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Posts posted by stratomaster

  1. Who the devil are they??

    I would have expected you to know them actually, John McLaughlin is considered as one of the best guitarrists in the world..

    Get Between Nothingness & Eternity or some song from that album.

    No I can't say I recollect hearing his name right now *ashamed*

    Is that the best album they did?

  2. Of course everyone would want to see led zep get back and tour but it probably isn't going to happen. It's all about desire and those guys have been there done that and been on top of the World decades ago now, plus it wouldn't be the band it used to be in it’s heyday and obviously John Bonham wouldn't be there. Seeing Zep tour would be the best thing ever but I doubt it'll happen. They maybe broke their promise a couple of times about not touring after Bonham's death but that wasn't a whole tour..

  3. Well your Uncle has good taste ;) I've read reviews about Live at the Island of Wight LP and it sounds like a pretty good album, I would have owened it by now only if I wasn't so skint all the time

    I just didn't think you would have heard of them, people I know (except for my dad) would be like "who is taste", "never heard of them" People just don't know good music these days  :rolleyes:  


    Yeah I know what you mean, last time I had a topic about them it got NO replies :mellow:

    It's pretty strange though you know, I consider Rory as like the second best guitarist in the world or something. I mean he's amazing!

    It's pretty shocking though what you say about good music, I mean I can mention Jimi Hendrix, even to guitarists and they will be one huge questionmark. It's just pah.

    And yes, my Uncle has an awesome taste, him and my Mother got me into all my music.

    Do you know Blue Cheer?

    None of my friends but one know who Hendrix was :cry: I used to play in a band in school and when it came to choosing songs everyone was just like errrrr.. something by Nirvana or whatever?.. :anger:

    Have you heard Vincebus Eruptum? :devil: a 60s Rock Classic! D'ya know Blue Cheer were friends with and played on the same bill as Jimi Hendrix Experience and Pink Floyd B) I love their frantic, greasy noise!!

  4. wink wink..

    I haven't heard to much of Rory to be honest but I do have one taste album called On the boards which I got a few years back when I was starting out on the guitar. He was a guitar player and musician with his '61 Fender Stratocaster and he even played the sax which was pretty cool B) When you listen to the album you realise why he is considered by many to be one of the alltime best guitar players, I loved the guitar in "It Happened Before, It'll Happen Again" probably my favourite song.


    How long you been into them Lindy? I didn’t think you’d be into this sort of stuff...

    Well I got to know Morning Sun when I was around 7-8 (my Uncle educates me good you see ;) ..) and then 1 and a half year ago I got Taste Live at the Island of Wight. Man that's one of the most awesome albums I own..

    Why didn't you think I'd be into it?

    It's very Jimi Hendrix Experience-like..

    Well at least what I've heard..

    Songs like Morning Sun and What's Going On are my favouriteones

    Well your Uncle has good taste ;) I've read reviews about Live at the Island of Wight LP and it sounds like a pretty good album, I would have owened it by now only if I wasn't so skint all the time <_<

    I just didn't think you would have heard of them, people I know (except for my dad) would be like "who is taste", "never heard of them" <_< People just don't know good music these days :rolleyes::lol:

  5. some linkin park songs are good hybrid theory is good but i haven't listened to it for ages and i checked the site nothing bout it

    breaking the habit is good

    Same here. I haven't listened to that album for a long time but it was decent.. I even saw them and lostprophets at the men arena but that was a long time ago.. :ph34r:

  6. never ever heard of em. but i like some Jimi Hendrix so maybe i should check em out ? or maybe i shud just stick with my tunage lol

    If you appreciate great guitar check 'em out for Rory Gallacher. Irish god :shades:

  7. wink wink..

    I haven't heard to much of Rory to be honest but I do have one taste album called On the boards which I got a few years back when I was starting out on the guitar. He was a guitar player and musician with his '61 Fender Stratocaster and he even played the sax which was pretty cool B) When you listen to the album you realise why he is considered by many to be one of the alltime best guitar players, I loved the guitar in "It Happened Before, It'll Happen Again" probably my favourite song.

    How long you been into them Lindy? I didn’t think you’d be into this sort of stuff...

  8. Hendrix makes the rest of the people on the list look like amatures. Thats how far above he was everyone else imo

    Yeah and the way he made it all look so effortless B) . I wish I had seen him, I only know a few people who have.

  9. I was just rocking out to Bumblefoot and fuck they were amazing. Top notch player and Bumblefoot is the 2nd greatest rock player (after SLASH)......I would encourage any metalheads to check out early Bumblefoot if you never really have!!!. Download "Igor Rocks" or "smurf madness". The band was really alot heavier than most people think.

    Have you got any links. I've only ever heard him play a version of fire (Hendrix).

  10. I was just rocking out to Soundgarden and fuck they were amazing. Top notch players and Chris Cornell is the 2nd greatest rock singer (after W AXL ROSE)......I would encourage any metalheads to check out early Soundgarden if you never really heve. Download "Rusty Cage" or "Jesus Christ Pose". The band was really alot heavier than most people think.

    no way is he a better singer than jeff buckley.

    Well I see you have a fucking Radiohead album listed as the best ever. Therefore I cant take you seriously when talking about hard rock.

    what are you on about you misinformed prick of a human being!

    :laugh: nice

  11. I dont mind them either. But I only have Hybrid Theory saved on my hard drive.

    It sucks if the person has died though - I cant believe so many people on here are heartless.

    I know, I couldn't believe what I was reading :angry:

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