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Posts posted by PTZ

  1. Best kind of psycho

    The kind that beats his girlfriends?

    I'm a huge Axl/GNR fan, but whenever I read one of those old stories about his proclivity to beat chicks I'm always taken aback a little and wonder why I'm a hug fan of this guy. I mean it would be understandable if he just hit one of his gf's as an isolated incident fueled by passion/rage, but doing it often and in public seemed to be his MO. It's kinda hard to get past that sometimes, atleast for me.

    i would fight frank before i would fight axl.

    That's because you're a racist.

    You realize Slash was arrested for domestic violence in 2000 I believe, as was Adler in 1997 and Adler was convicted?

    :rolleyes: I've seen you use that numerous times before. There's a big difference between someone having a verbal dustup with their wife every once in awhile (especially a rock star, not to mention getting arrested doesn't mean you actually did anything given the stupid domestic violence laws) and a guy who takes all his problems in the world out on 100 pound girlfriends on a regular basis.

    I would've expected you (a stalker against females) to know this.

    You don't know what any of these people have actually done and who 's guilty of what. None of us will ever know that.

    Adler has been in jail three times for domestic violence on three different women, so that wasn't a tiny dust up.

  2. Haha

    I think they would actually be pretty evenly matched. When Slash gets angry, watch the fuck out. Also he has a slight reach advantage over him.

    And I'm with PTZ, I can't wait until something happens between them on twitter or wherever and this board goes mental :lol:

    This must happen just once...just once.

  3. And I highly doubt it'll have any inside info or new information. Probably just the same copied articles Watch You Bleed used.

    If it didn't contain something that offended Axl, it probably would have been released by now.

    I pre ordered it two years ago when it had a September release date and that came and went and the book never surfaced. I sent the booksite numerous emails and was told that the particular book I ordered was being held back for litigation reasons. I don't know if that necessarily means Axl sued but I think that's a safe bet.

    Maybe they settled whatever it was Axl wanted taken out? Who knows, but just doing a search for it now I've found different release dates. Some say June 2010, while others say July 2010, and even a few say April 2006 and October 2005.

  4. Translation for all our non-english speakers:

    - He can't believe the Canadian tour is already over

    - They need a few days off to regroup

    - Thanks everyone for coming out

    - Thanks all the people who made it happen - Fans, production people, Baz, Danko, Bubbles, family, friends

    - Thanks the press for all the nice reviews

    - They some minor issues on this tour

    - Said they had some issues with scheduling and routing

    - Says a few people in the media twisted his Haiti comments and the Slash shirt issue/RIR story

    - Hurt himself landing on his ass

    - But it was a good run and he had fun

    - Wishes he could have hit Toronto earlier and stronger

    - Thanks everyone again

    - Thanks people for sending him happy birthday messages (I assume on Twitter)

    - Thanks the band for buying him 10 acres on the moon (no clue what that means)

    - He misses his dog Mojo

  5. Perez hates Axl. Slash was nice to him once and Perez can't like any enemy of any celeb that gives him the time of day. Hence his constant hatred towards Jennifer Aniston.

    But it was rumored Axl injured himself in Montreal. Who knows? I don't think it had anything to do with a "stunt" or Kurt Cobain.

  6. Axl says this is the last show

    he thanks danko jones and Sebastian Bach

    he thanks the crew, bus crew, catering etc

    team brazil and beta for putting up with all the shit

    []"seriously I'm lucky to be alive...."

    Wow, that was hard..I wonder what Axl went through for the past few years since the last tour to say that.. :(

    I love how honest and bold he can be..

    I bet the last three years have been horrible for him mentally. He looks a lot better though.

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