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Posts posted by wildhorses

  1. What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    Killer first track off the next album :thumbsup:

  2. - He only slept a few hours last night and he was stuck in traffic earlier

    - Bubbles is with them

    - Show in Ottawa felt good

    - He's trying to learn stuff along to the tour to improve it

    - He loved the Montreal show and they had fans from all over the world

    - So did Toronto, but it was on the tail end of the two big shows

    - It's really hard on the band and the crew to have all these big shows so close together

    - Sounds like he is saying whomever planned the tour dates didn't think about this

    - Toronto show wore them out and they were tired, but he thinks it went well and it could have been a lot worse

    - Thanks everyone who has helped the band

    - Said the parties on the road have been great and so have the people

    so bts = MC2 :P

  3. .

    Axl Rose

    On Monday 1st February 2010, @axlrose said:


    8:51am Mission Quebec City: Slept a couple hrs. Stuck in Montreal traffic. Everyone's asleep. Bubbles is on board. Show in Ottawa felt good, felt really animated, dug Scraped n' TIL. Bringin' little things learned along the way into the overall or the "whole"! Montreal was a monster gig, felt we tore the roof off!! Had guests from all over Canada, LA, San Diego, NY, Las Vegas, Florida, London, Turkey, The Philippines etc. Toronto had fans from around the globe as well! Bein' on the tail end of a 2 on 1 off n' where rt after w/the size of r show was tough on not just us but the crew w/load in' n' out etc. not taken into consideration by others n' all the bts nonsense across the board 4 months w/all sides. Still w/everyone feelin' like bein' on the wrong end of a beatdown the show went good. (Coulda been a lot worse). The people everywhere have been so great 2 all of us! A heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped pull through all of that n' make 'em memorable! Parties were off da chain!! N' again peeps were so great!! Gots ta rage a bit where n' when ya can!!

    Short: http://tl.gd/6gtrc | Posted from Tweetie iPhone

  4. Maybe "Cops do not take responsibility" Is a reference to the whole Slash t shirt thing. Maybe the security team wont take responsibility for their decision to ban Slash related items.

    Read between the lines people! :book:

    Or, or maybe they just saw the sign as it was in the picture and tough it would be fun to take a picture infront of it, like normal people, without a hidden message?

    Yes your right. If he wants to say something negative about Slash he will just fucking say it without any bullshit cryptic messages.

  5. Maybe "Cops do not take responsibility" Is a reference to the whole Slash t shirt thing. Maybe the security team wont take responsibility for their decision to ban Slash related items.

    Read between the lines people! :book:

    Why is it everytime Axl does or says something ppl always assume that there is a Slash reference in there somewhere?

    Most of us know Axl has never had a good relationship with the cops from an early age therefore instead of reading between the lines ,ppl should stop over analyzing his every action and referring it to Slash :sleeper:

  6. I have to disagree -- it's clearly Axl writing the Tweets, as he's using his unique style of writing (and abbreviations -- some of them may be 'texting' lingo, but a lot of them -- like writing "n'" rather than "and" -- are old Axlisms).

    I disagree. The style and text is totally different from anything he's ever written either in a press statement or even when he posted here on the forum. The twitter is written in teen slang.

    Regardless, I hope he (or whoever the person is that writes the tweets) will correct any misinterpretations people are having about his latest tweet.

    Go back and read the messages in the chats last year, he does. Obviously not in press statements, no one releases those using "2" instead of "to" but he did it quite often during the chats on here and on the other boards, also it's twitter, it's supposed to be abbreviated.

    Yep I agree its him. I'm in Axl's age bracket and I use the abbreviated "teen slang" while I'm texting and tweeting

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