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Status Updates posted by FuddMckagan

  1. This username takes me back...

    Stick with bacardimayne though. It's just more awesome.

  2. I didn't even say anything remotely bashing and your mad over it. I suggest you take a chill pill.

  3. gunsnfnroses.com

    be there

  4. BDO was awesome, Rammstein were the best thing there. Better than Tool or anyone else.

    They had flames going everywhere and tons of fireworks and shit, Til brought out a machete at one point and he was covered in blood wearing a butchers apron. Sounded amazing, crowd was into it, they seemed to really love the energy too.

    In other words, you will be going insane when you see th...

  5. I hate my internet right now

  6. I was just thinking about that comment the other day.

    You're better with predicting the future of nuGuns.

  7. Indeed it does. The only good thing about the news here is that it gives a show called "7 Days" it's material. It takes the piss out of the news, you see.

    Funny shit.

  8. Listening to Blind Melon and drinking Coca Cola, while the sun is out in a sky with no clouds. And it's not even Summer yet.

  9. I wrote "Don't Cry"

  10. I fucking love Serj Tankian

  11. No Soundgarden at BDO. WTF MAN

  12. BDO announcement in 5 days. No Soundgarden will make Fudd mad.

  13. hey mygnr, how bout a working search function?

    1. bacardimayne


      >implying anyone uses search anyway

  14. You must cringe at awesomeness.

    You have a picture of Axl getting hugged....cementing what kind of person you are.


  15. Oh well. It would've been a good run. As you will see in September, they are fucking awesome together.

    P.S- I've decided that Myles is better than Eric on Beggars and Hangers on. You didn't ask but I thought I should tell you.

  16. Well the new Alter Bridge album is coming out soon so he won't be completely gone ;)

    Plus he seems more stable than a few 'other' singers, so I wouldn't say that him and Slash would get all "GAHGUYGVUGK" on each other...

    Just yet.

  17. Blackbird fly away

  18. I was thinking of sending you a whole bunch of bagels. That oughta pay for an about me page.

    Well this was fun.

    Well done.

  19. Should I be scared about that little "..."

    But I am looking foward to seeing if anyones dumb enough to actually pay you anything.

    This could get legal. In the traditional sense of the word.

  20. I'm intrigued yet suspicious.

    thlakthl needs to be more prominent. One little video ain't gonna cut it.

  21. I have a wall of slaxl right next to me.

    But do it anyway.

    Like now.

    Do it.

    You know you want to.

    Do it for free.


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