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Lone Sal Bug

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Posts posted by Lone Sal Bug

  1. I think they are a very good band indeed. the most popular song by them, Id say is "Hurt"....now for me - i cant stand that fucking song. drives me crazy.I cant even liston to it anymore .it's erm i dont know, im not saying there shit, but that song isant for me, you may like it on the other hand. as do ALOT!!! of people. my fave songs by them are as follows

    Were in this togerther now

    Every day is exactly the same

    All the love in the world

    Hand that feeds


    A very different sounding band. defo worth getting into IMO :)

  2. Surely Axl cant go on tour yet again with-out an album, even he must know this..or people are going to start complaining ,tacking less intrest and most of all laugh at this band..what we got so far from C.D is leaks and live songs that were new

    after that, now..what do we get? an album? new leaks (LOL) a tour with more NEW songs ?

    we all want the album.. I think it's time for CD aswell doing anything else would be a silly move.

    I have faith in axl.

  3. the song "Hurt" ....I CANT liston to it. NIN & Johnny Cash,. ive listend to it 3 times. never!!!! again.It's sad and wierd. I hate it. I love alot of NIN songs that one though..it draws a bad reaction out of me. no-one mentions it around me.

    im sure you know the lyrics anyway

  4. ^^ i hear ya. yeh i can see your point

    But I'l just ask for them to save a copy of it for me.

    or i could order it and go there anyway the day it comes out, to make sure ive got it

    All im simply doing is Macking sure Ive got it!!!!!

  5. "Once it is finalized and official, you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons, you also will be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date, and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience."

    Isant that great? we may no longer feel in the dark anymore, we WILL be notified..Thanks Axl!:)

  6. This album will make millions simply becuz IT IS! CHINESE DEMOCRACY - the biggest most talked about album in the world.

    thing that i was wondering was...Will GnR and Axl, Become more respectable and more 'cool'

    y'know what am saying. today all i see is Emo shit. And that's putting it nicely Lol

    will people say "okok it's amazing GNR are back again!"

    will it be fashonable to wear newGNR tee shirts with out some 'trendy' emo dude laughing at you?

    we all know what we think of this album so far what we've herd. i personaly love it ,so far

    But the question is. what will everyone else think? what will noneGNR fans think

    im dredding it, i hope so much. i dont hear any of that "They are nothing with-out Slash".....

  7. i fucking hate people like him,

    they dont realise we have a colony of gnr fans just waiting to run him over

    Agree. It's just.. ARGHH!!

    They're those people that doesnt know shit about what's going on with the new band - "0mgg th3 new Gn'R sucks! why iz buckethead in the band? ??? who does AXl have those dreadlocks?? Gn*R is SlASH, why Doesss Axl cancel all hIs zhowz??" and I'm like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

    Thankyou, those people are all around me these days.

    agree'd 150%

  8. "it's not an intellegent song .It dosent have the anser to anything, But it's the Title track of the album

    *crowd screams* wich God willingly we Will! finish, *crowd screams*

    and its not neceraly about China, Its just that rite now China symbolizes one of the strongest yet most impresive Countrys and Goverments in the world."

    OkOk That is a short important bit he says in a long speech befor the song, and yes befor this he talks about that movie for a while.

    I love the song , its grown on me over the years and now the last verse's hit me, its great song but Shouldent be used as a singel imho


  9. Never has anyone perfected the in's N outs of a split of a relationship so well

    than Axl has

    Its one fo those songs were there is so many great bits, you'd have to mention about 10 of them

    the sing'n and the piano, hit me everytime. at the begin'in and end

  10. :Sigh:

    I guess none of you little punks have ever been in love - or at least no more than once. You always think that the person you're currently in love with is your soulmate. The funny thing about that belief is that it can be had about different people at diffent times in your life.

    As a famous Brazilian poet once said: love is eternal...as long as it lasts.

    Yes i agree, :Sigh:

    ALTHOUGH there are many people out there who for some reason, recon they know too well

    about everything of someone/somepeople they've never even met.

  11. Axl Belives she's His soulmate, for many lifes they shared. Hence "There Was A Time"

    now they've split. i wouldent be supprised if a hell of alot is about her, think about it!

    but not all of it, ha

    ummm...never mind

    Dont belive me? read it in one of the many offcial GNR books like i did, :)

    Those books aren't official. <_<

    ha, oh realy?

    strange how many people have read about this in alot of books , and maybe you should

    know Axl has a spiritualist as a good friend ect.ect :rolleyes:

  12. Axl Belives she's His soulmate, for many lifes they shared. Hence "There Was A Time"

    now they've split. i wouldent be supprised if a hell of alot is about her, think about it!

    but not all of it, ha

    ummm...never mind

    Dont belive me? read it in one of the many offcial GNR books like i did, :)

  13. Axl Belives she's His soulmate, for many lifes they shared. Hence "There Was A Time"

    now they've split. i wouldent be supprised if a hell of alot is about her, think about it!

    but not all of it, ha

  14. Yes i cant wait to hear this song. i think he means Heavy as in, emotionaly

    I read my Guns N Roses books often

    i got to abit talking about newer songs from new gnr

    Apprently this song "This I love" was ment to be on a New Robin Williams movie, but never did. I read this in my books btw.

    Im sure you guys herd also there was ment to be a new GNR song on "the devinchi code" aswell

    but obviously never did.

    None of the Less This I love , im Itching to hear!!

  15. How the fuck does Ron not look cool? If this is what you are basing on why you like him...show me a picture where he looks more of an idiot than a guy who wears a garbage bag as a vest.

    and i'm sorry, you can't be fuckin wearin a fuckin dumb ass snow cap with holes in it to let your clumpy hair out, with limp bizkit pants to boot, and fool us 3 months later with your new "classic rock" look. bbf has got to

    Oh yeah and what do you think Finck did these last few years? I remember him looking like a freaky goth...and now he suddenly has long hair and a beard, and now everyone is hailing him some sort of guitar god? He changed his look....just to fool us?

    Fair enough if any of you just don't like shredding or anything like that, but to say it sucks without any reasoning behind that? That's just stupid.

    Surely you recognize the talent it takes to do that stuff? If you don't then you are just a douche.

    And just to be clear, Axl looks pretty stupid now too. It's pretty obvious that he isn't wearing what he wants. Someone dresses him.

    you should go liston to Dragonforce, its so fast, but of course!!!! that means its awsome!!! :shocked:

    And DragonForce are awesome. What's your point? Not just because they can play fast ;)

    Just because it's fast doesn't mean it sucks :rolleyes:

    Of course not. i understand. y'know what im saying though rite? i wasent paticularly bitching about them, just helped me be a sarky git!, no offence peeps!

    and back to the BBF issue, i just like to take note of everything the certain member dose befor juging them .

  16. meet Bumblefoot and you WILL love him, he's so friendly i got his autograph ,s'on my wall behind this very pc

    and meeting him , nailed it for me.

    I could give a fuck about meeting Bumble. All I care about is how he sounds live. When I pay a $100 Canadian to go see GnR I want to be blown away by the guitar playing, and Ron just doesn't do it for me. I would rather meet Pitman than Ron, as Chris helped out with the creation of Chinese Democracy. Ron is just a glorified Gilby Clarke in my opinion. Don't you guys care about the music? If all you care about is how nice the musicians are you should be listening to Coldplay or some shit like that. Do you think Axl fucking Rose is a nice guy?

    Well theirs too many you of people like you around im afriad

    "blown away"? yesh im sure we all have been by all of the members preformance

    i do care about the music, its my life to be honest

    I care about how good the music sounds, in new GNR's case Amazing. i dont care

    wether the solo is Stupidly hard to do, or impressive. becuz since when did that mean it sounds good in the song?

    you should go liston to Dragonforce, its so fast, but of course!!!! that means its awsome!!! :shocked:

  17. You think you got it all locked up inside

    And if you beat 'em enough it'll die

    It's like a walk in the park from a cell

    And now you're keeping your own kind in hell

    And if your Great Wall rocks blame yourself

    While they all reach out for your help

    Then we're out of time

    More attention given to the plight of Falun Gong practitioners. Well done, Axl!

    YES i strongly agree the end of CD is amazing.

    and the best ever has to be Catcher in the rye

    "How a body took the body" is a important bit

    "On an ordinary day

    Not in an ordinary way

    All at once this song I heard

    No longer would it play for anybody

    Or anyone

    That needed comfort from somebody

    Needed comfort from someone who cared

    To be

    Not like you

    Unlike me

    And then the boy took that away

    From me

    So that it set the wheels in motion

    Haunts our memories

    You were the instrument

    You were the one

    How a body took the body

    Gave that boy a gun

    Took our innocence

    Beyond our stance

    Some type of moment

    There we got it"

    I love this song, and i liston to it ALL THE TIME

    and i honestly think the very last line just might be

    "All alone IM hurt today "

    In other words ..poor Axl..

  18. ...about THE INTRO not the song! :

    does anybody remember the "FAKE" SONGS titled THE POWERS THAT BE???...or MY FELLOW AMERICANS???

    if somebody knows what I'm talking about...the tunes, delay melody, vibrations and some other effects ARE EXACTLY THE SAME! :question:


    Well il check that out now.

    And ive always always Loved this song, even the first versions of it.

    there are many versions/live recordings of every new song, all added with special effects

    the intro ,pit(t)man ,BBF, axls singin' and of course the ending verses

    "you think you've got it all locked up inside......ECTECT"

    Fcukin Mind blowing :P

  19. You did!!Well I for one have seen too many faces in the band.I don't care what members the band has as long as it stays still.BF is cool yeah,but he and Axel should really get rid of those damn braids!They remind me of Milli Vanilli for crying out loud :laugh:

    LMAO well yeah the braids have always been talked about good or bad.

    but, hm y'know i kinda like them! it just shows again. a NEW band a new look.

    but they do remind me of some stupid star wars program with an alien with weird hair


  20. Yeah and Buckethead was cool...GNR had something to keep you curious...''Who's that freak with that bucket on his head?Man he plays the guitar cool!And he can break dance too!'',I bet Slash couldn't break dance even if he wanted to. :D

    ha exactly.

    ive always thought that. IMO Bucket was the best GnR guitarist of all time :o hahah

    Although BBfoot is awsome and very friendly guy. I met him.

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