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Freddie Mercury's Ghost

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Posts posted by Freddie Mercury's Ghost

  1. I was trying to help you find more videos for "It's So Easy", but I forgot the videos have to:

    -not be shaky as hell

    -have Axl in the shiny coat

    Jesus christ, more power for you going through all the videos. Are you not going to include screenshot footage and/or proshot footage that's available?

    haha see... its a pain in the ass!

    about the screenshoot footage/pro shot, i dont want to include it...want to be totally fanmade, i used a couple of seconds of screenshot in "its so easy" but you can see the stage too, so it kinda doesnt count haha

    Do you want to include footage that has Axl consistently in the same wardrobe?

    I can help you find good HD videos of Axl in the shiny coat in my spare time:


  2. I was trying to help you find more videos for "It's So Easy", but I forgot the videos have to:

    -not be shaky as hell

    -have Axl in the shiny coat

    Jesus christ, more power for you going through all the videos. Are you not going to include screenshot footage and/or proshot footage that's available?

  3. Axl was planning on marrying Stephanie, she left him.

    So he went back to GNR to write about it, his bandmates wanted no part of his sappy ballads, and they also left him.

    The guy was emotionally fucked up, and the faith-healing bulshit he subscribes to didn't help.

    Didn't Stephanie say in court that Axl called her up looking for pictures of her dead dog?

    He needs a legit psychiatrist and less hangers-on.

  4. His voice during the performances and the nerve he had to release them. Axl of all people should be ashamed.

    What he should really do is release a 2009/2010 show on blu-ray and make everyone happen.

    The Problem Is: Axl sounds great during a lot of songs during concerts these days....and then not so much on some others.....Unless they rerecored some of the vocals I doubt he'd release it.

    PS: I don't think he'd sound that good on the uptempo songs if it was a pro shot dvd release...too inconsistent on those songs imo.

    They could always solve that by putting together performances from different concerts. Like take Chinese Democracy from a concert where he sounds good on that song, find a good Jungle and put it after that, etc.

    The concert DVD on Iron Maiden's Flight 666 is done like that (each song from a different gig) and it kicks ass.

    I agree with this - have Del sort through the footage from 09-10 and pick the best versions of each song like he did for the "Live Era" album.

    I'm sure the reason we haven't seen a DVD/Blu-Ray of the new band is because Axl wants people to come to the concerts instead. But it'll be a damn shame if they don't release some of the footage - the tour went great and the performances were great as well.

  5. At Rock in Rio 2001 Axl was still taking chances


    His physical performance at Rio III was *awesome*. He was really putting himself out there, dancing all over like a maniac. I feel bad that the sound mix sucked, because his vocals in Vegas a few weeks before were pretty good. No rasp, but he was on-key.

    2002 I try to forget even happened, but he looked ridiculous and sounded even worse than in 2001.

    2006 was Axl learning to not go out-of-breath by reserving his stage movement. He didn't have to do that in the 90's, but since he's older, it's a necessity.

    2009-2010 was the first time I've heard Axl feel comfortable enough with his voice to improvise and change octives in stride. He hadn't done that consistently since the 90's.

    Somebody mentioned the Columbus 2002 version of "Madagascar" as being "special". I think that was the one where he went improvised at the end. In 2002 he was struggling to hit the notes, let alone improvise, so that was indeed "special".

  6. Rough translation by Google:

    Several years ago, was loudly about your break up with Guns' N Roses. Axl complained to you that hold your edition of "Chinese Democracy."

    That was not true. Anyway, then it explained itself. Note that this album was released almost two years after our paths diverged. But it's understandable, because for so long had to be formed.


    For many reasons. When Axl was a member of the original Guns N 'Roses, he knew everybody in the team's role in the team. In the new reality, without any former colleagues, he had to learn it all over again. I take the time it took him. In addition, Axl is a perfectionist.Peoplesay they can not wait for the album 15, 12 or 10 years. For what reason? But do not know all the facts! They have no idea how much time Axl dedicated the album and how much money he had invested in it. The only thing that should be assessed, is itselfMusic . In my opinion, amazing, worth every moment we had to wait for her.

    How much is truth in the stories about the difficult nature of Axl?

    For professional reasons, I would prefer not to talk that way about their clients , current or former. I'll just say that this great artist, very dedicated to what he does, and very professional. Most of what you hear about him is nonsense.

  7. Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Frank, Dizzy

    There's your reunion lineup.

    The drummer situation sucks because Adler can't play the post-Appetite material, and Axl hates Matt's drumming. Frank would be the compromise since he can play anything.

    Without Dizzy they couldn't do anything with piano like Estranged and Live and Let Die, so he'd have to be there.

  8. He quit smoking and lost his stamina from being out of shape, so his voice wasn't raspy and he was out of breath frequently.

    The cancer thing that was brought up in another thread could be true, but we'll probably never know. The change in his look between Rio and late 2002 is drastic.

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