there, look at ohmigod, silkworms, no big structure has been fucked with there, it's pretty verse chorus verse type stuff its not like...way out there n experimental, its actually extremely pallatable commercially. n yes everyone gets their sound offa someone but in the translation something new is created. example, by his own admission Steve Jones from the sex pistols was highly influenced by Johnny Thunders but in copy johnny thunders he inadvertedly ended up creating that kinda wall of sound rhythm thing thats copied now by all and sundry, most notably i suppose by noel gallagher. no need to get offended dude, i wasnt dissing the band.

  15. axl seems to think its rock n roll

    gnr's sound is very unique, in fact there is nobody that sounds like it, slash made that unique sound of the guitar and axl's unique voice, only one other has come close to sounding like slash and thats tom kiefer, but thats all, which makes them the best ever GNFR4LIFE

    i've always thought of it as pretty generic blues based rock n roll with the odd venturing into Queenesque balladering and a pinch of "safe" experimentation with industrial type sounds. pretty much rooted in rock n roll though. most bands sounds are unique really.

    not really, i can see where u think the blues based, but never ventured into queensryche, ur way off there, actually axl despises queensryche

    i said queenesque? y'know, as in Queen influenced?

  16. axl seems to think its rock n roll

    gnr's sound is very unique, in fact there is nobody that sounds like it, slash made that unique sound of the guitar and axl's unique voice, only one other has come close to sounding like slash and thats tom kiefer, but thats all, which makes them the best ever GNFR4LIFE

    i've always thought of it as pretty generic blues based rock n roll with the odd venturing into Queenesque balladering and a pinch of "safe" experimentation with industrial type sounds. pretty much rooted in rock n roll though. most bands sounds are unique really.

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