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Posts posted by _shaggy_

  1. It's more than likely a 100% legit European promo that some twat has stuck a Hebrew "promo sticker" on to and priced accordingly. Looks pretty real to me. I don't collect GNR anymore but I've bumped into many Israeli "promos" of RHCP cds - they have just been the European/US promo with a shitty sticker on the front. Probably all being sold by the same guy - I certainly wouldn't pay any extra for one considering it's just a piece of paper stuck on to the jewel case. Would be nice if someone with knowledge of Hebrew could shed some light onto what it says. Discogs is a great resource but it's not that helpful when it comes to scarce promos - doesn't help that it's a ballache trying to add a release to the site.

  2. Great work on this thread, very informative! Big thanks to zombux for all his efforts!


    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask the question but does anyone have more information on the Alan Niven cds that were released back in 2005 or whenever it was? I've finally got around to sorting out all my old downloads and I was hoping to slot in the Alan Niven material in with the Appetite remaster. I have the program 'Spek' on my laptop so I decided to run the files through there and it shows that the FLAC files I have cut off at 16 kHz, indicating that their true bitrate is something like 128 kbps. Now, I'm not ungrateful - to hear these tracks is amazing. I'm just looking for any information on whether the files were ever truly lossless when they were shared. Going by the pictures from the ebay listings they look like your average early 2000s home mixtape cds so I'm doubtful that the original source cds were lossless. 

    I also checked the Q Sound and Ruff UYI mixes and they're truly lossless, which is awesome. I haven't checked the Niven Marquee files yet but I assume they'll be lossy just like the CORNCHUCKER, JUMPIN' AX FLASH and UNDER MY HEAL releases. 


    Thanks in advance for any additional info!

  3. A few years ago I bought a collection off of someone and it included a whole folder of old 80's and 90's clippings and posters. I ended up selling all of the collection except that and I have it somewhere so I'll take some pics if you're interested.

  4. They're one of my favourite bands and one of the bands that I've seen the most times.

    I'm more of a post-BSSM fan - I do like some of the earlier stuff but I prefer everything from '91 onwards.

    I'm really looking forward to the next album - hopefully Josh can really shine. I do miss John but there's no point him being in the band if he ain't happy. Would be cool though if he were to produce a future album with them. I really hope they get someone that can mix the new album properly - AK sounded way too loud on IWY.

  5. How do you guys feel about the Stones career since their reunion in 1989? I feel like they got back together for the worst reason--money only. It's obvious Jagger and Richards haven't been able to stand each other for a long time and that Charlie doesn't care either way, but tour as the Stones because on their own they couldn't hack it. Does anyone else feel that the Stones career--both live and in terms of studio output--has felt very artificial beginning with Steel Wheels?

    I mean, consider the '89-'90 "Comeback" tour...For guy who were only just about 50, not very old yet, the performances were overdone and lacking in any real energy or chemistry, compared to their live peak from the early '70s through early '80s.

    I agree 110%. The art, the muse has long since fell by the wayside. The Stones haven't made a good record since Some Girls if you ask me. There have been a sprinkiling of decent songs, singles and whatnot, but as an artistic entity they clearly closed up shop 30 plus years ago. They're strictly performers now- and that's cool. They had a great run. Not as long as Neil Young's, but they did pretty good for themselves.

    I get what you're saying but I don't think the post-78 albums are shit. I don't tend to mix songs from different eras anyway and that goes for every band - I wouldn't want to listen to WTTJ followed by Madagascar or TIL but that's just my personal preference.

    Artists change and so does their art - I can't remember it word for word but I think around '72 or something Mick said he was getting bored with rock music.

    Everyone pans Dirty Work as being a shit album but I like 5 or 6 songs on it so it's not that shit (to me anyway). One Hit (To The Body) is no Brown Sugar but it's still pretty good. On first listen I thought Voodoo Lounge was shit but after a few more it was pretty good once I stopped comparing it to their greatest albums. I think if their post-83 albums followed the same 10 song pattern as the 70s albums then perhaps they'd be viewed in a more positive light. While it's got nothing on Sticky Fingers or Let It Bleed, VL would pretty good if you cut it down to 10 tracks and you limited the number of Keef songs - albums with more than 10 songs on it piss me off if there's loads of filler.

  6. As I said, it reminds me of Status Quo. B-sidey Chuck derived pub rock. I love that album as well, Goats Head Soup, but Silver Train and Star Fucker are definite turds.

    I agree with your view of Silver Train but I have to give it a bit of leeway seeing as (I think) it originates from their golden period (68-72) of song writing. I did like it at first but repeated listens didn't do anything for me - perhaps it's a once in a blue moon kinda song.

    Star Star though is pretty awesome. The album version kinda sucks but it polishes up well in a live setting. I prefer to slot it in behind IORR (BILI) in playlists. I'd take SS over Coming Down again anyday. I love Keef but his vocal songs suck big time.

  7. I'm not a woman. In any case, I don't think it's ever right for a man to hit a woman. Would you support a 20 year old assaulting a 13 year old guy too even though he was cocky? Because that's probably the difference in physical strength between the two.

    My bad, thought you were a woman.

    I don't think it's right for men to hit women without provocation. I, personally, would never hit a woman unless she hit me (hard enough) first and I though my safety was at risk. Women shouldn't be able to get away with things just because they're women - if we want an equal playing field then everyone's got to accept responsibility for their actions. Regardless of what's between your legs, if you attack someone you shouldn't be surprised if they hit back at you.

    If she had done that on public transport in London she might have been stabbed. As I said, you never know who you're messing with. To me, the guy seems a bit simple in the head so it's lucky for her he didn't go full retard on her. This video reminds me of that one on youtube where those two guys hit a woman that's walking by with her boyfriend and he turns out to be a boxer and he puts them on their arses.

    I probably would support a 20 year old hitting a cocky 13 year old - especially considering what the youngsters are like these days. Pampered with no respect for anyone. Perhaps it would teach him a lesson. I would never have gotten lippy to an older guy when I was 13 and I would fully expect him to put me on my arse if I was talking shit.

  8. Yeah, who doesn't love seeing a man assault a physically weaker woman and punch her over and over again?

    Wow. Just, wow. How surprising, a woman automatically defending another woman just because she's a woman - apparently they do no wrong.

    Don't talk shit if you don't wanna get hit - you never know who you're messing with. That applies to men AND women, imo.

    Equal rights......

    Equal lefts :awesomeface:

    • Like 1
  9. I still cant get over troccoli finding 2 copies of LLAS in a $1 bin. Thats so awesome.

    Same here! That would be the day....haha!

    Some more info about the red dog artwork from the UYI2 CD and cassette would be great. It looks so rare, nice find!

    The red dog artwork is found in the CRC versions of UYI 2. CRC was Columbia Record Company, who shipped out cds and casstettes. I just happened to have it on cd as my copy I normally use for listening (not anymore!)

    Is this legit/do you have it?



    Also, how did you get that collection C album? Not dissing you or your amazing collection, but there's a lot of things that seem "off" about cover C to me (weird/badly printed artwork, 2010-2011 copyright date, no catalogue no., etc.). Nice catch with cover B, though, that's the one thing I want most that's GNR-related and "out there".

    Yes, that's legit. Was given to some people when they bought the vinyl album as a bonus.

    Tim, the first GNR demo tape from 1985 has Think About You, as we all expected in canterbanter. The only problem is we don't have it. We have the other 4 though. If you could transfer that, that'd be great!

    I bought 2 copies of that vinyl single from HMV back when ChiDem was up for pre-order/sale.

    Nice! May I ask how much they sold for new?

    Um, I think most 7" records at HMV were about £2.99 or £3.49 back in the day. I used to buy loads from there. You may be right about some being given away though (with ChiDem on vinyl).

    Honestly, it's been so long since I bought them and I can't find anything about them in my emails so I think maybe, I got one with my vinyl copy of ChiDem and then I bought a second one on it's own. I definitely don't have two copies of ChiDem on vinyl (12").

    Hit me up if you ever wanna sell a 7"....

    Sorry dude but I've recently just sold my ChiDem LP and both 7"s. Got some good £££ for them IMO considering the fact I've seen sealed ChiDem LPs go for $0.99 in the past.

    Below is the auction number if you're interested. I've got a bunch of other GNR stuff on ebay at the moment if you wanna take a look.


    Although it's kinda pointless having ChiDem/Shacklers on 7" when you're getting them on an LP, I did actually really like the artwork on those singles.

  10. I still cant get over troccoli finding 2 copies of LLAS in a $1 bin. Thats so awesome.

    Same here! That would be the day....haha!

    Some more info about the red dog artwork from the UYI2 CD and cassette would be great. It looks so rare, nice find!

    The red dog artwork is found in the CRC versions of UYI 2. CRC was Columbia Record Company, who shipped out cds and casstettes. I just happened to have it on cd as my copy I normally use for listening (not anymore!)

    Is this legit/do you have it?



    Also, how did you get that collection C album? Not dissing you or your amazing collection, but there's a lot of things that seem "off" about cover C to me (weird/badly printed artwork, 2010-2011 copyright date, no catalogue no., etc.). Nice catch with cover B, though, that's the one thing I want most that's GNR-related and "out there".

    Yes, that's legit. Was given to some people when they bought the vinyl album as a bonus.

    Tim, the first GNR demo tape from 1985 has Think About You, as we all expected in canterbanter. The only problem is we don't have it. We have the other 4 though. If you could transfer that, that'd be great!

    I bought 2 copies of that vinyl single from HMV back when ChiDem was up for pre-order/sale.

    Nice! May I ask how much they sold for new?

    Um, I think most 7" records at HMV were about £2.99 or £3.49 back in the day. I used to buy loads from there. You may be right about some being given away though (with ChiDem on vinyl).

    Honestly, it's been so long since I bought them and I can't find anything about them in my emails so I think maybe, I got one with my vinyl copy of ChiDem and then I bought a second one on it's own. I definitely don't have two copies of ChiDem on vinyl (12").

  11. Is this legit/do you have it?



    Also, how did you get that collection C album? Not dissing you or your amazing collection, but there's a lot of things that seem "off" about cover C to me (weird/badly printed artwork, 2010-2011 copyright date, no catalogue no., etc.). Nice catch with cover B, though, that's the one thing I want most that's GNR-related and "out there".

    Yes, that's legit. Was given to some people when they bought the vinyl album as a bonus.

    Tim, the first GNR demo tape from 1985 has Think About You, as we all expected in canterbanter. The only problem is we don't have it. We have the other 4 though. If you could transfer that, that'd be great!

    I bought 2 copies of that vinyl single from HMV back when ChiDem was up for pre-order/sale.

  12. Didn't get one for the o2 show :thumbsdown:

    sucks as I've never seen em before. fucking page was busy before I even hit refresh at 9.00 :jerkoff:

    all the £100 tickets sold out quickly. who's gonna fork out £400 for a seat?

    i really hope they add more shows

  13. greenday has always been awful minus 2 or 3 songs. i really wouldnt even call them punk

    We have a winner!

    Green Day kicks ass. Dookie is better than anything Gn'R ever did.

    Get the fuck outta here! :jerkoff:

    I like Green Day and Dookie's a great album but GD can't hold a fuckin' candle to GNR. AFD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CD>>Dookie

  14. Marc, Do you know how Axl felt about the entire band (including Izzy) joining together to write music at the beginning of VR?

    Also do you think that version (excluding Scott) would have worked better with Izzy & Duff taking over the vocals?

    Izzy fronting VR would have been a great band the only problem is Izzy is way too flakey to have stuck around long enough to make it work but I think Scott also did a good job when he first got there. Still would have been very cool to hear a few songs with Izzy involved. Izzy, Slash, and Duff working together is always going to be something good. You get Rock N' Roll mixed with Hard Rock/with some funk and lots of Punk. Its not really the same as old GNR because you would always need Axl's imput but it would have been the next best thing

    I've always thought that they should have done something together. I think Izzy/Duff/Slash/Matt would've been a fantastic band in the studio - maybe having Gilby tour in Izzy's place. Duff and Izzy could've handled vocals.

  15. This is quite possibly my favourite GNR performance of all time.

    3rd verse onwards - Axl's voice is fuckin unreal


    Yep, I've always loved that one too. Another one is the acoustic version of Don't Cry where the stupid bitches in the crowd are talking the entire time. The band plays their ass off and Axl gives these chill-inducing vocals during the climax of the song. What I loved about it is that the band didn't let the disrespectful crowd bother them, they just kept right on playing and kicked ass. The other thing I love is that it shows just how unknown the band was at the time and yet there they were playing one of their most iconic songs for a crowd that had no clue who they were. Another thing I love about this is it shows a humble side to Axl in the early days before his ego went nuts. He politely asks for the lights to be dimmed instead of being a complete jerk about it.

    Marc, did you shoot the above video at the Central?

  16. Marc, do you happen to know if the Appetite line-up recorded a demo of 'You Could Be Mine' during the Appetite sessions? If so, did you get to hear it? Did it differ much from the version on UYI 2?

    Also, can you shed some light on the drum machine demos ('Too Much Too Soon', 'Just Another Sunday', 'Crash Diet' etc)? Roughly when did they record them and what purpose did they serve? Like, were they intended to be on the follow-up to Appetite (or on AFD)?

    One last thing, did you ever hear a song called 'The Plague'?

    The Plague was a quick little something that they put together probably on the spot when they did the Sound City demos in May of 1986. I never heard them play it again.

    I don't know about YCBM. I didn't even hear it till UYI and the other demos I never heard except Too Much Too Soon which I think may have been done with LA Guns when Axl was in that band? I can't remember if that is true

    Hmm, that's interesting..... cheers Marc!

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