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Posts posted by Becket

  1. I'll tell you something..with 3 older sisters, each with a stack of records piled to the ceiling.

    One into Motown, one into the 50's early 60's shit, one into Beatles, Stones, Monkees etc, it was all right there from birth man.

    Literally, I was born in to hearing this shit all the time.

    When they would leave for school it was the same mantra every day "don't touch my records".

    Which of course I did. :tongue2:

    I can still visualize the Beatles albums leaning against the wall, I'd stand there and stare at them and think how fucking cool they were.

    I didn't know why, I just knew.

    That's the same as me. 2 older brothers. That's how I became such a big fan of Cooper since I was 5.

  2. No, many Maiden fans agree that from 1988 until 2001 Maiden went downhill and that the two albums with Blaze Bayley on vocal are pretty bad, however since 2001 their albums have been very good.

    I actually really enjoy X Factor. Defiantly far from being one of my favorites, Virtual X I don't care for at all.

    And P5 excellent post. Thanks for sharing. Hope we get a chance to meet up again at another Maiden gig in the future.

  3. Breaking Bad last night


    I could not stop lol'ing at the scene when Walt is eating dinner with Skyler and Jesse, that had to be the most awkward dinner ever LOL. Jesse was sinking in that glass of water . And damn I can't stress enough, Bryan Cranston is one of the best actors on TV. Walt is pure evil at this point. FUCKING HEISENBERGGGG

    I couldn't stop laughing too. I loved that part. So awkward.

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