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you know who

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Posts posted by you know who

  1. 7 minutes ago, Skamos66 said:

    Final take on these for me, they are real, but not mixed nor mastered and the final version is still underway and will be better, treat this like a village demo leak.
    this could also be a previous version and not the reworked one, maybe this is an unhoard of an original version.

    Where did this account get them?

  2. i think its the best season yet! the episodes since they got back from the break have been great! all along people have been bitching that they never answer anything, now that they are answering some things people don't like it ;)

    go to http://dailyepisodes.com/index.php?s=1 they have a list of tv sites, one of them is bound to have lost :)

    if you wanna download it then go to http://www.watchlost.com

    the crazy thing is every singel one of those sites was a direct link to the same site that hosts the content and they were mostly broken..ahhhh and the watchlost.com dident have a download section anywear ..im starting to get itchie for more lost lol...

  3. What episode are you on?

    i recently just watched episode 1 of the first seasion and was hooked so i bought season 1 and 2 and watched them straight on my vacation..my plan now is to watch from season three episode one untill current online so im caught up to watch it when it airs ...

  4. NIN or Trent Reznor promotes GnR more than Axl promotes GnR so I would say this is relevant.

    beautiful lol..

    i know this is irelavent to guns n roses however i posted it here cause in my world it just was gonna go to waste ..i wanted everyone on the main board who were nails fans to see the info

  5. UPDATE: Enjoy.


    This is a straight rip from the album, it seems. Has the "01" tracklisting and album cover attached, which I haven't seen before...

    It's really just a lot of static but an interesting start to the album.

    P.S. Trent is purposely leaking these to the Internet (disks are being placed in bathrooms at NIN shows) to help the promotion of the album so I don't think it's violating anything posting the link here. I guess Trent is smart enough to realize that leaks can be a POSITIVE thing to further attention for an upcoming album unlike some other frontmen I can think of... ;)

    there not discs being found in bathrooms ..they are usb drives

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