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Status Updates posted by Dariablue

  1. You didn't get the job you wanted and you live in Queens. Is life even worth living? Hang in there, sunshine!

  2. I was clicking the send you a PM thing and I accidentally clicked remove as friend. :(

  3. Didn't you say retarded was a euphemism for Australian? I still love you even though you dislike SATC for no apparent reason. But I've grown accustomed to that from you. ;)

  4. For the love of God, come back! I need one non-retarded person I can count on who gets it.

  5. It's still so weird not seeing your name on the board.

  6. Mss now more than ever.

  7. Hope you had a good weekend. :)

  8. Personally, I think that's a bad decision on Ms. Madison's part. Isn't it typically better to have middle aged women with wet panties contained in one area? Screw Axl's safety, I'm worried about the board as a whole. The greater good and all.

  9. If I've deciphered Sunny's comment correctly, he considers you a feminazi as well now. How exciting!

  10. OMFG nut$wingers is censored now and the dreaded other word lives? What in Sam hell is happening here???

  11. Even Madison is creeped out by the LI threads. Too funny.

  12. Don't act all high and mighty. You know you like to be tied up, smacked on the ass and than feed your man some Hamburger Helper. It's only natural.

  13. Thanks. I clepto'd it from a book. I hope that everything gets better for you! You're a smart girl, you'll figure things out.

  14. Good thing it's not just me feeling that way then. I've been overly sensitive lately.

  15. Wow, Fernando is online. Axl's breaking out the big guns. Slashites board wide beware.

  16. Riddle me this: If Slash in 'cancer' what does that make Axl?

  17. Thanks for the comment. The black pit of despair otherwise known as mygnr has drawn me back for I am weak of will.

  18. I didn't think you'd mind if I added you.

  19. Did you see what your favorite female poster posted in the DJ Ashba thread? And the class just keeps on comin'.

  20. If we started a Sunny Love In you could have first pic of jobs.

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