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Posts posted by Maddy158

  1. the jams are so well put togeteher

    for one

    fortus doesnt even look at his guitar wich means he's memorizd what hes playing, wich is a minor sign

    plus there jams are ought to spill some of what they reocrded

    ive never seen slash play like that on the spot.

    and that phydelic jam , it just is something special , not just a jam on the spot

    i know what ur saying

    but what about the perfect timing , the effects and orchestration in the back and the piano isnt something u eould come up with right there

    plus axl would be crazy if he didint use that as a song

  2. No use there probably not allowed

    and bromle

    face it

    thats how the album will sound

    one of the geffen exec's said its gona sound like late pink floyd and zeppelin at the physical graffiti era

    and guess what , thats how it sounds like

    face it

    your not going to like all the songs on there

    and plus i got a right to my opinion

    why r u trying so hard to argue it outa me

  3. P2P??

    u stup idiot im talking about shit on youtube played by the band u idiot

    hey , is it that u dont like the jams and are having a tough time beleivng this is how its gona sound like?

    ....P2P my ass

  4. u know , when and if the album comes out

    and i find that those intrumentals are there

    ima rub it in ur face till the end of the year

    P.s-in the ;leaked setlist it put the 2 new songs didint it?

    so they may have just played the intrumentals instead of full songs to keep CD a surpris

    plus i got a right of opinion

    u cant stop me idiot

  5. anyone here agree that fashion and music then was way better?

    i mean now its like rap rap , i mean cmon those assholes have no talent , there producers r the one's doing everything

    , i seriously regret being born in 1990 , i missed out on van halen guns n roses and much more

    Who agree's 80's 70's music was way more serious and sounded way better than now

    Damnit i wana see zeppelin live

  6. i know wikipedia is updated by regular poeple BUT

    regardless of how crazy im going to sound remeber gnr land is crazy paranoid and a big conspiracy thoery generator

    Maybe one of the band members put it up there?

    i mean who would have just put october 9th

    we were all betting on september

    it also injects the magic word "tentative"..

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