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Posts posted by sidman69

  1. Hey guys, not sure how many of you still play rock band. I remember seeing some posts when Chinese Democracy got released for Rock band. There's a customs community that still releases DLC for the game. This past week they released four full band customs from GNR including the songs. Some of the songs even have keyboard parts and vocal harmonies. You can download the songs at customs creators.com All you need is an xbox 360 and an EA version of the game.

    14 years

    get in the ring


    Civil war

    in addition to the songs that they've already released including

    Paradise City

    It's so Easy

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Mr. Brownstone

    Don't Cry

    November Rain

    Live and Let Die

    Knocking on Heavens Door

    Right Next Door to Hell

    You Ain't the First

    This guy posted some of the charts on youtube and talks about the songs.


  2. actually Paul Huge was brought in during the fall of 94, duff was sober then because his pancrease exploded in may of 94, so i don't know where the stoned idea came from. It amazes me that anybody believes everything Axl says. Sure everyone is to blame for the breakup, it's just not slash and duff's fault.

  3. In his book Slash kinda eludes to the fact that they weren't particularly close. He spells out that they weren't soulmates, which made me laugh.

    In this interview (1990) I think he says their best friends but they don't really hang out that much but they call each other all the time to tell each other what they did during the day.

  4. Not interesting. Not funny. And ugly people.

    Did you actually bother to read any of my multiple warnings?

    Basically the whole show is in jest, they all make fun of each other as well.

    Not Frankie Boyle though, the presenter, he means every word.

    No he basically did "this (Insert Name Here) sucks" for criticizing axl in any way.

  5. Wow you guys are really pulling for this new album...lol pretty clear BY NOW it isn't coming out until this tour is over and they can FINALLY kiss the "chinese democracy tour" goodbye for good

    The band SHOULD BE releasing videos and singles for this tour. They're on the road and touring off the record they might as well make SOME effort to promote it...whatever Axl blame Azoff and Slash go ahead. Funniest thing is the best "thank you" they can gove the fans is a 30 second clip of better...instead of just releasing a full video, which at this point it's not like the video or the album could do any worse...but whatever. Deep down clearly Axl wanted chinese to be a flop, and he can blame Azoff and slash all he wants but bottom line he's had his opportunity to release videos and more singles, which could he still done positive things for the band.

    And Axl wonders why there are so many slash supporters on these forums LMAO

    The fact that you think that you know what Axl is thinking and what motivates him makes me "lmao." Its a shame that fans can't let the Axl Vs Slash thing die. Believe it or not, grown men don't live their lives based on what a band member that they split up with a decade ago is doing.

    you guys need to understand that the reason the whole rb2 setlist was announced at E3 in 08 was because it got leaked on the internet before hand. Historically harmonix releases bits and pieces and they've said in interviews that they will be announcing new songs in the future. I think for GNR fans like myself to show off the new keyboard peripheral we'll see november rain, estranged or civil war.

  6. John Stamos, Ashton Kutcher, Howard Stern, a couple of Jimmy Kimmel's band and Mark McGrath attempted to put some music together at Kimmel's music room and failed. At Louie Louie. Stamos became frustrated over the lack of professionalism.

    looks like we got another stern fan too. I love howard's LA stories, i wish i could have seen courtney cox playing the drums in the mini skirt.

  7. He put the pic up of Howard Stern and Rob Zombie up!




    Howard and John jointly told a story about hanging out with Rob Zombie and something happened to Rob's eye, causing it to swell up. John laughed: "It looked like he'd been hit with a baseball or something." Howard went on: "So we [all] walk into the hospital and the nurse almost drops dead." Howard laughed that she probably didn't know what was weirder, Rob Zombie, Howard Stern or John 'I play a doctor on TV' Stamos. Howard thought the funniest part of the story was when the nurse asked Rob for his last name and wouldn’t believe it was really Zombie.

    john seems like a cool guy. I am a huge stern fan and know he's a frequent guest on the show. like him even more now that he is a GNR fan. Isn't he also a decent drummer?

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