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Posts posted by ge_n_roses

  1. "It seemed like the most happening thing to do. It was the most dangerous thing in Hollywood at the time. Everybody was completely bent on whooping ass on The Strip. So of course we wanted them to win. I used to get phone calls from the road all the time. Izzy'd be like 'We're out of gas, can you get us bus fare back, can you get us this, we lost the van...'. And just nobody would give in, we were just too pissed off to give in. I'm sort of one of those girls that likes to stir the pot. When Axl would do it, I could be like... It's only when I was actually trying to write. It was a couple friends, you know, both of us just sitting there, writing. You guys are going to be studying this one day."

    Thank you very much TheSeeker.

    I apreciate your quickly answer.


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