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About Charlierose

  • Birthday 06/21/1978

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Profile Information

  • Location
    South Australia
  • Interests
    Music, sleezey bar's full of hard rocking bands with a completely off tap insane crowd with at least 2 chicks per guy ratio. hot chicks of course, only the best for my sleezey dream pit uno. set in some city that wakes at night and the streets are fully of drug induced psycotica , all the violence , sex, drugs, graffiti, gig posters on every stobie pole. it would be awesome..much like the LA scene when guns n roses played just to get free alcohol, cheap women, and a never ending 24/7 party. <br /><br />But i really love waking up in mountains of my own stomach contents a few benzo;s to shake off the hangover and some oxy contin to rape my headache aways till the next time i from just your average white middle classed aussie wasted fucking youth that is crazy without help and completely mad with help and give me the microphone and i shit u not, youll be in ore of my madness i call sleezey rock n roll.. its just your average rock genre only dirty and not bordered by uptight record labels and lawyers with lots of messed up mindds.. wasted fucking youth copy,

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