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Posts posted by Kosonen

  1. He said in Nijmegen in 2006, something among the lines of; "people ask why I don't rant anymore, it's because I'm to damn happy."

    that`s it. That`s the problem. He`s just happy and fine. always thought the rasp needs anger, when he is pissed of = rasp. It`s like Axl is some brainwashed robot these days, nothing to say, nothing to prove.....just happy, after show partys and all., money coming in, people telling how awesome you still are, looking great, sounding better than ever......as long as money is coming in.....

    I miss Axl Rose, and hes rants.

  2. Very cool picture. I don't think Axl looks anywhere near as old as Steven Tyler does in this picture (or any other for that matter). I really don't know what Axl's sudden obsession is with all these naked chick t-shirts, though.

    Yes, he's moving around much less nowadays, but still...3 hours of dancing and SOME running sure should burn a lot of calories though. It's like a 3 hour power walk!

    His biggest problem is he doesn't seem to have any sort of exercise regimen. Theoretically, all his movement onstage SHOULD burn some calories, but considering he goes out boozing after literally every show it really doesn't matter.

    exactly. Of course it burns some calories. like, who knows 500? That`s 3-4 beers.

  3. CD is too serious. I think it`s a great album, But it`s too much to handle almost.....like getting sucked into all that depression. hard to listen. And I mostly listen to music these days to help my own depression issues, CD does not work for that at all.

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